99-year-old Captain Tom Moore pledged to walk 100 laps of his garden just after hip surgery – and just before his 100th birthday (on 30 April) – to raise money for the NHS. He captured the hearts of the nation and raised over £28million for hospital sleep pods and ‘wobble rooms’ where staff can release emotions after a traumatic experience. Wellbeing packs for staff, described as ‘Hug Boxes’, provide mental health support for staff and volunteers involved in dealing with the pandemic. Electronic tablets will be available for patients in isolation, enabling contact with families. The money raised will go to NHS Charities Together. Later in the year Captain Tom will be awarded a Pride Of Britain Award at an awards ceremony.
Praise: God for the outpouring of goodwill, inspired by Captain Tom, towards the NHS and NHS charities. (Proverbs 14:9b)
More: metro.co.uk/2020/04/23/captain-tom-moore-humbled-wins-pride-britain-award-raising-28million-nhs-12597143/ |
Poorer school children could lose out when lessons are being taught online. Now disadvantaged teenagers will be able to borrow laptops to help them study at home while schools are closed. The Department of Education is supporting 180 free online lessons for primary and secondary pupils through to year 10 with laptops or tablets for those without access to a computer, taking the pressure off parents who have children at home.
Praise: God for schools’ support. May local authorities select the most needy. (Proverbs 1:5)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-52341596 |
The Luis Palau Association produces a website and social media, Hope with God. It is a growing community that shares the Gospel through targeted ads and daily encouragement. Hope with God is seen by an average of 36,000 people each month, indicating a commitment to Jesus Christ through this platform. The team has seen that the number of decisions to trust and hope in the Lord has more than doubled since the Covid-19 outbreak began.
Praise: God for the many new resources, including this one, that raise spiritual awareness. (Matthew 6:33)
More: www.christiantelegraph.com/2020/04/12/luis-palau-association-launches-resource-to-encourage-and-inspire-millions-amid-covid-19-outbreak/ |
‘Praise God for the compassion and creativity that survivors of bonded-labour and sex-trafficking are showing within their own communities in this season. We are so impressed by many of the survivors we serve who have overcome heart-breaking violence as they offer to distribute food aid, sew face masks, or do anything else they can to help others who are less fortunate. It has been a great surprise and delight for IJM staff to see these women and men grow in leadership and empowerment this way. Pray for their ongoing health and safety, and for God to bless their outreach within their communities.’
Praise: God for the strength He gives to survivors so that they can help others to survive. (Luke 6:31)
More: www.ijm.org/news/ijm-and-survivor-leaders-reaching-out-on-covid-19-spread |
Policing covers a vast range of issues. Often non-crime-related issues take up a considerable amount of time and resources where local needs are many and varied. Faith communities can help the police in numerous ways by engaging with and providing support to some of the most vulnerable within our communities. Within the National Policing Vision and Mission, faith communities can support them with their non-statutory requirements. The #FaithAndPoliceTogether vision is to see the police services in England and Wales work in partnership with faith groups to build safer communities and reduce demand. This will have an important role to play in bringing about community cohesion and transformation, The policing vision for 2025 stresses that the links between communities and police form the bedrock of British policing. These include parenting courses, youth services, addiction recovery services, supported housing, and much more.
Pray: for the partnerships; may they grow and reach wider community groups. (Job 26:2)
More: www.faithandpolicetogether.org.uk/ |
Smartphones and social media have connected families who are separated in lockdown. They have also generated a blizzard of dangerous fake news. In Bradford online posts of non-white patients being left to die in hospitals are being shared thousands of times among black, Asian, and minority ethnic communities. One reason for the high number of deaths in this people group is that they often live in densely overcrowded housing. Many have diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease – all high risk factors. Dr John Wright of Bradford Royal Infirmary said, ‘I know from my work in African epidemics that where there is fear and panic, and patients become isolated from their families, it doesn’t take long for rumours and fake news stories to start circulating. We have noticed that some patients are scared to be admitted, and some want to self-discharge, because they think doctors are trying to kill them.’
Pray: for helpful facts to replace fake news and fear in vulnerable communities. (John 8:32)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52337951 |
Everyone has movement restrictions, and millions are working from home or have stopped working. As a response, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced huge packages of financial assistance in grants for the self-employed and paying wages for employed workers. Yet in announcing his help for self-employed, he acknowledges the scheme could facilitate opportunities for perpetrating fraud. He recognises that whatever the health of an economy – or the financial standing of an individual or a company – there will always be those looking to make fraudulent gains. Coronavirus has produced new openings for committing fraud, which is like a virus: it will spread and cause the maximum amount of harm unless the right precautions are taken.
