Sona lay on a railway track waiting for a train to take her life. A Christian mission worker found her. Sona saw a woman whose expression radiated kindness and concern. When the woman asked why she was there, she sobbed gut-wrenching tears and told of her heartache. ‘Please, there is no hope for me. Just let me die.’ The missionary spoke of Jesus, of hope, of life after death, and the choice of where to spend eternity. She ministered God’s love to Sona, and together they walked away from the railway tracks. Days later Sona returned, but this time as a child of the King – and a railway employee! The very place she almost took her life became a place of provision and hope. ‘My Jesus gave me hope, I am filled with joy and will do His work until my last breath.’
Praise: God for divine appointments that lead to eternal life through Christ. (Romans 6:23b)
More: www.ttionline.org/suicide-attempt-on-train-tracks-leads-to-a-new-life-in-christ/ |
The indigenous Malaysian Church has tremendous potential for outreach to the Malays, but is fearful of authorities clamping down on them. Historically there is deep-seated resentment between the Chinese and Malays because of the favoured status of the Malays. However, many Chinese believers are now being trained in ministry to Muslims. Also, the kidnapping of Chinese pastor Raymond Koh two years ago has changed things. His whereabouts are unknown, but his ordeal has inspired the Church to intercede for him. While they pray for him, they also pray for the Gospel to grow in Malaysia. Now workers say that more Muslim Malays are receiving prayer for healing, and there is a cautious readiness to hear Christians talking about ‘Isa.’
Praise: God that Pastor Koh’s abduction is resulting in many Muslims understanding the huge gulf between the righteousness of religion and the righteousness of Christ. (Matthew 6:1)
More: www.windowreporter.com/praise-reports |
There will be a national week of prayer around the day we are due to leave the EU. This is an initiative, inspired by some Christians working in the Government, to invite Christians to come together to pray for our nation, without a political agenda – just praying for God’s will to be done – at this key time in our nation’s history. Individuals who cannot join others in city gatherings in Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, and London are invited to host a prayer event in their church, village, town or city. Pray for the nation to be mobilised in powerful intercession. To find a prayer event near you, or register your event, go to
Pray: for God’s purposes to be established in and for the United Kingdom. (Matthew 6:10)
More: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRyOzhdHXco |
Theresa May is considering Labour’s demands for a parliamentary vote on the UK’s future EU relationship as the price for backing her Brexit deal in her battles with Conservative Eurosceptics. She needs another 110 votes to get her deal through the House of Commons. Labour said the package of greater guarantees for workers after Brexit, unveiled on 6 March, will convince a few to vote for her withdrawal bill; but she could win dozens more representing leave-voting areas with a parliamentary vote on the future relationship with the EU. The view from Brussels is pessimistic, and many believe a delay to Brexit day is likely. Five EU diplomats said, on condition of anonymity, ‘Not much is moving. The UK keeps insisting on the same things, time limit and unilateral exit. We keep explaining why this can’t happen.’ Bulgaria’s foreign affairs minister said, ‘We are open to an extension of Article 50, but it should be with a clear firm orderly Brexit.’ See
Pray: for God’s Spirit to unite politicians under His banner for the future of the nations. (Job 22:28)
More: www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/mar/04/pm-considers-calls-for-vote-on-future-relationship-with-eu |
The growth of the Persian Christian community across the UK has prompted the Church of England to publish a Farsi translation of the Holy Communion service. They held the first Persian worship celebration in Birmingham on 2 March, saying it is a gift that demonstrates their commitment to welcome Iranians into the life of the Church of England. All Anglican churches with people from Iran in their congregations were invited to bring Persians, English, and those from other backgrounds. Although Farsi is the official language of Iran, a number of other languages are spoken. 75% of Farsi speakers also speak one of these other languages. We can pray for the Farsi mother-tongue believers to enter the mission field and reveal God’s love to the Kurds, the Lurs, and other Turkic language groups. See
