Hi Wonderful MOW / Greatest Awakening Family!
We are still receiving daily testimonies of lives that were changed, bodies and minds restored, healings, deliverances, and vision recast for a generation ready to see the Kingdom released throughout the earth!
Already more than were able to attend the last “Greatest Awakening” have registered for the next one November 7-9, 2019. In fact. based on the facilities we are looking at we are expecting 4-5X as many registered. Register early… and share this info with those who want to be there!
Watch the promo and please share it and forward it to those who may be interested. I’ve also included a second video with Derek Stock that is becoming fairly viral from the last event. Share it freely!
The Greatest Awakening Website is now up with all pertinent information and registration links (registering on Facebook is NOT sufficient). Go to www.TheGreatestAwakening.com or directly to the event at Eventbrite
Promo for Greatest Awakening: Fullness of Time (for the sake of the Name)

For more information please write to Naomi at events@themountain.org or if you have information regarding a facility write to susan@themountain.org. You may also call +1.860.837.0005.
Thanks for being a part of a Breakthrough on this Region, Nation & World! Your participation is extremely important because you are a carrier of the Love of Jesus to this world!
As with all our events, we offer them “free”, but do ask that you become a part of the solution of seeing these events happen. Our last event was completely covered by the generosity and love of each of you! Thank you. As always you can give directly towards the upcoming event at GIVING TO THE GREATEST AWAKENING.
Much Love… Abundant Joy… Overwhelming Grace,
Danny Steyne