China (MNN) — The COVID-19 crisis may be over in China, but local believers are sharing with Christians in countries still going through it. For MNN coverage on the coronavirus click here. For the Prayercast video, click here.

Christians in China now pray for us, according to Kurt Rovensteine of Bibles for China. While the COVID-19 virus originated in China, the country has long seen the outbreak declining. Last week, China actually started reporting no new domestic cases. The cases they do see are imported.

Bibles for China works with the local Chinese church to provide free Bibles for Christians in country. Many of their partners have reached out as things in the country get back to normal. Rovenstine says Christians in China are praying for fellow believers in other countries hit hard by the virus.

Bridge in Wuhan, the city in China most affected by the coronavirus. (Image courtesy of Pixabay)

Chinese Christians sharing their wisdom and experience

What are Christians in China sharing with their brothers and sisters? Practical things, Rovensteine says. “Just be careful. [Be] cautious of travel and those kinds of things. But it’s always about the attitude of prayer and trusting God. And I think . . . their level of faith that God’s got this thing under control, even when it seems like we don’t [is very encouraging].”

Chinese believers have demonstrated faith in Christ during a pandemic. Rovensteine says, “It’s easy from the outside, look at him to say, well, you just have to trust God. And they modeled that for us.”

Rovenstine says Chinese Christians took the lockdown in stride, keeping each other safe and never losing their joyful hope in Christ. “It’s just refreshing to know that they’re concerned about where we are and and how we face these tribulations. They are praying for us and and for people around the world. Look at at Italy and Iran and South Korea. They’re in earnest prayer for God to work and move in each of those places as well.”

Christians in China have glorified Christ by their response to the coronavirus outbreak. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.)

Pray for Christians in China

It might be easy for Christians in the West now dealing with the fallout of the coronavirus themselves to focus only on their own problems and forget China.

Rovenstine says Christians should not forget their brothers and sisters, and encourages them to pray, “That this light the church has shined in this darkness would result in a move of the Holy Spirit that would really make a difference in China.”

And BFC is praying for the whole world at this time. Rovenstine believes the Bible holds all of the answers for the coronavirus crisis. The good news that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead should give Christians around the world cause for rejoicing, not fear.

Chinese citizens have increasing freedom as coronavirus restrictions lift. (image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)