As 70-80 worshippers in a synagogue in Halle observed Yom Kippur, their holiest day of the year, a gunman shot at a locked door. The camera at the entrance showed him trying to break into the building, but the door remained closed. God protected them. The attack, streamed live, was a chilling reminder of the mosque attack in New Zealand which was also online in real time. Footage also shows the assailant laying a home-made explosive outside and uttering anti-Semitic statements. He shot and killed a passer-by, and another man nearby. Following the attack, the synagogue congregants were filmed singing and dancing on a bus transporting them from hospital. They finished the concluding prayer for Yom Kippur inside the hospital. The attacker wanted to carry out a massacre and had nine pounds of explosives in his car.
Praise: God that a massacre did not happen, and pray for the families of the two shot men. (2 Samuel 7:22)
More: www.cufi.org.uk/news/anti-semitic-gunman-tried-but-failed-to-enter-synagogue-with-80-jewish-worshippers-inside/ |
Alexey, a middle-school dropout, first went to the missionaries’ church for food when he was a homeless beggar. When he got a job and could feed himself, he stopped attending church. He met Anya and they had a baby boy, but he fell into substance abuse and his income did not cover family costs. When child welfare authorities arrived at their door to take their son away, they successfully pleaded for more time to show they could care for him. Realising his need for God, Alexey took his family to church the following Sunday. He repented and asked believers to pray for them. ‘From that day, a huge change took place in our lives. We got married, I ended drug and alcohol abuse, and we read the Bible daily. Thanks to God for the miracle He has done in our lives.’
Praise: God for lives transformed through mission agencies. (Psalm 150:1)
More: www.christianaid.org/prayerline/ |
‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’ (Isaiah 43:18-19) With God all things are possible. In Matthew 17 Jesus told His disciples that if they had faith as small as a mustard seed, they could say to the mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move. Father, we ask you to move the mountains of discussions that will be taking place in the coming days, especially now that a Brexit deal has been agreed, but has to be backed by all 27 EU members and debated in Parliament on 19 October. May everything progress in line with Your purposes and under Your authority.
Pray: for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to act powerfully to bring about the best possible outcome for all concerned. (Acts 17:26)
More: |
Specialists will perform an abortion on a woman from a Christian home who has severe learning disabilities and is twelve weeks pregnant. Mr Justice Williams ruled that the woman’s pregnancy could be terminated after analysing the case at the Court of Protection, where judges consider issues relating to people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions. A police investigation is under way to discover how a woman in her twenties, with the mental capacity of a toddler, became pregnant. Was she raped or made pregnant by a male friend with learning disabilities? Police will carry out DNA tests to establish the father’s identity. The woman’s foster parents are Christians and churchgoers. Pray for this case to highlight the need for the NHS, social services and trusts to examine, and update where needed, appropriate care packages for safeguarding vulnerable people in their care.
