Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Let’s begin with defining the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God very simply is the place where Jesus reigns and rules. Does He reign and rule your heart, mind, and soul? Is Jesus on the throne of your life? Is He ruling and reigning over every detail and aspect of your life? This is the essence of Kingdom first living.
The one discipline that ought not to waver in our spiritual lives is seeking “FIRST” the Kingdom of God. We do this by keeping our devotions in the right order. In Kingdom-first living, my first devotion in every aspect of my life must be to Jesus. We must be praying and considering Him with every decision we make (Eph. 6:18). This disciplines our focus to stay on Jesus in everything we pursue and experience.
Your struggle this week will be the business and stress of a life filled with good things. This can easily get your mind off the Kingdom and cause your devotion to Jesus to be compromised. We must realize the importance of Kingdom-first living when the rush of life assaults our minds and tries to hurry us out of the Kingdom of God and into the rat race of this world.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I give you my heart, soul, and mind to reign and rule over every aspect of my life this day. Keep my mind focused on you when the stress and worry of this day tries to come rushing in.
David Yarbrough
The Bridge Fellowship Church