In This Issue
1. The All Powerful Kingdom of God – A most powerful word! – By Ron McGatlin
3 . News Headlines
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The kingdom of God is far more powerful than governments, armies, anti-Christ coalitions, evil principalities, and any other power on earth.
Yes, the enemy’s plans for us and for the kingdom of God on earth is to kill us, steal the kingdoms of this world, and destroy the kingdom of God on earth. Brothers and sisters, I am appalled at how much of his plan we (the people who are call by God’s name) have already allowed to come to pass.
Why have the people of God on earth failed to prevent the kingdom of darkness from occupying so much of our lives and world? How is it that our educational systems, mass media, national governments, and religious institutions have been infiltrated and taken over by the ungodly antichrist spirits of darkness? Is it possible to correct the situation in our own lives that allowed this failure?
Can we ever redeem the kingdoms of this world unto the kingdoms of our God?
Yes, it is not only possible, it is happening!
In recent decades God has called out and received a people who are laying aside their past lives and religious ways to hear the pure freshly-restored revelation of the kingdom of God ruling on earth now. The true gospel of the kingdom has now been heard and received by a growing army of sold out, born again, Spirit filled, and Spirit led, pure hearted, holy men and women, in whom Christ abides.
Yes, Christ Jesus, our Savior, Lord, and King is here on earth. His pure holy resurrected life from beyond the cross is abiding in His crucified ones who are yet alive with His life, with His faith, His love, and His power to rule and reign on earth.
We do not have to submit to the powers of darkness that have stolen the governance of the world. The people of God’s kingdom do not have to allow the enemy to continue to steal the earth from its rightful owner. If Christ truly abides in us and we truly abide in Him, then greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. The love and power to fully redeem all that has been stolen abides now within His kingdom army of maturing sons of God on earth.
WAKE UP! We do not have to fear and continue to go along with the plans of the enemy.
The great evil oppressing the people of God from within and without is only able to overcome us as we allow it. Why in God’s world have we who name the name of God turned away from the source of all life to turn to another master?
The Problem
Actually many people have not fully turned to and accepted another master. Instead, the people have lived a blended life of seeking to serve two masters. The cunning devices of the enemy have infiltrated their minds with a divertive alternative away from the pure word and life of Christ Jesus. The pure truth of the gospel of the kingdom was replaced with a partial truth of a man-centered gospel and religious form derived largely from the “tree of knowledge.”
Without the fullness of the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus and His first century disciples brought, the door was left open for the enemy’s powers of darkness to invade and divert the pure work of Christ Jesus into a monstrous mixture of truth and humanistic religion. Many religious church people have sought to serve two masters. Mammon, the god of self-pleasure, personal riches, and comfort has become a master of many “Christian” church people along with their devotion to Christ Jesus and His word.
Christ Jesus made it clear that serving two masters could not be done successfully. The inner divisive competition of trying to serve both self and God has grieved the Holy Spirit within and robbed the people of the power of Christ within them by the Holy Spirit. This has allowed the people to be opened to receiving another master in their lives.
The Solution
After the problem is clearly defined, the solution becomes easier to see and to find resolution to the issue.
God is now calling out a people who will only serve one master. The powerful revelation of who God is in us and who we are in Him in His kingdom on earth from heaven is bringing to life the once dormant POWER of the kingdom of God and all the resources of heaven to raise up a holy army of sons releasing myriads of holy angels to root out and tear down all the works of the kingdom of darkness and bring forth the kingdom of light filling the earth with the pure loving rule of God from heaven.
This is the primary preparation for the time of cleansing judgment upon all the earth. Laying aside all our other gods and masters to turn to God with our entire hearts and lives and live daily and moment-by-moment in intimate loving relationship with Father God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit – receiving the fullness of the love, power, and wisdom of God to truly become more than conquerors in Him to speak forth the decrees of God reclaiming and redeeming the kingdoms of this world to the kingdom of our God.
The heart of God does not rejoice in judgment but greatly rejoices in the world filled with many loving devoted sons and daughters who are fully available to carry His name, His authority, and His glory into the beautiful kingdom of God upon all of the fully redeemed Planet Earth and all that is upon it.
Our strength is in the joy of the Lord, and our power is in praising God.
The presence of God is in and with us. Nothing can stand against the presence of the majesty and glory of God in His people.
Arise from the matrix of a false life reality in religion of self-worship orchestrated by another master.
Come boldly and empty to the throne of God and lay ALL of your burdens down at His feet and receive the power of pure holy sonship to the one master and LORD of ALL.
God is speaking to me and you if you can hear His voice.
I have called you by My name. You are My sons and I am your Father. I release into you, My people, the restored life that I breathed into you in the beginning. Welcome home to the place for which you were formed to remain by My side, in My heart, to fulfill the perfect vision and dream of My heart. You have not lived on earth in vain. You have fulfilled My desire and purpose for you, that you should abide with me in the fire of my love to carry it to the ends of creation. You are my Bride and My faithful Wife to rule and reign with Me in My eternal love. Your praise and your Joy fill My heart. I fully receive you back into the place of my eternal glory and peace. All creation shall see what I will now do in your heart and life poured out to create glorious reality upon earth as it is here in heaven. Finish the course in My joy and My strength of tender mercy and love upon you and all who are with you. You are my sons in whom I am well pleased.
Thank You, Father God, for our full redemption in Christ Jesus. Thank You for receiving us back into Your heart and eternal fire of Your glory. Awaken us fully, O Lord, that we may never again slumber and grow darkened apart from Your eternal fire of love and power. Truly, Father, we reckon ourselves crucified with Christ and now fully resurrected in the fullness of Your life in us through the living Christ Jesus by Your eternal Holy Spirit.
Father, just now I choose in my heart to renew my heart and bow deeply before you in turning from each and every thought or way in my life that has hindered this fullness of total oneness with You. I fall before Your mercy seat again in one final surrender of any and every thing that clung to me from the darkness of the passing world of mixture. I receive Your fresh healing and impartation of Your love and life abiding fully in me. Thank You, Father.
Father, Your love constrains me and fills my being with Your life. Now, Father, as I wait before You, take this body, this soul, this heart and make it Your abode on earth. Let the power of Your Spirit of Love have complete dominance to live as the pure holy Son, Christ Jesus, unhindered and unrestrained from fully expressing Your life into the world. Father God, let the fire of Your life and the power of heaven now release through me and all who ask you now to fully restore the kingdoms of this world to Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Father, grant us full measure to speak Your words, Your desires, and Your will into this earth. Father, speak through us Your creative power to change this world into the perfect manifestation of Your desire from Your heart. We humbly and with all respect and honor proclaim Your words and ways into this world.
In the name of the LORD, we proclaim the Day of the LORD upon earth. The cleansing of this world coming forth now. We decree the end of the rule of darkness in this world. We speak the coming of the glory fire of the presence of God touching and changing every part and portion of this world. We boldly proclaim the end of the false reign of the powers of darkness upon the people of this world. We decree cleansing of Planet Earth preparing the way for the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven ruling in every facet of this world. We decree the release of the pure holy LOVE of God overtaking and filling the hearts and lives of every willing believer, every son and every God seeker on earth with the life and power of Christ Jesus abiding fully within. We speak the end of the rule of the enemy over multitudes and the removal from earth everything that the enemies of God have built. We proclaim the full restoration of Planet Earth to the plan and purpose of Almighty Jehovah God, Father and creator of all creation, and unto Christ Jesus, the ONE through whom and for whom all things were created. So be it in the power of heaven coming forth now in the mighty name of our Lord Savior and King, Christ Jesus, now and forever. Amen!
And now abides these three faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love.
Kept by His love,
Ron McGatlin