Pray: for the increasing diversity of the Church to touch more lives with God’s love. (Psalm 2:8)
More: www.cofebirmingham.com/events/view/persian-worship-celebration/ |
Special Olympics GB provides year-round, all-ability, sports programmes for over 10,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities. Each year across England, Scotland and Wales, approximately 27,000 regular sports coaching sessions of at least one hour are delivered across 28 different sports. This coaching leads to an annual average of 100 all-ability, inclusive sports competitions. There are four levels of competition events within Special Olympics; local, regional, national and international. By entering competitions at one level, athletes earn the right to be considered for higher levels. From 14 to 21 March a team representing Special Olympics Great Britain will compete in the 2019 World Games in Abu Dhabi. Please pray and ask God to keep them safe and free from stress in travel and adjusting to a strange country and hot climate. See
Pray: for the 4,000 volunteer coaches and fundraisers to be strengthened and anointed as they help adults with special needs to reach their maximum potential through sport. (Matthew 5:7,8)
More: www.specialolympicsgb.org.uk/competitions/wsg-meet-the-team |
Plans for a new Holocaust memorial and learning centre in Westminster are currently being strongly opposed. The plans, first announced by David Cameron in 2016, have the backing of every major UK Jewish organisation and 170+ politicians from all political parties. A growing number of people in this country, especially the younger generation, know nothing or very little about the Holocaust, so a vital education centre for that generation risks being lost. The memorial will use 7% of the park, with the education centre underground. Whilst many genuinely oppose the construction without discriminatory motives, there is evidence of anti-Semitism from some opponents. A petition to save the memorial has been posted online, because it ‘could be stopped if we fail to act before the end of March.’
Pray: that nothing will stop the memorial from being built. (Psalm 53:6b)
More: www.change.org/p/save-the-national-holocaust-memorial-in-westminster-sign-the-petition |
The murders of two 17-year-olds in one weekend have catapulted knife crime back into news headlines. Jodie Chesney’s death stands out because she is the first girl out of ten teenagers who have been killed by knives so far this year. While most victims of murders know their assailant, reports suggest Jodie was stabbed in the back by a stranger in a London park, in a ‘random and unprovoked attack’. Last weekend’s other victim, Yousef Ghaleb Makki, was killed in an affluent Manchester suburb. He attended a private school, and was planning to train as a heart surgeon. These two deaths show that knife violence involving teenagers is not, as is sometimes suggested, a problem confined to boys on tough estates. The homicide rate and the number of teenagers killed with knives in England and Wales is at its highest for a decade.
Pray: for God to bring wise pioneering approaches to a knife-carrying youth culture. (Psalm 119:59)
More: www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/mar/05/the-guardian-view-on-teenage-stab-victims-rising-youth-violence-shames-mays-government |
One in ten people know someone who has drowned and nearly one in five know someone who has nearly drowned. A survey shows that one person drowns every 20 hours, and thousands more have near-drowning experiences, sometimes causing life-changing injuries. Alcohol is a contributor to these statistics. It lowers inhibitions and impairs judgment, causing people to be more likely to take risks and get into trouble. It limits muscle ability, making simple movements much harder, slows down reactions and numbs the sight, sound and touch senses, making swimming very difficult. Over the last five years there have been 1,581 accidental deaths in the UK, and almost 30% of the victims (346) had alcohol in their bloodstream. Don’t Drink and Drown was launched in 2014, following a string of tragic drownings of young people. In 2017 there were 75 alcohol-related drownings, compared to 53 in 2016.