Pray: for this lady’s protection and peace of mind wherever she is housed. (Psalm 12:7)
More: www.premierchristianradio.com/News/UK/Doctors-set-to-perform-abortion-on-Christian-family-s-disabled-daughter |
About 70 schools have experienced resistance from parents on relationships education. The Department of Education has published a document stating that councils could enforce action if pupils are withdrawn from school when parents disagree with teaching material. It also suggests that, if demonstrators are outside school gates, head teachers could liaise with police. Teachers who read the document told of their frustration at not being consulted beforehand. They feel unsupported to tackle a sensitive situation. New relationship education is planned for all primary pupils from September 2020. Meanwhile Maureen Griffith, a Christian school governor, was suspended after questioning LGBT reading material. She became concerned that parents had not been properly consulted about plans for reading lists tying in with LGBTQ+ Pride Month, to be introduced for the next school year. Parents believe that whoever influences what children think, and teaches values to live by, controls the future direction of our society. See
Pray: for the Department of Education to respond justly to parents’ concerns and reconsider its position. (Proverbs 22:6)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-49978551 |
The Bishop of Colchester joined climate activists at Trafalgar Square on 13 October for prayer and worship before moving to Scotland Yard to urge police to return equipment confiscated from disabled activists who were prevented from demonstrating after police impounded ramps and wheelchairs. The Bishop praised God for the rebel group, saying, ‘When our very existence is threatened by our insatiable exploitation of this precious earth, we have to speak up and take action. This is a wake-up call to the world. It is prophetic. I thank God for Extinction Rebellion and I pray that their voice may be heard – for all our sakes.’ Meanwhile, Father Martin Newell was arrested when attempting to glue himself to the floor in support of disabled protesters, and 77-year-old Revd Sue Parfitt was arrested for gluing herself to the roof of a tube train at Shadwell station. See
Pray: for the last few days of protests to be free from violence. (Romans 12:2)
More: www.premierchristianradio.com/News/UK/Bishop-praises-God-for-Extinction-Rebellion |
A survey found 3/4 of UK Christians believe in the existence of hell, and 2/3 say their church rarely or never teaches the topic. 15% believed the topic of hell was of little relevance to modern day life. Matt Adcock (a Christian Bible teacher in Leicester), who commissioned the study, said that teaching on hell was out of favour and out of date; people want to believe in heaven and a God who will love you forever. He added, ‘I think it’s a harder doctrine to say you know you’ll be judged and accountable for everything you’ve done on earth. Churches are adapting their message to attract people who have a more liberal mindset.’ He said there is a mystery around the concept of hell which makes it more difficult to understand, and suggested that more teaching on the subject was needed.
Pray: for Bible teachers to address all topics in the Scriptures so that congregations can grasp the theology of eternal life and eternal suffering. (Matthew 10:28)
More: www.premierchristianity.com/News/UK/Only-three-quarters-of-Christians-believe-in-hell-data-reveals |
Nicky Morgan has said the Government will not be requiring visitors to adult websites to upload proof of their age; thus protecting people under 18 from the damaging effects of adult content on the web. She said that the duty of care on companies to improve online safety would instead be delivered through a proposed online harms regulatory regime. CARE said that the Government announcement was a ‘betrayal’ of young people who are better protected offline than online. A survey has found that half of British children aged 11-13 had seen adult content, with some aged 7 or 8 having seen it online. CARE said a poll conducted in 2015 found that proposals to introduce age verification checks were supported by a majority of the public, and there was ‘no logic’ in giving up the scheme.
Pray: for children to be protected from harmful material that would adversely affect their view of sex and healthy relationships. (Proverbs 4:23)
More: www.christiantoday.com/news/disappointment-as-government-abandons-age-check-plans/133445.htm |
On 27 June we reported that Scotland’s homeless status was up by 3% on the previous year. Four months later another report stated the number of deaths of homeless people in England and Wales had risen by 22% – nearly two a day. The number of deaths related to drug poisoning has risen by 55% since 2017, compared to 16% of the population as a whole. Homeless families living permanently in office blocks, and homelessness among old people soared by 39%. There are an undisclosed number of empty houses in England despite a homelessness crisis. The majority of known deaths (641) were of men. Shelter said, ‘This is a moment to pause and reflect on what matters to us as a society. These tragic deaths are the consequence of a housing system and economy that is failing too many of our fellow citizens.’
Pray: for the Government to build extra social homes, and for a more humane housing system. (Proverbs 14:31)
More: www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/homeless-deaths-increase-england-wales-death-toll-ons-a9127451.html |
Albania was once the poorest nation in Europe, but poverty has been cut by more than half and the economy continues to show positive signs of growth. Despite having well-known gangsters, it has made notable steps in combating drugs, weapons and human trafficking. Last year the European Commission said that it had shown enough progress towards implementing the required reforms that accession negotiations can begin. Under Communist rule, no religion was allowed. Now, Islam claims twice as many followers as Christianity. Christian believers enjoy worshipping openly in a country that once restricted religious freedom, although most who claim Christianity are reported to be nominal in their faith. Praise God that children’s ministry is drawing whole families into church and multiple generations are coming to faith. Pray for isolated believers to find safe ways to meet with others, and for believers from Muslim backgrounds to be protected from pressure and attack from friends and family.
