A group of pastors and faith leaders had an exclusive meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House on 29 October. During that meeting, Trump asked the pastors to lay hands on him and pray. The meeting, according to several pastors, involved discussions of the president’s accomplishments on behalf of evangelical Christians, including defending religious freedom, battling opioid addiction, reducing abortion, and nominating conservative and pro-life supreme court judges. Soon afterwards, several leaders posted photos of the meeting and prayer. Some praised the president’s pro-family and pro-biblical values, while others offered prayer against what they see as unjust impeachment hearings.
Praise: God for this White House meeting; may God inspire all government work on behalf of the American people. (Nehemiah 1:11a)
More: www.charismanews.com/us/78657-25-pastors-including-paula-white-cain-and-jentezen-franklin-pray-over-trump-at-white-house |
The mission of an evangelism boot-camp will be to equip, train, and launch radical evangelists, whose hearts burn to touch the world with the Gospel, onto the front lines of the harvest field. The first ever bootcamp by Christ for all Nations will launch in January 2020. This six-month intensive training is a fast track to the field which will open the door for Christians to preach the gospel in Africa alongside a gospel crusade team. Not for the faint of heart, this programme will include rigorous components of study and service. In only a few months participants will be prepared mind and spirit to fulfill the plans that God has for them to reach the lost! This first training school is limited to only fifty students. But its launch will be a step to an extended school coming soon, with additional training requirements for work in the field.
Praise: God for this release of large-scale international evangelism; may it grow beyond all expectations. (Romans 10:14)
More: content.cfan.org/bootcamp/ |
Passion for the Nation reminds us that ‘the favour that brings promotion and power does not come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God’ (Psalm 75:7). Pray that every political party will be filled by gifted people on whom God’s favour rests; men and women of righteousness and integrity, who will know, experience and be guided by heaven’s wisdom and truth, aligning this nation with Kingdom purposes and plans. We can declare that God’s light will shine into every dark place, and we speak God’s plans for good over every other agenda, in the name of Jesus. The Evangelical Alliance has launched a prayer series entitled ‘Praying ahead of the general election’. CARE has recently gone live on a bespoke election website, EngaGE19. The World Prayer Centre team have invited Christians to join them at PrayerShift on 9 November, Watch and Pray on 25 November, and intercession on 12 December. See
Pray: for peace in our streets and truth in the media in the runup to the election. (Psalm 85:10)
More: passionforthenation.uk/ |
A plural, sustainable and diverse media is vital for a healthy democracy, but the UK has just three companies dominating 83% of national newspaper circulation. Last year a survey of 250 political articles and news segments from the largest (online and television) providers revealed that the anchors made 29 false statements or claims, a further 66 clear instances of misleading or distorted coverage including misquotations, reliance on single source accounts, omission of essential facts or right of reply, and repeated value-based assumptions made by broadcasters without evidence or qualification. In total, a quarter of the sample contained at least one documented inaccuracy or distortion. At this time of election media fervour, please pray for an end to the overwhelming imbalance of news reporting that this survey reveals. Pray for improvements and changes to be made in reporting so that the UK communications environment functions in the public interest. See also the next article, Christians in media.
Pray: for God to influence those working in the media, causing them to change the atmosphere in their environment. (Psalm 45:4)
More: www.mediareform.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/MRC_MediaManifesto_0305_web.pdf |
The media influence people, shape worldviews, and can ultimately bring about change in society. While the world gets constantly bombarded by images and messages that distort God’s truth and shift people further from Him, Christians in the media desire to see them used to bring about positive changes. Alan Rusbridger, for twenty years editor-in-chief of the Guardian, recently warned, ‘We are, for the first time in modern history, facing the prospect of how societies would exist without reliable news’. Christians can pray for restraints to be put on technology owned by individuals with particular agendas. Pray for an end to false revelations and closely guarded secrets being spread at the click of a button. May dangerous misinformation be blocked by up-to-date infiltration technology. Pray for authors, anchor men and women, researchers and recorders to be true to the facts and avoid fake news stories. May quality news reporting and higher ethics be established across all media outlets.
