In March, Prayer Alert intercessors prayed for an overhaul of the ethos of the Home Office, after Iranian Christian converts’ asylum applications had been unfairly rejected. Clergy have now been drafted in to teach religious literacy to hundreds of Home Office case workers tasked with deciding on asylum claims that involve religious conversion and persecution. The new training was developed with the support of Church House, Westminster, and other faith groups. Rev’d Mark Miller, vicar of Stockton, advised the Home Office on the training, and attended the first case workers’ meeting. He said, ‘In the session, I asked staff what they thought was basic knowledge. Most of what they suggested wasn’t basic knowledge, it was “name the Ten Commandments”, rather than the significance of a faith in Jesus.’
Praise: God for training focused on empathetic listening and informed decision-making. (Psalm 146:9)
More: www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2019/17-may/news/uk/home-office-asks-clergy-for-asylum-help |
Last week you prayed for thousands of pastors and their congregations as they worshipped together in Singapore, heard inspiring teaching, and stepped out in faith for a bountiful harvest. We have heard from the organisers that there were 5,485 enquiries: 1,910 about salvation, 1,525 rededication, 1,006 interested to find out more. 170 wanted to join a church. The three-day celebration could not have happened without the 17,000 ushers, counsellors, security crew, production crew, intercessors, interpreters, and countless others. Praise God for their willing hearts and labour of love.
Praise: God for the touch of His Spirit as thousands unpacked the basics of salvation. (John 3:34)
More: www.facebook.com/celebrationofhope.sg/ |
Trypraying is for the non-religious who don’t do church. Trypraying banners are appearing on buses, billboards and buildings. Some fly on a wind farm in Scotland, on the turnstiles of a railway station and one was on the route of the Tour de Yorkshire. Why? People pray when they see them, and it opens up conversations around faith. 400+ churches are currently using Trypraying across the UK and 40,000 booklets were printed and shipped to the USA, with 10,000 children’s booklets and 10,000 youth booklets. A Spanish edition is coming soon. Churches are using Trypraying, as is a whole diocese in Leicestershire! Other churches are joining it with ‘Thy Kingdom Come’. How does it work? Each person in a congregation thinks of and prays for a person, and then they give that person a Trypraying booklet to use and then hand on to someone else.
Pray: for many more faith conversations as people display banners, stock up with Trypraying booklets, and try praying. (Romans 8:14)
More: www.trypraying.co.uk/ |
According to church tradition, 29 June marks the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul. This year, Christians around the world will take time on that day and throughout that weekend to honour the legacy of those who have sacrificed their lives for the advancement of the gospel. Churches are invited to register and receive links to download free digital resources to inspire congregations, small groups, classes and families to witness boldly for Christ.
Pray: for many to be inspired by this material, step out in faith, and witness to their friends and neighbours for the sake of the gospel. (Romans 14:17)
More: www.persecution.com/martyr/?_source_code=EM19E3B |
In 2016 Richard Page was sacked as a magistrate and lost his position as a non-executive director at an NHS trust, after saying that it was best for adopted children to be placed in families headed by a mother and father. His barrister has now told an appeal tribunal that judges should not be removed because of political pressures.The case represents a watershed moment in this nation’s history. The tribunal is tasked with ruling on whether HM Courts and Tribunal Service (the symbol of justice and fairness in our nation) can dismiss someone for holding and expressing Christian beliefs – sincere beliefs demonstrable through social science, biology and psychology. Pray for Richard and his family as they cope with this long-drawn-out situation. See also
Pray: for favour with the tribunal. Much depends on the outcome of this case. (Zephaniah 3:5a)
More: www.christiantoday.com/news/former-magistrate-challenges-sacking-after-saying-adopted-children-were-best-placed-with-a-mother-and-father/132442.htm |
As the Government looks for a new owner for British Steel, Liberty Steel has been flagged as a potential buyer, with a clear interest in the Scunthorpe plant. At present 5,000 jobs are at risk: 3,000 at Scunthorpe, another 800 in north-eastern England, and the rest in various sites around the world. The workers’ wages this week have been paid, and the Government will pick up the bill from now on. Pray for the workforce, in Scunthorpe and elsewhere, now in shock; for the families with mortgages on their homes not knowing where their next paycheck will come from; and for local shop owners who rely on steelworkers for their income. Pray for vision, skill, and wise investment in the British steel industry, enabling it to flourish and for jobs to be retained. See
Pray: for wisdom to be given to all making decisions concerning British Steel. (Psalm 90:17)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-48365241 |
RSE (relationships and sex education) is a contentious issue. Several schools in Birmingham recently suspended the teaching of an LGBT+ inclusive programme, No Outsiders, after protests from parents. Stephen Fry and others wrote to the education secretary saying that political, religious and cultural sensitivities should not be allowed to thwart mandatory age-appropriate RSE from the first year of primary education. The signatories say that lessons should be LGBT+ inclusive and ‘inform older pupils about sexual pleasure for LGBT and how to achieve it for themselves and a partner’. They call for statutory enforcement of even more explicit teaching about sex; for further normalisation and promotion of homosexual behaviours and that same-sex, homosexual, and bisexual relations must be presented as equally valid, with no faith school opt out, or parental right of withdrawal. They said, ‘Our goal is to ensure that pupils leave school emotionally and sexually literate and able to enjoy fulfilling, caring and enduring relationships.’
