‘It was as if God had prepared us for this,’ said Pastor Hikmat Kashouh of his congregation. He is recalling the time when over a million Syrian refugees started pouring into Lebanon, fleeing civil war. Resurrection Church, Beirut had already built strong connections with local Syrian workers. But what the church was less prepared for was the radical transformation it would take to welcome former enemies as equal members of their church family. From an unremarkable congregation of ninety people to one that welcomes 1,300 people and broadcasts to thousands across the Arab world via SAT-7, Resurrection Church has experienced a great transformation in the last ten years among Arabs, Kurds, and Muslim converts. To read the inspiring story of conversions, click the ‘More’ button.
Praise: God for outreach opportunities and the witness of converts returning home. (Mark 13:10)
More: www.sat7uk.org/the-church-that-learned-to-love-its-enemies/?bblinkid=163103806&bbemailid=14229009&bbejrid=1085165679 |
17 June 2019 marks five years since IS told Christians living in Mosul to ‘convert, pay or die’. Three thousand Christian families were among the half million citizens who left Mosul. Most of them fled to the city of Erbil or to the Kurdish region in the north of Iraq. Only 25 Christian families stayed in the city after the ultimatum – those who were too old, ill, or disabled to flee. Open Doors started working through local churches and partners to support internally displaced people, giving humanitarian aid and providing monthly food packages. By 2015 they were employing 86 local people, distributing food to 75,000 people, and handing out Bibles, Christian materials, hygiene baskets, clothing vouchers and support for medical expenses. Next they gave churches training on trauma care, and provided three trauma centres.
Praise: God for organisations like Open Doors, and the witness of churches working together. (Psalm 133:1)
More: www.opendoorsuk.org/news/stories/iraq-190617/ |
From Passion for the Nation: ‘As the process of choosing a new prime minister continues, we can pray that every significant seat of power in our capital city will be filled by those appointed by God, establishing heaven’s purposes and shifting this nation towards its God-given destiny. Pray that the new Prime Minister will be supported by ministers, advisors, and civil service personnel who carry Kingdom purposes and plans; and we declare God’s wisdom will both guide them and protect them from every strategy of the enemy. Pray according to Proverbs 22:29 (TPT): ‘If you are uniquely gifted in your work, you will rise and be promoted’. We decree and declare that select committees, sub-committees, ministerial and civil service posts will be filled by those skilled, gifted, wise and on whom God’s favour rests. We speak strength, honour and encouragement to them in the Name of Jesus.’ For the full declaration click the ‘More’ button.
Pray: for God’s Spirit to breathe a righteous change of atmosphere through parliaments at home and abroad – turning the impossible to possible. (Matthew 19:26)
More: us12.campaign-archive.com/?e=be117c6125&u=307c3ce43ea66a282cde62b61&id=b61c3a9d94 |
Last week we asked God to unlock doors that are bolted, and change hearts and minds to see God’s way forward as we await the outcome of the Conservative leadership election. This week, let us continue to focus our prayers on bringing reconciliation to divided families, divided communities, and divided nations within the UK. Pray a blessing on those who have a different Brexit view from you. Pray that our politicians will choose their words carefully and that they will engage in constructive discussion, not negative argument – seeking to reach an agreement – not score party political points. Pray for a divine breakthrough – a ‘suddenly’ of God, bringing a Brexit solution that will last. May we move on and focus on other pressing issues for our nation. Pray also for a blessing over Europe. May God move mightily in bringing revival to the church and transformation to nations.
Pray: for the winner of the Conservative leadership election to be ‘handpicked by God’, to bring healing and reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:18)
More: www.prayforscotland.org.uk/our-vision/ |
On 16 June the Neighbourhood Prayer Network and others encouraged churches in London to join a prayer walk initiative because ‘whatever happens in London affects everyone of us. When we see London in revival, the whole of the UK will follow.’ London Prayer Loop is a step of faith in obedience to God, calling for an end to violence and all that is not in God’s purposes for our capital and our nation. Each of the 24 sections of the London Loop were prayer-walked by the churches. From 21 to 23 June, further prayer will go out on the loop, focussing on whatever God places on people’s hearts, and praying for the well of salvation to be opened and for God’s glory in London. Londoners and people from other parts of the UK will be prayer-walking the loop, and there will be opportunities to meet in the centre of London to pray together.
