Jussie Smollett lied about the attack. Nicholas Sandmann, the much vilified high school student, did nothing wrong. The report ordered by the Left and carried out by Robert Mueller was all based on lies, and no evidence of Russian collusion was found. This trifecta of lies was well conceived. They were backed by a juggernaut of social media gods. Every Leftist celebrity tweeted their belief in all three of these fake news stories. Many still believe these lies. Why wouldn’t they? What does truth have to do with their agenda to bring down Donald Trump?

That we ever found out the truth is, in itself, a miracle of epic proportions. Never in history has there been a more powerful loom upon which to spin lies. They had the technology. They had unfettered control of every news agency and talk show. They had it all, except for one thing—God.
On January 23rd, I was awakened and felt compelled to write a blog. Never…and I mean never, have I fought the Holy Spirit so vigorously over a blog. I was ordered at that time to make a prediction that seemed foolish, if not insane−that these lies would all be suddenly exposed.
Try to remember what was happening. The Left was sprinting toward an ideological finish line. President Donald Trump was once again down for the count. The Left and the media were trying to blame the government shutdown on the President. Celebrities were suggesting that Nicholas Sandmann should receive a physical beating.

One writer for SNL offered to perform a sex act on the first man to punch the boy. We were told Mueller had the magic bullet to bring down Donald Trump. Mueller was churning out pseudo-evidence, left and right. Nancy Pelosi was trying to ban the State of the Union Address. The House was piling up one investigation after another, probing into every aspect of the President’s life. Then came the crowning glory−Jussie Smollett fabricated a hate-crime, pretending that he had been attacked by Trump supporters.
The Left ran with all of this. They did a victory dance over a vanquished foe. The feigned outrage from Democrats outdid Jussie’s acting skills.
Nevertheless, I was ordered by the Lord to write these words: “God will allow lies to grow to such an extreme that it will soon nauseate Americans. The glorification of perversion, the bullying of children, and the parade of insane ideas, will fill the vat and sicken America. God will see to this. Not only this, but He will bring high profile liars to an end. He will do this right on time. Again, child of God, hold on!
Mr. President, “Stand your ground!”” Donald Trump stood his ground. (Not because he read my blog. I have no reason to believe he did.) And then he gave the towering State of the Union Address that bumped his approval rate overnight: from 38% to 52%.
Notice the part about, “He will bring high profile liars to an end.” I can’t tell you how many people have commented on that, with disdain, and even some friends commented with sympathy, “I sure hope you’re right.” Now look at all the careers that are ending right before our eyes.
But this is not the end of it. Suddenly, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez showed the disastrous effects of her socialist politics. By rejecting the offer from Amazon.com, she destroyed thousands of jobs and stopped billions in wealth from coming to her constituents.
And why was McCabe suddenly forced to admit that there existed a ‘deep state’ within the F.B.I., designed to bring down the President?

What does all of this mean? It means that as the direct result of intercessors who have been praying, the hand of God has offered a ramp to revival. However, this is also the most dangerous moment I have ever seen for the American church. Thus, I make a new prediction.
Hear me! In the eyes of God, the lukewarm American church is every bit as disgusting as the radical Left. The church is guilty of perverting the Truth, the Left is guilty of suffocating the truth.
The same act of God that exposed the lies that have come oozing out of the Left, will now expose false preachers, man-made empires, and doctrines of devils that are widely celebrated in the Body of Christ.
Hear me! The same God that is moving to save America by dismantling the deep state, will now turn His attention to the deep state within the American church that is draining it of her true purpose in this hour.
I solemnly warn you, celebrity preacher: Dismiss your fawning entourage. Break your ties with Oprah. Cleanse your house of the quasi-New Age doctrines that have filled your coffers with poisonous wealth. Your end-time doctrine has fooled you! You are not evangelizing the world, you are colonizing it. You closed the altar and opened the cocktail bar.
Wake up! Is your lavishly appointed empire a temple, discipling believers for Christ, or are you building your own tomb? You have proven the power of marketing−you have not proven “what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)
Break before God! Weep! Find the original spark of passion for Jesus from back in the dawn of your ministry. Do this now! You are almost out of time.
Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent. – Rev. 2:5
If you do not take a stand against abortion, sexual perversion, drunkenness, and the spirit of Jezebel, God will also stop taking a stand against your enemies. The deadline is here!
Why are all these lies being exposed right now? Because the zero hour of awakening is here, and God is going to have a testimony! But, to the righteous core, both to the faithful pastor and to the diligent intercessor, come these mighty words of life:
“You will shine like the sun! Your enemies will be driven back. The funds needed to implement the purposes of God are being released! Your children will be carried back to you. While many mourn and weep, you will see a bumper crop − even out of dry ground!”
I am speaking all of these words by the Spirit of God, so: Take heed!