“The Times has exposed what hundreds of thousands of women have been saying for a long time now. Children are being fast-tracked to a lifetime of medical intervention. Now there needs to be a public inquiry as to how these (transgender activist) groups managed to get so much influence.” – Caroline Farrow

Dorothy Cummings McLean : Apr 9, 2019 : LifeSiteNews.com

(The UK) — [Lifesitenews.com] Former employees of a publicly-funded transgender clinic for children have called for an end to its experimental procedures. (Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com via LifeSiteNews)

For a top story today, The Times of London interviewed five experts who resigned from the Tavistock Clinic, the National Health Service’s one center for treating children who believe they are “transgender.” The five clinicians all allege that the Tavistock Center, run by the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), has been approving “life-changing medical intervention” for children and teens “without sufficient evidence of its long-term effects.”

According to The Times, the medical professionals left the Tavistock Center because of the way children with body dysmorphia were treated. They believe that some children were misdiagnosed as “transgender” merely because they experienced same-sex sexual attractions.

All of these clinicians were responsible for determining which children should and should not have puberty-delaying hormone blockers. In most cases, children who are given puberty-blockers begin to take “cross-sex hormones” when they are 16. The effects of these hormones are “irreversible.”

The Times, which did not name the Tavistock ex-employees, said they alleged that kids were OK’d for the life-changing therapies before the clinic had established the causes for their “gender confusion.” The venerable newspaper also reported that the GIDS had, during an internal review, voiced regret for its referral system and the way it got and recorded the consent from its under-age clients.

Meanwhile, the five clinicians also said they believe transgender charities like Mermaids, run by transgender activist Susie Green, do damage by “allegedly promoting transition as a cure-all solution for confused adolescents.”

The Times also interviewed Carl Heneghan of the Center of Evidence-based Medicine at Oxford University. He, too, described transgender therapies as experimental.

“Given paucity of evidence, the off-label use of drugs (i.e. what they are approved for) in gender dysphoria treatment largely means an unregulated live experiment on children,” he said.

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