Pray: for God’s glory to fall on all intercessors in London and across the nation. (John 7:38)
More: ctic.org.uk/1021-2/ |
Nearly 600 homes around Wainfleet, Lincolnshire, were evacuated after the River Steeping burst its banks. Residents still in their homes were told to avoid using toilets, showers and washing machines due to a strain on the sewerage system. Pumps began to reduce the water level by 19 June, and they missed the storms in the south-east the following day, but there is still much to do. Pray for families living in alternative accommodation while their homes are being repaired. The impact of flooding will be felt for many months to come. Cleaning, drying out and repairing flood-damaged properties is a major undertaking.
Pray: for God to bring peace to the communities now facing weeks of repair and restoration. (Luke 12:22,23)
More: www.independent.co.uk/weather/uk-weather-forecast-met-office-flood-warning-travel-delay-latest-a8964676.html |
As reported in May (see ), Rev John Parker resigned as governor of his local Church of England primary school after being silenced for raising concerns about a very young child being allowed to transition gender, and the school inviting transgender lobby group Mermaids to provide training to staff and governors. Recently his bishop, Stephen Cottrell, sent a letter to clergy in the area suggesting that John (and others) had made false claims about the circumstances surrounding his resignation. Now, in a turn of events, other ministers in the area have publicly backed John. They said the bishop had on various occasions told 30+ clergy that if they disagreed with the approach the diocese is taking on matters of human sexuality, they should follow their consciences and leave.
Pray: for Christian guidelines for schools encountering gender change issues, and for God to open diocese doors of engagement for John Parker. (Psalm 109: 31)
More: www.gafconuk.org/news/chelmsford-evangelical-clergy-confirm-vicars-testimony |
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is on hunger strike in an Iranian prison. Her husband Richard has joined her hunger strike and is holding his own vigil by staying in a tent outside the Iranian embassy in London. The embassy has now erected metal barriers outside the entrance to the embassy and Richard and his supporters are warned not to touch them. They are protesting over Nazanin’s ‘unfair treatment’ by Iran. Richard will not end his vigil until his wife ends hers. Richard’s supporters said the fencing is an attempt by Iran to ‘scare Richard off’. They tweeted, ‘Appalling behaviour this morning in response to the peaceful hunger strike Richard is undertaking! Moving barriers to block off the tree of hope. We will not be beaten.’ They have called on Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt to demand that the Iran ambassador ‘stop the intimidation’.
Pray: for the vigil to raise more positive awareness of the situation, resulting in her release. (Psalm 25:15)
More: www.express.co.uk/news/world/1141864/Iran-news-UK-London-Tehran-hunger-strike-Nazanin-Zaghari-Ratcliffe-husband-Kensington |
St Mary’s church, Pelham, Hertfordshire had most of the lead stolen from its roof on 15/16 June. The church dates back to the 1100s, and the stolen lead is valued at £220,000. Police have issued a warning to other churches in the area. Last month a church in Lincolnshire had twelve tons of lead roof sheets stolen. It was rolled up and thrown onto the grass below. The criminals were disturbed at about 3am and fled in two vehicles. The lead was marked with microdot markers that survive extreme heat, cannot be destroyed, and are easily detected with a UV torch. Metal crime incidents for the year ending March 2018 increased by 25%, and more metal thefts are reported every day. See
Pray: for ancient churches and buildings to have microdot markers implanted on lead and copper, and for improved policing of scrap-metal yards to deter potential thieves. (Proverbs 24:15)
More: www.premier.org.uk/News/UK/Thieves-steal-over-200-000-worth-of-lead-from-Hertfordshire-church |
Greater Europe Mission (GEM) write: ‘We met Malik in a French square where refugees hang out. Originally from Senegal, Malik had travelled through Mali, Algeria, Syria, Italy and then France before we met him. He only had the clothes on his back and whatever was in his backpack. We took him to get some food, but he did not understand our English. When the local pastor translated, Malik’s face lit up in a painful smile. He had a horrible toothache. A few days later we invited him to come along as we visited a Jewish neighborhood. We visited a Jewish bakery owner, and read Isaiah 53 together. Not long after this he prayed a prayer of salvation. Malik being befriended was a picture of disciples making disciples who make disciples. It was the best training Malik could receive after accepting Christ into his life.’