Pray: for Christians to be trained in effective evangelism to share their faith. (1 Corinthians 1:17)
More: www.windowreporter.com/prayer-points-day?day=14 |
A legacy of brokenness endures from the days of Ceausescu’s regime, a moral vacuum filled with every kind of social evil. Substance abuse, prostitution, pornography, human trafficking, and challenges to child welfare are widespread. Romania has one of the highest abortion rates in the world, with three or more abortions for every child born. Poverty is still common, with widespread unemployment and economic instability, caused to a large degree by rampant and entrenched corruption. Divisions in government reduce its effectiveness; major strides forward are needed in its legal, education and health care systems as well as police and local administrations. Pray for leadership to have the wisdom to chart the right path and the integrity to implement the right policies. Few pastors have a theological library. Pray for Christian publishing houses and distribution networks to establish a viable, indigenously-funded Christian literature ministry and for more locally written material to be available.
Pray: for the recent inter-confessional New Testament to be a blessing for Bible-minded Christians, and for authorities to give broadcasting licenses to Christian radio ministries. (Daniel 2:21)
More: www.operationworld.org/country/roma/owtext.html |
From Queensland to New South Wales, successive droughts and the need for extra water to fight bushfires have caused unprecedented shortages. Regions face the prospect of taps running out within months. This is a portion of a national prayer for rain issued by Christian leaders: ‘We acknowledge that You are the Lord of the universe, the One who provides the rain to water the Earth so that crops, livestock and humans can flourish. We ask that in Your mercy You would send rain. We pray for physical rain and spiritual revival rain to flow through Australia. We thank You, Lord, for past revivals, and pray that the latter rain would be even greater than the former rain. Bless the work of our hands, especially the farmers on the land, and give us peace. We thank You for renewal of our land and renewal of our faith.’ See also
Pray: for God to hear the prayers of His people and end the drought situation. (1 Kings 8:28)
More: www.nlife.com.au/PDFs/NL_2019-10-15.pdf |
El-Sayeh left his job teaching Islamic studies to school children in March 2019. Having watched Christian satellite TV, he wanted to know more about the truth of Islam and read more of the Bible to compare religions and pray. God touched his heart and guided him on his way to learn about Christ and Christianity. He read Christian books and was secretly baptised in April. Then he began to talk to his wife about the work of Christ in his life, to convince her to follow Jesus like him. But she told his wider family, who insulted and threatened him. Families of converted Christians believe they are honour-bound to kill them for the betrayal of everything the family and local community hold dear. El-Sayeh was forcefully electrocuted to death because he kept his faith till his last breath and refused to renounce it.
Pray: for the safety of persecuted communities prepared to be martyred for their faith. (John 17:11b)
More: www.worldwatchmonitor.org/2019/10/egypt-friends-fear-family-may-have-killed-ex-teacher-of-islam-after-he-became-christian/ |
IJM wants God to bring justice and closure in the case of its staff lawyer Willie Kimani, client Josephat Mwenda, and trusted taxi driver Joseph Muiruri, who were kidnapped and murdered in 2016. Their bodies were dumped in gun bags in a river. Four police officers and one police informant were charged with their murders, and the informant confessed. 38 witnesses have testified over three years, but only eight remain. The court will sit soon, and the judge will decide whether to admit as evidence a video of a crime scene reconstruction involving the informant. This is a critical moment: the trial has been plagued by adjournments each time the confession evidence was due to be heard. Please pray against health problems, legal issues, witness challenges, or anything which could give reason to adjourn the case again.