WHAT WE’LL DO – Mario Murillo
Without a miracle, in 1 short year, the America you have always known and loved will be gone forever. Who is leading the charge on impeachment and every other destructive movement in America? California. Here is what we are going to do about it.

Recently I heard the Lord asking a question to the body of Christ “Who told you that?”. When He asked the question it felt piercing, it felt like the Spirit of God was “exposing” lies and expectations that many of God’s people were living under that had not been spoken by the Lord.

https://youtu.be/-36-M8qh_Qw . Sid Roth LIVE: Angelic Encounters & the Last Days | Prophetic Glory Outpouring Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! Streamed live on Sep 5, 2019

A few days ago I kept hearing the Lord say “Slay the oxen and birth the new!” and I felt this was for so many who right are in the TENSION of two assignments and struggling with how to fully embrace the new thing God was wanting to birth because it was so unfamiliar. But just like Elisha in 1 Kings 19 God is asking us to slay the oxen, or “Let go”, “Break connection” and END the last assignment and season once and for all. When Elisha did this He was already anointed and commissioned for his new assignment but simply hadn’t walked it out yet!

“Be Ignited in the Rise of the Patriots” – Anita Alexander
The original “Patriots” are known as those who fought for independence and freedom from the rule of the English crown in the American Revolution in the late 1700s. But there is much more that the Lord is unearthing and wanting us to see in this time. He is wanting us to understand how our present correlates with the term “PATRIOT” and a time of revolution that birthed a nation into freedom under God.
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