Pray: for God to continue to bless the various missions across Europe, engaging people in conversation, building relationships, loving people, and making disciples. (Titus 2:1,11)
More: www.gemission.org/pray-articles/healing-in-a-foreign-land |
At the time of writing European leaders are trying to agree on a compromise EU leader after political groups failed to unite behind a candidate to replace Jean-Claude Juncker in Europe’s top job. Following the elections in May, nobody has won united support from the four mainstream parties to become president of the EU’s executive arm. Onlookers are calling it a ‘big fight’ between Europe’s political groups, leaders, and institutions. Other vacancies to be filled include speaker of the European parliament, which will sit for the first time on 2 July, and foreign policy chief. The final nominees must have the backing of least 21 of the 28 EU leaders and a majority in the 751-member parliament. National leaders want to control the process and allocate the most senior jobs in a way that balances men and women, east and west, small countries and large.
Pray: for MEPs to agree on political programmes and selection of team members. (Psalm 143:10b)
More: www.france24.com/en/20190620-europe-council-compromise-candidate-juncker-top-eu-job-commission |
On 16 June the Saudi crown prince said he would ‘deal with’ threats to his people and vital interests following attacks on tankers in the Gulf of Oman. America blamed Iran for the attack. The UK promised to deploy 100 Royal Marines ‘within weeks’ to ships operating from Bahrain. On 17 June Iran said its stockpile of uranium would soon exceed the agreed 2015 levels, and EU ministers said they were unconvinced that Iran was behind the attack and wanted more evidence and UN investigations. On 18 June the US supplied further images to back up their accusations, and promised 1,000 troops to the region in response to ‘hostile Iranian behaviour.’ On 19 June, forty workers were evacuated from an oil-drilling site in southern Iraq after it came under rocket fire. On 20 June Iran said it was ready for war after US confirmed that an American drone had been shot down in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz. See
More: |
Amnesty International reported that the Saudi public prosecutor has sought the death penalty for Murtaja Qureiris for offences and participating in protests when he was ten years old. This prompted a global outcry in support of the teenager. Riyadh has come under mounting international scrutiny over its human rights record since a journalist’s murder and the detention of women’s rights activists who are still on trial. In April, 37 men were beheaded for ‘terrorism’ crimes. The UN said most of them may not have had fair trials, and at least three were minors when sentenced. We can give thanks for the increasing pressure that is being put on the Saudi government by Amnesty, the UN, and the wider international community to release imprisoned human rights activists. Ask God to use this pressure also to bring freedom to Christians who are in prison for their faith.
Pray: for God to encourage the Saudi crown prince to bring righteous changes to government policies. (Daniel 2:21)
More: www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/06/saudis-shia-teenager-executed-report-190616064642069.html |
The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo made the long-feared jump across borders with three cases confirmed in Uganda, including the death of a five-year-old boy. Concern has been mounting that this would happen, underscored by an increase in the number of cases in recent weeks. The World Health Organisation and Ugandan health authorities said the Congolese boy had travelled to Uganda with his family. The other two confirmed cases are the boy’s three-year-old brother and his grandmother, 50. They are in isolation at a Ugandan Ebola treatment unit. Eight people who had been in contact with the family are being traced. The Congo outbreak is the second largest and second deadliest in history. The Wellcome Trust said, ’This epidemic is in a truly frightening phase and shows no sign of stopping any time soon.’ WHO is expected to come under pressure to declare an international health emergency.