Pray: for educators to protect children, especially younger ones, from learning about homosexual practices and same-sex relations. (Psalm 5:11b)
More: www.theguardian.com/education/2019/may/08/stephen-fry-backs-calls-review-new-rse-sex-education-programme-schools?CMP=twt_a-education_b-gdnedu |
Up to fifty patients who should be released, some with learning disabilities and autism, are stuck in secure units run by mental health hospital charities. St Andrew’s Healthcare treats up to 900 patients with severe mental health and learning difficulties. 90% of referrals are from the NHS and need specialist care. However there is a lack of suitable community places, so seclusion is the emergency response. Seclusion rooms are bare, with a hatch in the door for patients to receive food and have physical contact. BBC TV footage showed a teenager locked in seclusion, able to touch their parent only through a door hatch. Patients are supposed to be admitted to these units for nine to 18 months, but the average stay nationally is five years. One patient was detained an extra 524 days after they should have been released.
Pray: for the TV and news cover to be a catalyst for immediate actions and changes in mental health hospital care across the UK. (Psalm 12:5)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-48364784 |
Over forty representatives from a wide range of religious and non-religious backgrounds have written an open letter to the Home Secretary, warning against adopting a proposed definition of Islamophobia. They say the definition is ‘deeply problematic’ and ‘flawed’, and that officially adopting it could create ‘a backdoor blasphemy law’, restricting anyone from legitimately criticising Islamic beliefs or practices. Yet it has already been adopted by several political parties and local councils. One signatory, Tim Dieppe of Christian Concern, said, ‘The problem with the term “Islamophobia” is that it inevitably conflates the religion with the people. It may be that attempting to define this term in ways that will not restrict free speech turns out to be extremely difficult, if not impossible.’
Pray: for laws that already exist to remain unchanged. (Psalm 140:4b)
More: mailchi.mp/da3f24c19f07/christian-weekly-news-598665?e=354f1ab5aa |
Border Force officials intercepted four flimsy dinghies carrying 52 Iranian and Iraqi men, women and children journeying from northern France to the Kent coast. The people-smuggling gangs make thousands of pounds from sending refugees across the world’s busiest shipping lane. Concerns are likely to be raised that the Home Office’s decision to deploy cutters encourages migrants to travel in the belief they will be rescued and brought to the UK. Experts believe the number of arrivals will increase in the next few months as the weather improves. All the migrants were handed over to immigration officials to be processed, fed, given medical attention and undergo security screening. Meanwhile eight men and a child suffering from hypothermia were stopped in French waters and taken back to France. See
Pray: for the capture of people-smugglers, and effective policing of coastal waters. (Psalm 37:1,2)
More: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7047759/Border-Force-officials-stop-52-migrants-four-dinghies-trying-sneak-Channel-UK.html |
A survey showed that Poland’s pro-EU opposition has a ten-point lead over the ruling nationalists ahead of European Parliament elections – a sharp turnaround that some analysts linked to a film about sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church. The documentary Just Don’t Tell Anyone, which shows victims of child abuse confronting priests who had sexually abused them, has shocked Poles. The powerful Catholic Church has close ties with the governing Law and Justice party (PiS). The documentary has been viewed more than 18 million times on YouTube since it was released on 11 May. PiS has responded to public outcry by announcing tougher penalties for child abuse, but it has also stressed that the instances of abuse by priests should not be used as a reason to attack the Catholic Church. PiS sees Catholicism as a key element of Poles’ national identity. Some say that the church is too powerful.
