If any part of your ministry is based on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube, you are already in trouble. It was not until now that the real attack on Christianity in America was revealed. I know that the church is about to be given an ultimatum to either change our beliefs or cease to operate in America;
People love to call me an alarmist. But I know what I am talking about. The radical Left has declared a very unusual kind of war on us—a war that Christian leaders will not admit is happening−and who remain totally unprepared to fight.
The Trump victory inflamed the Left so much that two years later they are still totally rejecting the election and denying the rule of law. Here are facts you must face:
Fake news: NBC poured 400 million dollars into Buzz Feed. Buzz Feed released a tsunami of fake news that portrayed Trump as a pervert in Russia. Only Trump was never there and we now know the entire incident was made up to destroy his reputation. Buzz Feed is only one of thousands of outlets that live to target you. The chilling part is that NBC, a gigantic and enormously powerful corporation was willing to undermine America.
The California revolution: Behaving as if America had been taken over in a coup, California has declared itself a separate state for the resistance. California Congresswoman Maxine Waters is once again moving for impeachment. She began this impeachment crusade even before Trump took office! Again, Trump is not the real target. California is a rogue state bent on changing your way of life.
What you must understand—the thing you must get—is, they are not just going after Trump—they are going after you. I am talking about 80% of all Evangelicals and 63 million voters…especially young people who voted for Trump. Young conservative Christians are in the cross hairs on campus for a reason. The media will now begin to attack Trump supporters as never before.

Get this! They are not just calling Trump a racist—they are calling you a racist. They are not saying Trump hates Gays, Mexicans, and Muslim immigrants—they are saying you do.
According to them, supporting Trump makes you a xenophobic, despicable racist and hater, who must have your rights revoked. They are trying to figure out a way to deny you employment and to deny your children an education.
Their election night 4-alarm Leftist hissy fit is only the opening act. Expect strikes, violent demonstrations, and a towering litany of acts of “civil disobedience.” As bad as it is now, just wait until the next election begins in earnest. You will witness vileness and venom you never thought possible in America.
Here is what I said on January 18th, 2017: “Obama is not going away—He will lead the charge. His true mission to undermine America will kick in now that he is no longer restrained by the presidency. He will lead a confederation of movie stars, politicians, billionaires, Muslim leaders and minions in the United Nations. Trump legislation will be throttled at every turn. The media will launch a withering nonstop assault on every word he says.”
Not only did all of that happen, it is only now we are learning of the blind loyalty to Obama in the deep state and the crimes his toadies in the FBI were willing to perform at his behest. The Democrat Party is feverishly reconstructing America into a land that is hostile toward conservatives and Christians. With Obama’s input they are imagining a post-Christian era. A nation without guns, without the protections of the Constitution, and a nation controlled by a single party−which will be openly Marxist, totalitarian, and atheist.
As I said, they are not going after Trump they are going after you and me. If this is true, how then should we prepare? Here are my heartfelt convictions of what we must do NOW.
1. Don’t let them bully you, learn from history. It is 1776 all over again. An oppressive regime has illegitimately claimed power over us. British rule then is very much like Leftist rulers now. Loyalists joined British forces in oppressing the colonists, and told them that their elected officials were not valid. Now they are telling us that Republicans are not valid.
The Leftist elites are not British monarchs or red coats, but they are telling us what we can, and cannot, believe. They are seizing our rights. They are seeking to void the Constitution. T.V. Networks and billion dollar companies are working to overrule not just a free and fair election, but to overrule anyone living a God fearing life.
The challenge of the church today is the same as it was in 1776. Revolutionary war Christians understood that they could not sit on the sidelines, as their rights were being destroyed. Their call was to stand for freedom.

2. We must fight with the weapons of God! Thank God, we are not waging physical war, but we are fighting a spiritual war. To fight, we must pray and speak the Word of God. We cannot afford to listen to those who say we should not speak out against Islam, immorality, or far Left totalitarianism.
Some ask “won’t this make us look unloving and turn lost souls off to the Gospel?” On the contrary, when we speak out with the power of the Holy Spirit it will shatter the strong delusion that is pervading our society. The demonic spell that they are under will be broken.
The early colonists knew they were building a nation that would be a lighthouse of the Gospel to the world. Do we realize what they did? Do you see how the iron curtain that these celebrities and media tyrants are ringing down on us will silence the Gospel, and leave Israel at the mercy of all her enemies?
3. Build on prophecy: If you believe that Trump is a miracle that is a type of King Cyrus, then act like it! Seize this divine opportunity to stand with policies that best reflect our values. Don’t chicken out now that the heat is on. I can’t believe how many Evangelical leaders have their head in the sand! Just because this evil seems fantastic and unacceptable to your sensibilities, does not make it any less real.
With the very same breath that we call Satan a liar…we must call falsehood out! Preachers all over America must ring the bell of liberty in their pulpits, and call out the intellectual frauds who are destroying our freedom.
They are not harmless actors and singers, they are agents of a Satan inspired tyranny that are not coming after Trump, they are coming after you. But remember, if God be for you who can be against you?
Let’s shed the artificial niceness. It is nothing more than cowardice. There is too much at stake to be fretting over “how we are perceived.” We must understand that we have lost elections for all the wrong reasons. Too long we have been the Silent Majority! It is because we didn’t unify…it is because too many preachers have hoodwinked us into apathetic acceptance of this takeover.
The awakened believer must link with other awakened believers. They must dump the religious culture of compromise and huddle with those willing to pay the price to let God use them to transform America back to ‘One Nation Under God.’ There are millions of us!
Oh, how the enemy has lied to the American church. If we find our voice—if we don’t break ranks—this Leftist lie will die an early death. Come on, child of God, what are you waiting for? Don’t say this isn’t your battle! How is that even possible−when you are the real target?