Pray: for more Christians to decide to work in the media, and powerfully influence today’s and tomorrow’s society. (Amos 5:15a)
More: www.christiansinmedia.co.uk/blog/category/News |
Each year the Hope for the Countryside partnership hosts a day to gather those with a heart to see a fresh move of the Holy Spirit across all of rural England. The next one is on Saturday 16 November in Sutton Lanes End Macclesfield, from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm. This is very much open to all who live in our cities and towns as well as in the countryside! Come and join us to worship, learn and pray together – or give some time to pray wherever you will be. Download a flyer for more details: With Brexit postponed, and its implications for farming still unclear and uncertain, farmers are even more anxious about what might be ahead. They are also divided as to what they believe is best for farming’s future, The NFU said a no-deal Brexit would be catastrophic, but a September poll showed over 40% of farmers favor this outcome.
Pray: for the Government to formulate policies that are fair and compassionate for farmers, consumers, animals, and the land. (Psalm 11:7)
More: www.worldprayer.org.uk/hope-for-the-countryside |
Children’s panels recognise that offending behaviour is usually a sign of other problems. The panel system was introduced in Scotland in 1971, with a wholly different approach to supporting children in crisis. They focus on welfare and protection. There are no juvenile courts, unless the case involves homicide or rape, which go into the mainstream legal system. There are no prosecutors or police officers sitting in, even though 75% of cases are referred by the police. The panel members are not judges or magistrates, but trained volunteers who act as the child’s guarantors, often directing social work departments and schools to put in place tailored support and services. Nearly 3,560 children went before a children’s panel last year. Hearings are not interested in innocence or guilt, but only in the young person’s welfare; they listen really hard to the young person, to the family, and to the professionals. Then they decide whether the young person needs the protection of the law.
Pray: for valuing vulnerable children, not incarcerating them, to spread across the UK. (Psalm 101:1,2)
More: www.theguardian.com/society/2019/nov/07/scotland-youth-justice-system-welfare-heart |
Election officers have hit back angrily at calls from the education secretary for polling stations not to be placed in schools. Gavin Williamson wanted to avoid disruption to school nativity plays and Christmas concerts, which could clash with the 12 December election. He said that councils would be funded to find alternative venues for polling stations. Election officers have written to the education secretary to express their ‘extreme disappointment’, saying in many areas schools are polling stations because they are well-known local venues and are likely to be accessible for people with disabilities. Often there are not any other practical options.
Pray: for long-planned and important events in schools at Christmas to be able to go ahead without disturbance. (Luke 2:10b)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-50331447 |
A British rabbi has written to his community urging them to vote for whichever party is most likely to defeat Labour in their constituency. Many believe his letter crossed a professional and ethical red line. The Torah’s vision is filled with concern for the poor and marginalised, care for outsiders, love of strangers, etc. Ethical principles affecting social, legal, economic and environmental policies of a country are themes leaders will preach about. However we must pray that all community leaders, rabbis, imams, clergy, elders, acharya and guides help their communities to manage their anxieties, not stoke fears or increase unease. Pray that minority groups across the country who in the past have been influenced over political decision-making by local people of status will cast unbiased votes. Pray also for honesty in postal voting.
Pray: for wise and unprejudiced political engagement across the UK. (Proverbs 29:7)
More: www.thejc.com/comment/comment/rabbi-s-don-t-vote-corbyn-message-will-only-stoke-jewish-fears-1.491022 |
The parish of Riches Claires has a dedicated committee that has worked for thirty years helping new arrivals to Europe. For many residents in Brussels the Christian outreach was a key step for their integration into the city. Most refugees in the church arrive after fleeing their countries of origin for economic or political reasons. However, arriving in their new home has not been easy for most, particularly those from Latin America who, for the most part, had to learn from scratch the intricacies of the local language. ‘The uprooting of our culture, of leaving our family members and leaving our friends is very painful,’ said Zoraida, a Colombian human rights defender. Over the years, the church community has evolved following the migratory waves. The first to arrive were Spaniards, then Chileans. More recently, it has been Venezuelans and Central Americans fleeing violence.