Pray: for church and civil action to unveil, impeach and eliminate child abuse in all its guises. (Proverbs 4:23)
More: www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/05/17/polands-pro-eu-opposition-takes-sudden-10-point-lead-church/ |
On 18 May Austria’s vice-chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache resigned after German media published a video that purportedly showed him offering government contracts to a woman posing as the niece of a Russian oligarch, in exchange for media coverage and political funding. The scandal drove Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz to call for snap elections instead of trying to revive his weakened coalition government. ‘Enough is enough,’ Kurz told reporters, while Strache, who leads Austria’s far-right Freedom Party, described the incident as a ‘targeted political assassination.’ The video was reportedly just months before Austria’s last election, where Strache’s party received 26% of the vote and 51 seats. In the wake of the video, Kurz said the abuse of power, taxes and interference in media affairs were among his concerns. Strache vowed to take legal steps to address the video.
Pray: for hidden offences in the government’s politics to be revealed and eradicated. (Proverbs 27: 12)
More: www.npr.org/2019/05/18/724580640/austrias-vice-chancellor-quits-after-video-surfaces-of-meeting-with-russian-inve?t=1558277405641 |
Sir David Attenborough backs a new report by Tearfund, in collaboration with other agencies, stating that one person dies every thirty seconds in developing countries from diseases caused by plastic pollution and uncollected rubbish dumped or burnt near homes. He said, ‘It’s one of the first reports to highlight the impacts of plastic pollution on the world’s poorest people’. Open-air burning of plastic and rubbish adds to carbon emissions, contributing to climate change. Multinational companies selling single-use plastic in developing countries must make fundamental changes to business models to halt the health crisis. This report is one of the first to highlight the impact of plastic pollution, not just on wildlife but also on the world’s poorest people. Pray for this report to impact and convict those responsible for introducing plastic to countries where it cannot be adequately managed. Pray for international action to support the communities and governments most acutely affected by this crisis.
Pray: for the success of Tearfund’s campaign calling for action from Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pepsi, and Unilever. May today’s industry honour the environment that God created. (Genesis 1: 31)
More: www.tearfund.org/en/media/press_releases/sir_david_attenborough_backs_new_report_revealing_stark_health_impacts_of_plastic_pollution/ |
Five year plans are centralised and integrated national economic programmes. India launched its first one in 1951 under Jawaharlal Nehru. Although he has no ‘plan’ for the next five years, a bitterly contested election campaign appears poised to give prime minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist BJP party a resounding mandate for the next five years. For thirty years India was governed by a series of broken, temperamental coalitions. Modi’s election in 2014 broke the pattern, and this victory will exceed even the BJP’s expectations. The primary force for Christian persecution in India is Hindu nationalism, which voices the belief that India belongs to the Hindus and that people of other faiths should find somewhere else to live, work and worship. In 2018 more than 12,000 Christians were attacked, but this number is only the tip of the iceberg, researchers say, as increasing numbers of persecution acts go unreported. See
Pray: that the international community, while congratulating Modi on his re-election, will recognise and speak out against the rise in violent Hindu nationalism. (Psalm 31:18)
More: www.opendoorsusa.org/christian-persecution/stories/india-cracks-top-10-no-room-christians-persecution/ |
In Algeria and Sudan, peaceful protesters are continuing to demand genuine change, but the military – the most powerful institution in both countries – resist the calls. Both countries know that ousting an authoritarian leader is no guarantee of reform. In each case, Christian communities have added their voices to the calls for greater democracy and transparency. In the Holy Land, recent violence saw Islamic militants from Gaza launch 600+ rockets into Israel, and Israel responding with a heavy bombardment. Both sides eventually agreed a ceasefire, which is currently holding, but the UN envoy to the Middle East warned on 13 May that the risk of another war ‘remains imminent’. Half the Christian population has returned to Iraq following the collapse of IS, but they are returning to broken towns and Iran-backed militias in the Nineveh area. The search for peace, good governance, fairness, justice and dignity continues.
