In This Issue
1. FAITH THAT REMAINS – The End of an Era of God – By Ron McGatlin
2. Kingdom Characteristics: Overcoming In The Kingdom – Video
3. News Headlines
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1. FAITH THAT REMAINS – The End of an Era of God – By Ron McGatlin
*Photo Credit: Ashford’s great red oak as captured by Marty Aligata of the CT Notable Tree Project on December 2, 2017
Fruit That Remains
By Ron McGatlin

- From the shadows of religious form and rituals to spiritual reality
- From dead religion to intimate spiritual relationship
- From studying about God to experiencing Him by the Spirit
- From knowing about God to intimately knowing Him and being known of Him
- From intellectually discerning the Bible to receiving revelation of the living written word by the Spirit
- From going to “church” to being the church (ekklesia)
- From a “church” growth emphasis to receiving the kingdom of God
- From striving to keep New Testament rules to living and walking in the Spirit
- From hoping to escape from the world to victoriously overcoming the world by the power of Christ in us by His Spirit
- From pastor-ruled clergy/laity “church” to gatherings under the headship of Christ by the Spirit with the spiritually mature ones (elders) training the immature
- From hierarchical “church” systems to relational apostolic networking
- From limiting spiritual function to a segment of our compartmentalized lifestyles to being led of the Spirit throughout every facet of our unified non-segmented lifestyles
- From an immature child of mixture (individually and as a corporate Body) to mature pure and holy sons of God, joint heirs with Christ Jesus
- From seeing the grace of God as a whitewash covering for our continued weakness and sinfulness to receiving the grace of God as empowerment to live holy lives
- From the beginning of wisdom in obedience by fear of God to the mature wisdom of experiencing the love of God
- From chasing after the things of God to resting in His presence and provision
- From a scattered people with spots of contamination and wrinkles of impurity to a pure and holy purified Body of Christ becoming the prepared Bride of Christ
Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord’s doing, And it is marvelous in our eyes’? Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a people bearing the fruits of it.
Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
First Published 02/03/2010
Watch This Video .https://youtu.be/BokuGUah7yo
Kingdom Characteristics: Overcoming In The Kingdom – Video
Clay Sikes – Dickey Welch – and Associates at Coastal Solar
A great video about spiritual and practical living in the kingdom of God.
3. News Headlines
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