I am writing this to you pastors, because you have the power to unify and bring our nation back to righteousness, but you are not doing it. I am writing to you famous pastors. You have a chance to help our friend, in the White House, Donald Trump, but you are not. Here is my open letter to famous American Pastors who were silent at the time about Obama, but who now openly oppose Trump.
With all due respect, I believe you need to answer two big questions.

The first question is why you were silent when Obama was doing evil to America?
-Obama loaded our children with unpayable debt. You said nothing.
-Obama was the most hostile President toward the Bible in history. You said nothing.
-Obama not only fought to defend late term abortion, he championed the right to kill babies that survive an abortion. You said nothing.
-Obama opened the Pandora’s Box of political correctness that has those who are the real racists calling everyone else racist, and the true fascists calling everyone else fascists. You said nothing.
-Obama made our universities a sick joke of intellectual dishonesty, and centers of censorship. You said nothing.
-Obama is the one who changed and perverted the definition of marriage in America. You said nothing.
-Obama labored to endanger Israel, strengthen terrorists, and gave billions of dollars to Iran. You said nothing.
-Obama tried to drive the church underground. You still said nothing.
You never opposed Obama and you never said anything against him. Why?
Now for the second question. You never spoke out against Obama, but you are now outspoken against Trump? How does that work?
Ironically, President Trump is the one who stopped a stupid law that censored your free speech in the pulpit, and you are using the very free speech that he won for you to bash him.
Trump is working to stop abortion. You are not helping him−or even voicing your support.
In fact, some of you told your people from the pulpit not to vote for Trump. Had you been successful—Hillary Clinton would be President today.
Trump rebuilt our economy. He strengthened Israel. He is trying to secure our borders to keep our nation safe. Oh yeah! That’s a good reason to speak against him…
You don’t want a wall; you believe Jesus taught open borders. That means you have swallowed the Kool-Aid of the Left.
You are siding with sanctuary cities. You are allowing a system that protects killers to continue. This one especially hits home to me, because just recently in Reno, Nevada, where I live, a 19 year old who is here illegally from San Salvador, named Wilber Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, murdered four people.

You are siding against your own congregation. You are condoning a policy that floods the labor market with unskilled labor, even as robots are replacing workers. This impacts the life of the people you are supposed to protect. You are blatantly contradicting yourselves by claiming to be their pastor, even as you help make their lives harder and more dangerous.
I love you as my brothers, sisters, and coworkers in Christ, but on these questions you need to be publicly challenged. There is too much at stake. You represent millions of Christians who are looking for righteous leadership. Unless we stand together now, our nation is doomed.
Our immigration policies are in chaos because the Leftists oppose building a wall to keep out a flood of hundreds of thousands of cartel criminals, M-13 gang members, and drug dealers from inundating our nation. If you are hinging it all on these failed immigration policies, then examine your stance, and see if it is Christian.
Illegals are committing atrocities, rapes, and murders every day, and they will continue to rape and kill. Democrats who do not care about America, are desperate to regain control of the government, and they know that 70 percent of these illegals will vote them back into power. Ask God if you are not pawns in their game.
Migrants ride on top of a northern bound train toward the US-Mexico border in Ixtepec, in Oaxaca, southern Mexico, Thursday, March 10, 2011. The Mexican Senate approved last Feb. 24 a bill offering undocumented migrants greater rights, while stripping out controversial proposals to toughen enforcement measures. Migrants crossing Mexico to get to the U.S. have increasingly become targets of criminal gangs who kidnap them to obtain ransom money. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)
Lastly: is a wall and a secure border ‘unchristian’? Let’s ask Jesus. “But know this, that if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.” –Matthew 24:43
Rise up against what is happening to our nation. It is literally now, or never.