Pray: for the chancellor and business leaders to devise systems to prevent illegal claims and fraudulent gains. (Proverbs 11:1)
More: www.euronews.com/2020/04/20/covid-19-is-opening-up-new-opportunities-for-fraudsters-business-must-reduce-the-risk-view |
Conmen are preying on virus fears, with bogus online stores selling face masks and hand sanitiser and fake emails mimicking official health bodies to trick recipients into downloading computer viruses or giving away passwords. There are fake sites offering refunds on cancelled holidays. Fraudsters are gaining access to homes by offering to take residents’ temperatures or selling anti-virus tests, face masks and hand sanitiser. They are posing as charity workers volunteering to do vulnerable people’s shopping. Savers must avoid making rash pension decisions as criminals exploit fears over market turmoil, especially with offers in emails. Criminals are targeting cash-strapped businesses applying for emergency funds by sending out fake emails claiming to be from HMRC. They are also posing as police and issuing fines via email to businesses they claim are ‘trading unlawfully’ during lockdown. Everyone is advised to be on their guard, and always ask for identification.
Pray: for information of the current scams to be publicised to avoid deception. (Proverbs 9:9)
More: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8238783/Plague-coronavirus-web-scammers.html |
The new relationships and sex education regulations, normalising same-sex relationships and gender fluidity to children as young as three, could become compulsory from September. However, schools are closed. The legally-required consultations with parents to determine schools’ policies have not taken place. Parents have the right to have their views heard, and have children educated in line with their religious belief. Many believe that the implementation of the regulations should be postponed until there have been proper consultations and reviews. An online petition has now been launched for the postponement of the implementation until parents have opportunities to have their views heard. To see the petition, click the ‘More’ button.
Pray: for the secretary of state for education to hear from concerned parents and act. (Psalm 34:11)
More: www.citizengo.org/en-gb/signit/178520/view |
Pressure group ShareAction has called on Barclays Bank to ‘phase out’ financing energy companies that are not aligned with the Paris climate accord. Barclays is close to securing qualified investor support for a new action plan on climate change, as they move away from relationships with carbon-polluting companies. In May their shareholders will have the chance to vote on the proposal at their annual general meeting. City sources said that Barclays’ alternative resolution would commit it to helping ‘transition’ energy companies towards the Paris goals. One investor briefed on the plan described it as a ‘landmark’ for a major lender. We can pray that other banks will commit to measures that will cause polluting companies to achieve Paris compliance across lending measures, underwriting, corporate finance and all forms of project financing.
Pray: for Barclays shareholders to put climate change high on the agenda. (Jeremiah 9:12, 13)
More: news.sky.com/story/barclays-close-to-winning-shareaction-support-for-climate-plan-11965450 |
Suzanne Ferrett, head of Passion for the Nation, writes, ‘God is changing the face of His Church across this land. He is changing us in the hidden place so that we will reflect His glory in the visible place. We declare this is a season when He is calling His people into His presence, to know His heart, His ways and His desires, that a fresh revelation of the power of prayer will come to His people, and that the shifts and the changes He desires will be released within us and through us. Pray that as the Holy Spirit moves across His people in this day, we will change individually and corporately, that we will emerge from this season, carrying His heartbeat and the anointing which comes through time spent with Him, cleansed by the fire of God’s Spirit, pure in heart, spirit and soul.’ For the full text of her message, click on the ‘More’ button.
Pray: for us to hear God’s call to experience a fresh revelation of His Majesty. (Ephesians 3:18)
More: us12.campaign-archive.com/?e=be117c6125&u=307c3ce43ea66a282cde62b61&id=f43966547b |
Saaremaa island, off the coast of Estonia, has been labelled by locals as ‘corona island’ after becoming a hotspot for the virus and being placed into strict quarantine. The first Covid-19 cases on Saaremaa began in March, after a sports event was held there with a team from Italy. Now health officials estimate that half of the island’s population have contracted the virus. An overcrowded refugee camp on Chios had reports of an Iraqi asylum seeker dying after being cleared of having coronavirus. This caused riots and widespread damage by fire, leaving hundreds of people homeless. Many still believe she died of Covid-19. Sicily’s health services are stretched because of coronavirus, and 156 migrants on a German rescue ship were refused entry to its western coast. They had to be transferred to another vessel and quarantined.
Pray: for homeless and islanders living with pandemic fears to know God’s comfort. (Psalm 23:4)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52263969 |
EU leaders met electronically on 23 April to begin tentatively to unlock the nations’ businesses as the immediate health crisis eases. Restarting Europe’s economy has led to divisive debates over grants: ultimately, how should the wealthier north help out the harder-hit south? The argument over solidarity has become a bitter one, with some favouring ‘coronabonds’ or ‘Eurobonds’ and others preferring grants or a 1.5 trillion recovery fund. Let us pray that all decisions made will successfully help those most in need. May the next steps include a huge increase in the EU budget, so that every member state overcomes the crisis together, leaving no nation behind carrying heavy unmanageable debts. Observers note that EU institutions have struggled to get leaders to put aside their national interests.