Pray: for political leaders and foreign régimes to let go of personal agendas and interests for the sake of stability, security and renewal. (Isaiah 33:15)
More: www.sat7uk.org/the-middle-east-briefing-may-2019/?bblinkid=157405889&bbemailid=13721542&bbejrid=1048835403 |
There are about 37,900 Christians in Libya: most are migrant workers from abroad. Libyan Christians must keep their faith secret, so it is hard to know how many there are in this tribal, Islamic society. The government claims that ‘all Libyans are Muslims’. The anarchy and civil war mean that the rule of law barely exists, and Islamist extremists attack Christians freely. Leaving Islam is a betrayal, and being a woman makes you second class. Christian women in Libya are doubly vulnerable to persecution, targeted for their gender and their faith. Their suffering is invisible. They are ignored by the world around them. Open Doors want every woman to reach her God-given potential, and have launched a ‘Change’ campaign. For more info click the ‘More’ button.
Pray: for the success of all initiatives helping Christian women to be valued and empowered. (Psalm 31:22)
More: www.opendoorsuk.org/act/see-change/?_ |
More Muslims have turned to Jesus in the last fifteen years than in the previous 1,400. God loves all, and wants all to hear and understand the message ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ (John 14:6) Although more Muslims have turned to Jesus in recent years, another 1.8 billion are still living without a saving relationship with him. Middle East news dominates our headlines, while behind the scenes Muslims are fasting and praying throughout Ramadan. Please continue to intercede for them this month as they fast and seek God. Pray for supernatural dreams and visions that open doors to salvation. Many prayer diaries have been produced to aid intercession. For example Iran 30 helps Christians play a part in proclaiming Christ to Iranians with thirty short, easy to read sections explaining the activity where God is building His Church behind the scenes. See
Pray: for the 1.8 billion Muslims to have the opportunity to hear the gospel before they die. (Matthew 24:14)
More: prayercast.com/love-muslims-landing.html |
Donald Trump’s ‘Peace to Prosperity’ summit in Bahrain will mark the first phase of the roll-out of US plans for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But a Palestinian Authority spokesman has said that they will not be sending a representative. Some reports indicate that private Palestinian representatives will attend. Bahrain and the United States are hosting the economic leadership ‘workshop’ to share ideas, discuss strategies, and galvanise support for potential economic investments and initiatives that could be made possible by the upcoming US peace agreement. Although the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are sending delegations to participate, the spokesman said that any Palestinian who takes part will be nothing but a collaborator for the Americans and Israel.
Pray: for economic progress and increased peaceful opportunities in the region. (Deuteronomy 20:10)
More: worldisraelnews.com/uae-saudi-participation-in-bahrain-peace-conference-confirmed/? |
A sentence has been upheld against Christians Saheb Fadaie and Fatemeh Bakhteri for ‘spreading propaganda against the regime’. Fadaie also received an additional two years in exile in a remote area near Afghanistan. They were accused of attacking Islam by discussing Christian doctrine in house churches. During their final appeal they were asked to renounce their faith by two judges who have previously been accused of human rights violations. Fadaie is already serving a ten-year sentence in Tehran’s Evin prison, following a previous arrest with fellow-members of the Church of Iran. CSW says the sentences constitute a grave violation of Iran’s constitutional and international legal obligations, and illustrate the campaign of excessive repression against Christians for practising their faith either in private or in community with others. Pray for Iranian Christians jailed for their faith. Most are bullied to divulge information about their house-church activities and their friends.
Pray: for their release, for their friends and families’ protection and peace of mind. (Psalm 4:8)
More: www.premier.org.uk/News/World/Court-upholds-sentence-of-Christian-pair-jailed-for-spreading-propaganda-against-the-regime |
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