Pray: for the videoed reconstruction to be allowed in court, for God to renew the strength, energy and wisdom of IJM and prosecution teams, and for a just conclusion soon. (Amos 5:24)
More: www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001344762/how-police-abducted-and-killed-lawyer-and-friends |
The families of suspected IS militants are being held at a number of camps for displaced people in northern Syria. Al-Hol camp houses almost 70,000 people, of whom 11,000 are foreign nationals; 94% are women and children. In these camps there are thousands of terrified orphaned children whose parents supported IS. Most of their home countries don’t want them back. Please pray for these lost children of the caliphate, orphans of IS fighters fending for themselves in camps now being bombed in Turkish offensives as the war in Syria reignites. In one camp are three children from London, whose parents joined IS five years ago, and were subsequently killed in the fighting. The children – Amira, Heba and Hamza – are stranded and in danger. They want to come home to a grandmother in England. Ain Issa camp held 12,000 displaced people, including 1,000 foreign women and children. It is now empty of women, according to Save the Children.
Pray: for politicians to allow innocent orphaned children to be rescued from camps, to be brought home and reunited safely with their extended families. (Psalm 72:14)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-50029540 |
Criminal charges against eight leaders of the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) were confirmed on 7 October. They are charged with criminal trespass and illegal possession of church properties. The SCOC is a Nuban denomination experiencing religious and ethnic discrimination. However, a new minister of guidance and religious endowments could change the spiritual atmosphere. He stated recently, ‘Sudan is pluralistic in its thought, culture, ideologies, Islamic religious sects, and even religions.’ He also called for the return of Sudan’s Jewish community. He told the UN that ‘all public order laws are suspended and will be repealed’. These were used against women, especially those from marginalised communities. Sadly, reports emerged on 10 October that public-order police were patrolling Khartoum and harassing individuals. Pray for Sudan’s new multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious nature to be welcomed by police, and for the new policy changes to be applied by all law courts.
Pray: for the release of church leaders and an end to harassing religious minorities. (Exodus 23:6)
More: www.csw.org.uk/2019/10/15/press/4476/article.htm |
At a UN summit on religious freedom, Donald Trump praised President Erdogan. But since 2016 Turkey’s Protestant community of mostly Muslim converts, meeting in 150 Christian fellowships, report an increase of crimes against churches. There have been targeted deportations of senior foreign Christian leaders, many long-term residents. Since the Ottoman era Turkey has recognised Orthodox faiths, but now the interior ministry refuses to allow new patriarchs to be elected. Protestants are refused religious worker visas and are barred from running educational programmes. Forcing out Christians once welcomed in Turkey is part of a systematic attempt to eradicate them. There is now concern for Christian refugees in Turkey: 6,000 to 10,000 Iranians and thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Christians are under threat. Deportation for many could equal a death sentence. Many are demanding that the authorities explain how these Christians are a threat to Turkish society.
Pray: for God to protect His Christians as Turkey falls deeper into chaos. (Deuteronomy 24:17)
More: world.wng.org/2019/10/a_climate_of_insecurity |
A local authority has ordered the demolition of a newly-built church after a month of use, ostensibly for lack of planning permission, even though no other building in the locality had any. Pastor Newton Das bought land for a church in August 2018. To save costs he hired local contractors and had substantial help through congregation volunteers, eager to begin worshipping in a proper church. The vision was fulfilled on 7 August, when 200+ believers attended ‘Church of Jesus’ Anointing’ at its launch, but by the second week the church was asked to close as they had no planning permission. Discussions were unsuccessful, and a JCB demolished the church boundary wall and building. Other unplanned buildings have been left intact. The congregation have not let hatred towards them shake their confidence or love for God.
Pray: for God to embrace the congregation with hope and comfort, as they continue to worship under a tent every Sunday.( 2 Corinthians 1:7)
More: www.pakistanchristianpost.com/head-line-news-details/7204 |
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