Pray: for God’s continued blessings to be poured into the outreach programmes for those fleeing wars and conflict. (1 Corinthians 9:23)
More: www.euronews.com/2019/09/30/inside-the-belgian-church-helping-to-welcome-migrants-to-europe |
An investigation has been launched by the Catholic Church after two missionary nuns became pregnant whilst working in Africa. One of the nuns, a mother superior, aged 34, only realised she was pregnant when she visited the hospital, complaining of stomach pains. The two women are nuns in Sicily, but belong to separate orders and are expecting children despite their vows of chastity, causing ‘consternation at this news’. They are believed to be originally from Africa and were posted to their home continent as part of their charity missions. They have now returned to Italy to prepare for the births of their children.
Pray: for God to watch over, comfort and direct these women as they enter the identity and lifestyle of a single parent. (1 Peter 5:7)
More: www.premier.org.uk/News/World/Catholic-Church-investigates-after-two-nuns-expecting-babies |
Chow, a university student, fell from the third floor of a car park while fleeing tear gas and suffered a significant brain injury as a result. A third-year journalism student, surnamed Tang, was arrested on 2 November when covering protests in Taikoo Shing. His university’s student union said that when he was arrested, he was wearing his press card and journalists’ association membership card, and had not taken part in any of the frontline protest activities. Pray for police to respect the rights of student reporters and ensure their safety when they are performing their duties. Also, the university has asked the police commissioner for full details about a qualified St John Ambulance first aider student who suffered serious burn injuries after being hit by a tear-gas canister while performing his duties. Students and alumni are demanding that the universities condemn police violence as they handle anti-government protests.
Pray: for the authorities to condemn police brutality, treat those in custody humanely, and provide basic legal rights. (Exodus 23:1)
More: www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3036195/hong-kong-university-student-left-critical-condition-after |
Human Rights Watch reported on 4 November that important social reforms enacted under Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman have been accompanied by deepening repression and abusive practices meant to silence dissidents and critics. The 62-page report documents ongoing arbitrary and abusive practices by Saudi authorities targeting dissidents and activists since mid-2017 and a total lack of accountability for those responsible for abuses. Despite landmark reforms for Saudi women and youth, ongoing abuses demonstrate that the rule of law remains weak and can be undermined at will by political leadership. The authorities have locked away many leading reformist thinkers and activists. HRW said that detaining citizens for peaceful criticism of the government’s policies or human rights advocacy is not new in Saudi Arabia, but what has made the post-2017 arrest waves notable is the sheer number and range of people targeted over a short period, and new repressive practices.
Pray: for a truly reformed Saudi Arabia that no longer subjects dissidents to harassment, detention, and mistreatment. (Psalm 71:4)
More: www.hrw.org/news/2019/11/04/saudi-arabia-change-comes-punishing-cost |
In the northeast of Syria, in a number of cities and their surrounding villages, a renaissance is under way in the area’s beleaguered Syriac Christian community, which is attempting to revive the Syriac language and culture after decades of neglect and oppression. The Christian community as a whole has suffered immensely during the ongoing eight-year conflict, and this minority is no exception. The conflict has, however, also brought about social changes that previously would have been thought impossible, particularly in areas under the control of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Escalating its threat to invade the area despite the presence of American, British, and French troops, Turkey could reverse these changes and even jeopardise the continued existence of the Christian community there. These Christians have preserved their unique languages and cultures in the face of decades of Arabisation. Syriac Christians will teach their children their ancestral language, derived from Aramaic, the native tongue of Jerusalem, where the church was born.