Pray: for the dangers to be advertised in schools and colleges. (Psalm 144:12)
More: www.rlss.org.uk/news/families-rally-to-support-dont-drink-and-drown-campaign |
Romania’s presidency of the EU Council comes at an awkward time. Brexit looms in a matter of weeks. Populist parties threaten to gain seats in European parliamentary elections in May. Sharp differences separate eastern and western European countries on migration policies. Romania’s justice minister has drafted an emergency decree to allow politicians to overturn corruption convictions, including the head of the country’s biggest political party; none of which contributes to a climate of optimism. Yet there are opportunities for better East-West understanding among Christians concerned with the future of Europe. Preparations are well under way for the State of Europe Forum, to be held in Bucharest on or around Europe Day, 9 May. It will promote biblical perspectives in the discussions among participants representing a broad spectrum of Christian backgrounds and disciplines from across Europe.
Pray: for God to be preparing the delegates, prior to the event, so that an even better unity can be achieved between people with different roots and history. (Exodus 23: 20, 21a)
More: weeklyword.eu/en/east-west-misunderstandings/ |
The grandmother of two orphans of French jihadists held in a Syrian camp is suing the French state for failing to bring them back to France. The children, aged five and two, are in the care of Kurdish militia and ‘in real danger without more international military protection’, said their solicitor, Ms Maktouf. ‘These children, born under terror, should not undergo further suffering. France has a duty to protect them.’ The boy’s mother was aged 14 when she ran away from her French home to go to the stronghold of Raqqa in 2014. Ms Maktouf said she will argue in court that France has a duty of care towards the two orphans because it is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. No date has been set for a court hearing.
Pray: for God’s intervention for the rescue and redemption of all who were affected by IS. (Job 5:18,19)
More: www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/03/05/french-grandparents-sue-state-refusing-bring-back-isil-orphans/ |
Hinduism is slowly growing as people search for life’s answers in religion. Of the 140,000 Protestant missionaries across the nations, only 2% serve Hindu people. However, Hindus from all castes are slowly coming to Jesus after hearing Bible stories; in fact an entire village turned to Christ after hearing His Word preached in their language! Ministry to Hindus is challenging due to the variety of beliefs, practices, and subcultures. Pray for people of all castes to follow Christ. Pray for Hindus to abandon their thousands of gods to follow the one true God, and for God’s real and present power to expose the myth of karma. Pray also for those who have left Hinduism for Christ, because that choice often means persecution, even death. New believers are considered threats to Hindu society and are relentlessly pursued or shunned by their community. Fortunately new house churches welcome these new believers into their midst.
Pray: for God to protect the Christians who have become outcasts in their world, and for house church movements to thrive. (Psalm 23:2)
More: www.prayercast.com/hinduism.html |
Elections are on 9 April and a new poll, taken after the attorney general said he would indict prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges, shows that he could not form a right-wing government if elections were held today. 68% of the public want him to resign now or after he is formally indicted. Following the announcement of pending indictments for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust through receiving gifts from supporters, and alleged media collusion to give him favourable coverage in return for political and regulatory favours, Netanyahu’s response was a combative speech declaring the investigation a left-wing witch hunt to aid the election of his primary rivals – the Blue and White party The poll currently gives Blue and White 37 seats and Likud 29. Netanyahu holds the record for the longest sitting single term of any Israeli prime minister.
