Recently as I was sitting with the Lord I heard the Lord say “Lana, it’s the FAITH OF ABRAHAM”.

Immediately I knew that in this new era the Lord was increasing the body of Christ into a level of faith unlike anything we have walked in before. There was an invitation from the Lord to walk in greater realms of faith and trust in Him and His Word.

Two Scriptures resounded loudly to me as I sought the Lord.

“No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.” (Romans 4:20-21)

“Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country[b] and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:1-2)

The Lord showed me these two Scriptures clearly. The call from the Lord to Abram (before the Lord changed his name to Abraham) to leave his county and go to the land the Lord would show him, then later in Romans 4 the testimony of Abraham’s faith to stand strong in what the Lord had spoken and not doubt, living with a deep conviction that God was able to do what He had promised.

As I meditated upon these two Scriptures the Lord showed me the invitation upon us as the body of Christ in this new era to step into UNWAVERING FAITH. To step into that place of such deep conviction in the reality and revelation of who God is and the power of His Word that NO DOUBT or UNBELIEF would cause the people of God to waver concerning the promises of God in their lives and for their cities and nations.

There is a deep, deep work of the Holy Spirit taking place right now in the hearts of believers to wholeheartedly abandon ourselves to Him and to His Word with complete trust in Him and His Word.

In Genesis 12:1-2 Abram did not know where the Lord was sending Him. There was an invitation from the Lord to leave what he knew and move into the new territory the Lord had for him and to move forward in complete trust and faith in the Lord and His guidance.

There will be times in this new era where the Lord will call you to step out and you may not have the ‘ten steps’ or even the ‘final destination’ before you, but you will move forward in complete trust and obedience to the Lord and His Word and He will lead you into a land of greater increase, an place of greater fullness and manifestation of your destiny and inheritance.

As you take Him at His Word and move in rapid and radical obedience to Him in this new era, you will be ASTONISHED at what the Lord is going to do. It’s an UPGRADE and the power of God demonstrated IN and THROUGH your life like you have never seen before.


The Holy Spirit is doing a deep work in the hearts of His people teaching us what it means to live by faith, to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) And in those places where the Lord will call us “out of the boat” and into new lands that require a greater level of faith and dependence upon Him, there are FRESH COMMISSIONINGS that will take place in those situations.

In the fresh commissionings and new assignments that the Lord has for the people of God in this new era in order to walk into it and to carry what He is releasing the Lord is dealing with double-mindedness and unbelief. The fire of His Spirit is falling upon the body of Christ and a deep repentance is and will continue to take place for unbelief and in the purging a major impartation of faith will take place.

The Lord is causing His people to fall in love with the Word of God again and to reintroducing the people of God to His power and the power of His Word. In this deep work that God is doing He is causing a people that yield and embrace the fire of His purging to arise with an unshakeable faith that will not be moved or swayed. These ones will arise with such great faith and conviction, living in the reality of Matthew 4:4 that they will move into these new assignments and fresh commissionings from the Lord to see the power of God move mountains and giants slayed.


It is IMPERATIVE to embrace the fire of God in this new era and allow Him to uproot unbelief and shine His light on the areas of the heart that are out of alignment. In the place of deep intimacy with the Lord and the awakening to first love there is an invitation of the Lord to be “all in” and to “count the cost” in this new era to carry the fire and what God is releasing. The sound of BE YIELDED is resounding louder than ever. The sound of HUMILITY is resounding louder than ever.

In the place of CONSECRATION to the Lord in this new era and being fully abandoned there is a MAJOR work of the Spirit of God taking place in the lives of His people, that those who embrace all He is doing will be lifted up by the hand of the Lord to bring REFORMATION. The Lord is sounding the shofar. The Lord is sounding the alarm. This is not a time to “sit back” this is a time to RISE UP!

This is a time to CONSECRATE OURSELVES because the King of Glory is coming. A wave of His Spirit and fire bringing a move of holiness in the Church unlike we have ever seen.

The yielded ones will arise in this new era with the favour of God upon their lives that will be ASTONISHING to bring RADICAL REFORMATION by the Spirit of God to the Church and to the earth in ways that have never been seen before. These reformers will arise from EVERY area to influence EVERY area. This isn’t about being “good enough” or “doing everything right” it’s about the POSITIONING OF THE HEART! It’s about being YIELDED. The invitation is being extended to all, but it requires laying everything down again and offering your life as a living sacrifice to Him again (Romans 12:1)

There is an urgency of the hour. We are stepping into the greatest era with the Lord that we have ever seen. There is a MIGHTY preparation by the hand of God taking place right now in the Church and we must yield to His way and His process of preparation. The days ahead are exciting as we see the Lord come as the LION and radical reformation take place in the Church and the earth. The signs, wonders and miracles will be like we have never seen. The harvest will be explosive. The re-introduction to His power and the fear of the Lord that is going to be seen and restored will leave the Church shaken and rearranged. God is purging the Church, removing the game playing, the impurity and the worship of self and truly positioning the body of Christ for the Majesty of God to be revealed and the King of Glory to step in.

The Church to truly walk in a level of faith unlike anything we have ever experienced. It’s time to get ready. An unstoppable army IS and WILL arise in the earth unlike the world has seen, and they are laid down lovers who know His way and yield to His fire, living in deep intimacy with Him as friends of God to see the Glory of God extended across the entire earth.

“For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the LORD.” (Habbakuk 2:14)

The friends of God who delight in His way and believe Him at what He says will arise in the earth in this new era like never before, walking by faith and not by sight and decree a thing and see it established. (Job 22:28)

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