Pray: for God to watch over and protect this people group as war and rumours of war surround them. (Daniel 12:1)
More: www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2019/08/26/the-syriac-christian-renaissance/ |
Increased temperatures in the Indian Ocean have caused heavy rainfall and widespread flooding and destruction in different countries. In Kenya 29 people were killed in flash floods, nearly 12,000 have been displaced, and agriculture is hard hit, with 10,000+ livestock animals drowning. Caritas has appealed for food, first aid, and funds to distribute to the needy. In South Sudan, Bishop Majwok has requested the government to declare a state of national disaster as 283,000 square kilometres of his diocese are under water. Rains have devastated the country since July. Wet weather has worsened the humanitarian situation in 32 counties, where over three million people already needed assistance. In Somalia over 182,000 people are homeless due to flooding; most are from the central town of Beledweyne, where the UN reports people drowning. East Africa’s rainy season, which runs from October to December, is likely to be unusually wet this year due to a process known as Indian Ocean Dipole (similar to the Pacific El Nino) by which atmospheric humidity is dumped inland as rainfall.
Pray: for the international community to wake up to the disaster and give concrete support to victims. (Psalm 44:26)
More: www.indcatholicnews.com/news/38224 |
For decades political leaders have promised that free markets would lead to prosperity, which would take care of other problems. The promises came to nothing, and thousands of protesters are chanting, ‘Chile, wake up’. The middle class struggles with high prices, low wages, a privatised retirement system, and the elderly in bitter poverty. A series of corruption and tax-evasion scandals eroded faith in the political and corporate elite. While protests began peacefully over three weeks ago, now there are images of metro stations destroyed, supermarkets looted, and flaming street barricades. There are accusations of torture and abuse by the 200,000 security forces, who have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse demonstrators. Social media is reporting many deaths. The UN is investigating human rights abuses. Two centuries after independence from Spain, the Catholic Christian faith of the conquistadors remains the largest in Chile today. Pray for the Church’s voice of peace and justice to be heard.
Pray: for this to be the tipping point that ends inequality, falling wages, and the rising cost of education and healthcare. (Psalm 6:3,13)
More: www.nytimes.com/2019/11/03/world/americas/chile-protests.html |
South Korea’s national intelligence service told a closed-door parliamentary audit session that it expected working-level denuclearisation talks between Kim and Trump to resume by early December. As recently as 31 October Kim test-fired two short-range missiles that traveled 350 to 400 kilometres. The tests were believed to be the nuclear-armed country’s 19th and 20th launches since May. Japan’s prime minister condemned the launches as an act threatening the peace and safety of his country as North Korea was refining weapons capable of reaching it. Meanwhile, Iran announced launching a new batch of advanced centrifuges to accelerate uranium enrichment on the 40th anniversary of the start of its Islamic Revolution. However, Tehran has left room for diplomacy by saying that talks are possible if Washington lifts all the sanctions and returns to the nuclear deal. See
Pray: for further talks between leaders positively to move towards ending deadlocked nuclear negotiations. (Proverbs 8:1,2)
More: www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/11/04/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/north-korea-kim-jong-un-donald-trump-summit-us/#.XcKlDDP7SM8 |
The ‘Fanning the Flames’ report published on 31 October said that corporations with global reach in the tech, finance, and media sectors have resourced anti-Muslim individuals and groups both domestically and internationally to create the infrastructure for biased messages and bigotry to spread and thrive. It added that Google, Amazon and Fidelity will promote white supremacy and anti-Muslim bigotry as long as they can make money out of it. Researchers found tech platforms have provided a space for unsafe actors, and their search and recommendation algorithms enabled white supremacist and bigoted propaganda to spread further. The report said, ‘It is concerning that these tech platforms have not created strategies to eliminate anti-Muslim bigotry from their sites.’ Also, Wall Street businesses have provided financial infrastructure and political cover to organisations promoting anti-Muslim prejudice, and financial institutions are investing hundreds of millions in gun manufacturers.
Pray: for complete exposure and elimination of cultural and ethnic bigotry. (Psalm 34:14)
More: religionnews.com/2019/11/06/report-blames-major-us-corporations-for-global-spread-of-anti-muslim-violence/ |
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