In this new era we have entered into, the invitation to step into new strategies God is releasing is thundering louder than ever. The old strategies of yesterday won’t work anymore as we have moved into a new era where the Lord is releasing new strategies to navigate and steward what He is doing and releasing in this new era. It’s crucial that as God’s people we are resting on His chest, listening to His heart and His wisdom in building and moving in this new era.
Recently I heard the Lord say “I am causing you to simplify in order to multiply.”
When He spoke this I was surrounded strongly by the sense of the strategy God is releasing right now is REMOVING THE CLUTTER. There is a very strong sense and direction of the Lord to let go of, remove and step away from things in this new era that the Lord is not breathing upon.
The words continued to surround me “LESS IS MORE” and I felt so strongly that it is imperative to be building in the fields He is building in and that may look like “LESS” in this new era. The Lord showed me in obedience to steward the fields He is breathing upon, there will be greater MULTIPLICATION than ever before.
I had a vision and I saw the enemy plotting with his army different ways that he could DISTRACT the people of God and some of the ways I saw, surprised me.
I saw the word BUSYNESS in big letters and I could hear his whispers ‘If we can keep them in the GOOD but not GOD they will burn out and be so weary that they will become ineffective ‘
I felt the urgency of the season to be “going about the Father’s business”
I then heard Luke 2:49 loudly in my spirit:
Jesus said to them, “Why would you need to search for me? Didn’t you know that it was necessary for me to be here in my Father’s house, consumed with him? (The Passion Translation)
And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (New King James Version)
Do not be tempted in this new era of significant acceleration to BUILD in order to grow your platform. Do not be tempted in this new era to move with the “status quo” because that is what is “expected” or “how you grow your ministry” and “gain influence”. All of those “man made ways” are being thrown into the fire and on the threshing floor.
In this new era there is going to be a MIGHTY demonstration of the power of God in releasing significant favour and impact for HIS Kingdom and HIS NAME to be glorified through the most simplest of ways.
In this new era some of the greatest demonstrations of MULTIPLICATION will come forth in the most beautiful and “against the grain ways”.
The divine simplify may look like closing things some things down, saying no to other things. I felt the Lord encouraging His people to not hold onto something or keep it going because that’s what you have always done or how it has always been. Some things have come to their completion and it’s time for the new thing He is building.
I want to encourage you today that in this new era as the Lord does a divine “spring clean” do not be dismayed or discouraged is the Lord leads you to a place where you feel like your hands are being put to “LESS” or the Lord is saying “NO” more than you expected.
He is bringing you to a place of greater strength in Him and the greatest MULTIPLICATION of your life thus far. You will see MIGHTY fruitfulness like you have never seen as you steward the fields He assigns you to and the JOY that you shall find in those fields will be like you have never experienced. The grace and ease in the anointing will be like you have NEVER experienced. The extension of the Kingdom and work of the Spirit of God bringing radical transformation will be off the charts.
These new strategies He is releasing may look in some ways like “less” but it’s actually the place of your greatest multiplication because you are building in obedience to HIM and His voice.
The new strategies God is releasing will bring life, refreshment, joy and strength.
A new era of acceleration does not mean “you do more”, it means HE will do more and bring things together in a momentum you have never seen.
Do not fall into the temptation that acceleration means BUSYNESS. Acceleration will see a greater move of His Spirit bringing forth His purposes in the era in greater momentum. Some of the greatest demonstrations of His acceleration in this new era will come in the SIMPLEST ways and STRATEGIES.
God is releasing right now strategies for LONGEVITY and what struck me was the word “SIMPLE”. Strategies God is releasing right now contain ‘Going back to basics’, ‘Returning to foundations and grass roots’, “back to the beginning”, ‘removing the clutter’, things you may have always known but you have moved away from, He is bringing you back to them ‘full circle’. These SIMPLE STRATEGIES will be CLEAR and NOT COMPLICATED and they will be the strategies for LONGEVITY and FRUITFULNESS.
His whispered again:
“Some of the simplest of strategies will bring the greatest breakthroughs in this new era.”
I heard the Lord say “START A NEW PAGE” and I saw a blank white page and the sense surrounded me strongly of the invitation to “START OVER”.
There is a SIGNIFICANT acceleration and momentum shift this week. Sit with the Lord and ask Him AGAIN for His strategies. He will repeat some of the strategies He has already told you but there will be a “weeding out” that will take place THIS WEEK of strategies you THOUGHT were God but they weren’t. THIS WEEK, He is going to make the strategies SO CLEAR this week.
I watched as such intense HEAVINESS and feelings of being overwhelmed suddenly broke off and melted away as encounters with the Lord happened and He made things really clear that brought LIFE, REFRESHMENT, STRENGTH, HOPE and JOY again. The chains of “trying to do it all” fell off and an excitement for what HE is asking His people to put their hands to, to build and implement in this new era, bubbled up within them.
Start a new page this week! You’ll be amazed by what He says!