First of all, some breaking news. It is done! We have final permission to put our tent in the heart of Marysville. The opening night is Sunday March 10 at 6 PM. The tent address is 1104 J Street in Marysville CA 95901. This is a call to action from Mario Murillo Ministries about California.
Workers are preparing to hit the neighborhoods and invite the entire community to come and see LIVING PROOF of the power of God. Thousands across America are praying for this historic outreach.

We believe that this is the first outpouring along the Highway 99 corridor that Mario saw in a dream God gave him about California nearly 6 years ago. We are obeying the Holy Spirit by following highway 99 south to Los Angeles, touching many major cities along the way. Click here to read more about the dream.
We have detected a deep hunger for God on the streets. We already know we face a critical shortage of workers. That is why are calling on everyone who is willing to work to contact by calling 775 238 3473 or by using the link at the bottom of this page.
At the very least please let Mario know you are praying for thousands to come to the tent. The thrust of this announcement is to ask for your prayers and to ask for additional workers to help us bring in this strategic harvest.
More news! The Holy Spirit has made it very clear our next stop is the Stockton/Manteca area. While we have different locations available, we still do not feel we have hit on the right one. Again, please pray! If you know a potential tent site let us know right away. We believe that the meetings in the Stockton/Manteca area will be amazing and the results could be staggering. Please we need your help with this urgent appeal.
The Holy Spirit has commanded us to be bold and hold nothing back in these meetings. You see the rampage Satan is on right now. He is dividing, addicting, and perverting young lives in record numbers. Drastic miracles will happen to those who come to the tent.
The only way we can fulfill this massive endeavor is with prayer and willing workers. We can’t impress upon you enough how urgent this is. We have the literature, lights, sound, chairs, tent, food, clothing…in short, we have everything, but we need workers most of all. They will decide the size of this harvest.
One more announcement: We are participating in a special 530 Unity in the Community Service this Sunday night at 6:30 PM in Marysville at the Five30 Event center which is on the same property as our tent site: 1104 J Street Marysville 95901. To know more call 530 674 0400.

There is a place for you in a great act of God in our time! Please volunteer by using the link. And again, if you can help us find the right site in Stockton/Manteca, be a big hero and let us know ASAP!
God bless you, MMM