She sat near the front with no inkling what was about to happen to her. The Holy Spirit revealed the two precise locations of her physical problems. But then the details became so stunning that it hit the audience. By the Spirit’s power, I told her she had been punched in her abdomen and the side of her head. The Holy Spirit said that her assault was covered up but it would be exposed. She was already scheduled to be in court to defend herself.
One of the local pastors very familiar with her entire situation followed up and learned that the damage to her eyesight has now vanished as well as the damage to her stomach. He also knows she will win her case.
Why am I telling you this? Simply because this was only one of a number of healings that happened in the tent on Monday night. It was because of this, a buzz went out into the community. The result was that tonight was the biggest crowd yet. It was packed.

As I surveyed the crowd, my only concern was the fire marshal. Last week, I was told he was coming on Tuesday night. I assumed our Tuesday night attendance would dip from Sunday and Monday so I felt glad that he had picked Tuesday. Now, I was looking at a crowd that not was not only packed in…I couldn’t figure out how they all got in! This would be the worst night for him to show up.
Then the atmosphere changed into something we had not seen before. Youth were everywhere and God was doing a deep work in them. We thought we knew what God would do. Many had traveled from great distances to be healed. We were told people had flown in from Texas, New Jersey and Washington expecting miracles.
The sensation I am about to describe is not easy because I have never had it before. I could feel souls wanting Jesus. This hunger after God forced our regular program to go out the window. It knew that as soon as I gave the appeal to come to Christ it would completely take over the meeting. But even then, I still didn’t get it right.
Some told me that over 150 people came to Christ. Others said even more. But, as always say, only God knows the real number. What I do know, is that I had to make an emergency move. We would not take an offering—we would not have a normal healing service—and, we would not ask the converts to go outside. There were just too many of them to move.

I told the people that the need of those who had come forward must take priority. I told them there are too many souls that want Jesus for us to go on with the meeting. I asked all of those who needed healing to put their hand on their heart. We began praying for mass miracles. I exhorted them that because they had sacrificed the regular healing time for the sake of new converts that God would intensify His power to heal them. And indeed, you could feel healing power surging in people’s bodies everywhere in the tent.
Pastor Jim Carpenter and the many well trained workers waded into the massive harvest and began praying for them, counselling them, and making sure they were cared for. The audience had received healing miracles like they had expected but they saw souls transformed in a way they did not expect.
What will happen tonight? Only God knows but it is clear that a youth movement is forming, miracles are falling and a revival spirit is spreading fast! Marysville has take a turn toward a major move of God.
The dream I saw of Highway 99 turning into a raging river of miracles has indeed started.
