Evangelical leaders hailed Trump as a type of King Cyrus. Now they are bailing on him because they can’t take the heat. Just when he needs the church the most they abandon ship.
Fellow preachers, do we need to be reminded about the miracle we saw on election night? For weeks, we were told he had no chance to win. Have you forgotten how close we came to a nuclear winter called Hillary?
Do we need to be reintroduced to the obvious? Look at who hates him, and you will find every reason to stand with him. The same people that hate Israel, hate Trump. The same people who want to kill Trump, want to kill the unborn. The same people that want to silence Trump, want to silence the church.
Pastor, his enemies are your enemies. Those who want to stop his policies, also want to stop your vision.
He tweets. Get over it! When virtually every news outlet lies about him…how else will he get the truth out?
He is rough and crude. So, what? Draining the swamp in Washington is not the job for your breathy voiced yoga instructor. Trump is the strong medicine God chose.
He has enraged all the usual suspects: Teacher’s unions, socialist hippies, gas bag college professors, and all the cuckoo caucuses infesting our halls of government.
I want to remind my esteemed yet timid colleagues our children are getting a nutty education. Life doesn’t hand out participation trophies. Life won’t let you retreat to your safe place. Do you honestly believe that the drivel doled by leftists in the name of “education” will teach hard work, perseverance, and character?
Trump’s determination to make us strong in a hostile world is condemned as “nationalism.” His campaign to make education rational is condemned as “out of date.” Only drug addled moonbeams can find fault with common sense.
Our morally bankrupt leaders don’t know how to solve problems. My generation put a man on the moon—this generation put a man in the girl’s bathroom. I am not attacking transgender people. I am illustrating how—when it comes to priorities—liberalism rots the brain. With the life-threatening problems we face they focus on this?
In the next 90 days we will see the most blatant attack—in our history—on everything we value as believers.
The last thing President Trump should feel right now is that he is alone. He must feel the fervent prayers of the Body of Christ. He must hear your voice supporting his valiant moves to unwind the snake Obama wrapped around the throat of our democracy.
Dear preacher did you support Trump because of a fad fever? Are you silent because of the backlash? If you believe Trump is a miracle, and a type of King Cyrus, then act like it! Seize this divine opportunity to stand with policies that best reflect our values. Don’t chicken out now that the heat is on.
I never voted for Trump because I heard some goose-bump prophecy. I came to my decision in prayer. I studied history. I saw us sinking into the same quicksand that ended prior nations. I looked at our choices and it was crystal clear that Trump was not just the best choice—he was the only choice. He still is.