“Some are just giving up on religion totally, and they’re becoming atheists. Others are saying, ‘it’s not Islam, what is it?’ …There’s this huge spiritual hunger, and people are really investigating the claims of Jesus Christ,” Allen says.
As a result, FMI’s last shipment of 300 Persian-language Bibles was distributed within days due to high demand.
Partnerships for Good
Through partnerships with local church planters and believers, FMI is spreading the Gospel message at the local church’s pace with their needs in mind. Read

Pakistan (Photo courtesy of FMI)
more about FMI’s approach to outreach here.
“We’re coming alongside and truly saying, ‘we are a partner with you in ministry,’” he says.
One of FMI’s recent Persian speaking partners is a man known as Pastor Aziz. He focuses his outreach towards the Persian Speakers of Iran and Pakistan.
Aziz has a heart for the Persian people, says Bruce Allen of FMI.
Aziz’s Story
Aziz is no stranger to the dangers of sharing the Gospel. After leaving Islam, his family tried to kill him, forcing Aziz to flee with his wife and two children. In the process, his son was kidnapped and has not been seen in 17 years.

Pakistan (Photo courtesy of FMI)
A few months ago, the family was attacked again. This time, 30-40 armed militants entered their home. Aziz and his family again had to flee and relocate, losing all their possessions in the process.
“One of the questions I had for pastor Aziz was, ‘what about the three congregations that you are already serving? He said I can not give them up. Even though he had to leave the community that he was in, forcibly,” Allen says.
Aziz still returns to those congregations and ministers to three more. On top of that, he has started two churches in his new neighborhood through everyday encounters. Even a shopping trip is an opportunity for ministry.
“The gospel’s part of his life. He’s talking to the shopkeepers and he’s leading shopkeepers to faith in Christ,” Allen says.
Support from fellow believers through prayer and resources helps keep pastors like Aziz in ministry, Allen says. In the case of Aziz, he’s not someone who gives up.
Your Prayers Can Help
Aziz’s wife’s foot was damaged in the attack on their home earlier this year. Please pray for her successful recovery.
Pray for strength and spiritual growth among new Persian speaking churches and believers. Pray for their safety in a region that considers believers apostates.