Pray: for global health authorities to avert Ebola’s spread and for God’s comfort and peace to surround the families who have lost loved ones. (Psalm 4:8)
More: edition.cnn.com/2019/06/12/health/ebola-outbreak-death-uganda-africa-intl-bn/index.html |
China’s president Xi Jinping visited North Korea on 20/21 June. It is the first visit by a Chinese president in over a decade. While the world ponders Korea’s denuclearisation issue, the plight of trafficked victims from North Korea to China is being ignored. Women and girls from the reclusive state are being taken to China and forced to work as prostitutes or sold as brides, and Beijing is doing little to stop it. Fleeing a patriarchal regime of tyranny and poverty, they are passed through the hands of traffickers, brokers, and criminal organisations before being pulled into China’s sex trade. Pray for sexual slavery and trafficking to be topics of conversation between Xi and Kim. Xi is also expected to attend the G20 summit in Osaka the following week. Pray for a positive meeting between him and Donad Trump there.
Pray: for Beijing to change its policy, and grant these women refugee status and security. (Proverbs 3:23)
More: www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3014898/chinese-president-xi-jinping-make-first-official-trip-north |
Boko Haram warned Christians, ‘You have three days to go or you will be killed!’ So rural families fled to Diffa city. Islamist militias have killed dozens and displaced thousands in the Diffa region of Niger, according to UN officials. There are an estimated 200,000 displaced people in Niger: those displaced internally, and also many who are fleeing the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. Niger’s church ministers working close to zones of conflict are now taking refuge with other Christians in the relative safety of Niamey, the capital. This means that no minister now lives in the premises of the church in these dangerous areas. An observer said, ‘I do not know how the services take place every Sunday, but the churches are not closed’. Earlier this month the governor of the Diffa region ordered churches to close due to the threat of terrorist attacks.
Pray: for adequate policing so that this spike in violence ends. (Psalm 91:4)
More: barnabasfund.org/en/news/%E2%80%9Cyou-have-three-days-to-go-or-you-will-be-killed%E2%80%9D-boko-haram-tells-christians-in-niger |
On 17 June buildings collapsed, trapping people underneath in a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in the south-west Chinese province of Sichuan. Thirteen people have died so far, and 4,000+ people have been relocated from damaged and destroyed homes. Landslides damaged major roads. Over 500 firefighters were deployed to the area, and rescue teams are bringing in 5,000 tents, 10,000 folding cots, and other supplies. See Earlier this year a thousand residents gathered outside government buildings in Sichuan province, blaming recent earthquakes on shale gas exploration in the area. The county subsequently suspended fracking operations. The Seismological Society of America attributed a 5.7 quake in December 2018 and a 5.3 quake in January 2019 to fracking activities in the region. Quake-prone Sichuan has extensive fracking operations, accounting for about a third of China’s total shale gas production. Chinese geologists said that over-development of hydropower resources has undermined the seismic stability of Sichuan. Some blame the 2008 catastrophic earthquake on large-scale damming.
Pray: for all who have suffered the consequences of China’s earthquakes to receive honest answers to the fracking dispute, and adequate compensation. (2 Cor. 8:21)
More: www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/china-quake-sichuan-fracking-cause-shale-gas-11639864 |
Facebook will launch a Swiss-based cryptocurrency and payment system, called Libra, which could ‘reinvent money’. It is a huge political gamble, but the rewards could be enormous. Facebook is asking its 2.5 billion users and government regulators to entrust it with a power that governments jealously protect – access to money. Currently ‘Big Tech’ has become powerful but is not doing enough to protect the privacy of users or put a stop to fake news. Nevertheless it wants to launch a project that could give Silicon Valley the ability to track not just what people say and like but how they spend their money. If Libra overcomes political and regulatory storms and develops trustworthy technology and financial stability, it would attract 1.7 billion people around the world who currently lack access to traditional bank accounts. It is claimed that they could use their smartphone to make payments, as inexpensively as sending a text message.
Pray: for this development to help third world economies. (Psalm 15:5)
More: us12.campaign-archive.com/?e=2b376728db&u=7404e6dcdc8018f49c82e941d&id=a6ada1d05a |
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