Pray: for the welfare, wellbeing, and prosperity of Israel’s government. (Romans 13:1b)
More: worldisraelnews.com/new-poll-following-indictments-announcement-netanyahu-cannot-form-a-right-wing-coalition-68-percent-want-resignation/ |
War would be terrible for India and Pakistan, but for the people of Kashmir peace sounds like the same thing. Shelling has increased along the official Line of Control that divides Kashmir between the two nuclear-armed rivals. Indian and Pakistani warplanes occasionally roar overhead, and troops from both sides shoot at each other across the de facto border. Frightened people are praying that it doesn’t escalate into war. Mohammed Shafiq lives on the Pakistani side and built bunkers near his home years ago for just such an occasion. ‘We will use them if there is any attack from India in our area.’ Meanwhile JeM, a Pakistan terrorist group whose primary motive is to separate Kashmir from India and merge it with Pakistan, is accused of aggravating the situation with violent attacks in Kashmir. Although banned, JeM continue to operate there. See
Pray: for peace along what has been called the most dangerous border in the world. May God inspire UN action against JeM and their shadowy supporters. (Proverbs 12:20)
More: globalnews.ca/news/5015531/pakistan-jaish-kashmir-india-masood-azhar/ |
Colombian charities and churches are delivering food and basic supplies to families in Cucuta, a border town in crisis. Poverty, lack of services, and lack of medical attention is driving families to knock on church doors. Church members are hosting displaced families. The strain is noticeable. As this situation continues to unfold they are asking people to pray for the injured and homeless. Meanwhile Venezuela expelled the German ambassador for helping opposition leader Juan Guaidó’s safe return to the country. Many other diplomats were at the airport to receive him, but so far only the German ambassador has been targeted. Germany, which recognises Mr Guaidó as interim president, said the expulsion will escalate tensions. The US is revoking visas of people linked to President Maduro to put more pressure on him to resign. More rallies on the streets against Maduro are due on Saturday. The next few days are critical. See
Pray: that God will give Maduro a softened heart. Pray for a peaceful political transition, and for the humanitarian crisis to end. (Proverbs 17:7,27)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-47474317 |
21 Yazidis who were held by IS have returned home to Iraq from Syria. Most are children, young boys who were held by IS for five years and whom experts believe were likely to have been forcibly trained in IS military camps. The parents of many of these children remain missing. Yazidis are an ethnic religious group. IS targeted both Christians and Yazidis for genocide, although Yazidis were far more heavily targeted for enslavement and captivity. The effect of IS on the children of both groups is profound. Many suffer deep psychological trauma, and were denied the opportunity of childhood. With an entire generation impacted by genocide, many Christian and Yazidi leaders are concerned about the future. The brutality of IS across both Iraq and Syria has left behind deep scars, and has decimated the religious minorities who once lived in these countries.
Pray: for God to heal the scars caused by the dark workings of IS. (Psalm 73:28)
More: www.persecution.org/2019/03/04/21-isis-captives-return-home/ |
82-year-old President Bouteflika has not spoken in public in years. At public ceremonies or meetings his handlers place a framed picture of him on an easel. The government has announced that Bouteflika, who suffered a debilitating stroke in 2013, will seek a fifth term of office. Protests erupted, and continue. 70% of Algeria’s population is under 30. Millions are fed up with a state-run economy that is flagging. Despite demonstrations, Mr. Bouteflika’s circle still plan to wheel him out for April’s elections. Meanwhile influential legislators from the opposition resigned from parliament to support the grassroots demands for change. The stakes are high. Europe counts the country as a major energy exporter, a counter-terrorism ally, and a partner in controlling migration flows from Africa. A young population with high expectations no longer accepts an authoritarian system. Repercussions could spread far beyond Algeria. See
Pray: for peaceful protests, and that Bouteflika will withdraw from election. Pray that God will raise His leaders for the nation. (Psalm 9:15,16)
More: us12.campaign-archive.com/?e=2b376728db&u=7404e6dcdc8018f49c82e941d&id=d0f892923f |
The satellite launch facility at Tongchang-ri became dormant last August. Now satellite images show that rebuilding efforts began between 16 February and 2 March – either just before, during or immediately after Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump abruptly ended their second summit on 28 February without signing a deal. Though the satellite images provide useful information, analysts and experts express caution against reading too much into them without sufficient intelligence to complement. Amid much media and ‘professional’ speculation, a senior research associate at the Centre for Nonproliferation Studies said, ‘It’s possible that the activity at the facility is a chess move in North Korea’s negotiating strategy to ratchet up pressure on Washington. The site, in the macro-sense, is very transparent and the North Koreans know we are always watching.’
Pray: for serious peace talks to replace brinkmanship, and for level-headed reporting to replace speculation in the Asia/North America divide. (Psalm 22:27)
More: edition.cnn.com/2019/03/05/politics/north-korea-satellite-images-intl/index.html |
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