Pray: for each national leader to be transformed into a European leader. (Psalm 133:1)
More: www.euronews.com/2020/04/23/eu-summit-coronavirus-rescue-plans-test-union-s-solidarity |
On Friday 1st May at 1pm, millions of believers will stand and pray together ‘online’ for every believer to be a witness and for a billion people to hear the Gospel during May 2020. Many of the prayer streams, so far embracing 145 nations and including International Prayer Connect, have come together to arrange this united prayer gathering. It will be led by ministry leaders from every region of the world, including some praying children as well. During this online call, we will pray together for the global harvest in the midst of this virus crisis.
Pray: that God will transform this crisis into a huge blessing with unprecedented numbers of people responding to the Gospel message. (Matt 18:19-20)
More: http://ipcprayer.org/images/200421_GO2020_Prayer_Flyer_A4-1P_May1.pdf |
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children goes far beyond any health risks. Across Europe and Central Asia, everyday services essential for their safety and well-being – from ante-natal care and home visits for new parents, to child protection and education – are grinding to a halt as entire populations go into lockdown. For millions of children and their families, this is a time of anxiety and uncertainty. For those children who were vulnerable before this crisis, the pandemic heightens the risks they already face, particularly children from the poorest families, children with disabilities, those from ethnic minorities and refugee and migrant children – especially unaccompanied children, separated from their families. Now that schools are closed and home-based quarantine has become the ‘new normal’, parents have become frontline responders to the pandemic, needing comprehensive support to safeguard their children’s health, wellbeing and development.
Pray: for the nations to have a raised awareness of the care needs of children at this time. (Psalm 8:4)
More: www.unicef.org/eca/unicef-responds-covid-19-pandemic-europe-and-central-asia |
G20 health ministers had a virtual meeting on 19 April. They agreed that lifting lockdown restrictions is not the end of the epidemic; it is just the beginning of the next phase, and countries must educate, engage, and empower their people to prevent any resurgence. They must have the capacity to detect, test, isolate and care for every case and trace every contact. Health systems must have the capacity to absorb any increase in cases. There is deep concern that the virus is gathering pace in countries that lack the capabilities of G20 countries. Urgent support is needed as they respond to the pandemic, while ensuring that other essential health services can continue. One of the biggest challenges which G20 and WHO face in Africa (and other countries) is the critical shortage of supplies, and the lack of ability to deliver them because of weak supply chains.
Pray: for the International Chamber of Commerce and the B20 business leaders as they work to increase production and distribution of life-saving equipment. (Psalm 90:17)
More: www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/g20-health-ministers-virtual-meeting-saudi-arabia |
‘God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ Many of us have Muslim friends, and we long to see them understand and believe John 3:16. During Ramadan (however modified), let us pray and ask God to anoint us for Spirit-led conversations with them. As they practise self-restraint, fast and pray to become closer to Allah, we can pray that the Holy Spirit will open their spiritual eyes to know the Father who loves them. When they sacrifice and give alms, we can ask God in heaven to show them the sacrifice that Jesus made when he was crucified for the sins of the world. May He give His Church love for Muslims across the world. May we have compassion for those who are like sheep without a shepherd (Mark 6:34). For a ‘30daysprayer’ resource click the ‘More’ button, or go to
Pray: for opportunities to proclaim the Gospel to Muslims and pray for their salvation. (Psalm 97:7)
More: www.30daysprayer.com/ |
During the coronavirus lockdown, Nigerian Fulani militants have murdered a five-year-old child they snatched from a pregnant mother, another nine Christians including two children, and a second pregnant woman In Egypt, seven Islamist terrorists, suspected of plotting to attack Christians under cover of the nightly coronavirus curfew, were shot dead. In West Africa, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau declared coronavirus a ‘product of evil’ while he mocked health measures and stepped up attacks. In East Africa the arrival of a second invasion of ravenous young locusts, spawned in Ethiopia, is feared to be twenty times more severe than the plague that devastated crops in January. Iran is facing major challenges. Its slow response to the pandemic, lack of transparency, and absence of an exit strategy, together with the US sanctions and the fall of oil prices, have compromised its healthcare system, its economic situation, and the daily lives of its people.
Pray: for God to bring powerful protection and Holy Spirit comfort to those living with persecution, sickness, fear, pestilence, and hunger. (Psalm 142:3a)
More: mailchi.mp/barnabasfund/five-year-old-murdered-snatched-from-pregnant-mother-as-fulani-militant-attacks-more-dangerous-than-coronavirus-in-nigeria-lockdown |
The Golden Week will fall between 2 and 6 May. Families usually take advantage of this holiday period to go on long trips. Despite early signs that the number of new coronavirus cases may be slowing, the government has warned that everyone must continue to stay home and avoid non-essential travel, even during the Golden Week holidays. The economic minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, who spearheads the government’s coronavirus measures, said, ‘I am alarmed that efforts to decrease the number of new patients have been insufficient’. Recently doctors warned that the medical system could collapse. Emergency rooms cannot treat seriously ill patients due to extra virus cases. One ambulance carrying a coronavirus patient was turned away by eighty hospitals before he could be seen. Japan now has tens of thousands of confirmed cases: it did not prepare well for coronavirus, despite being the second country outside China to record infection. See
Pray: for lockdown limits that protect everyone during Golden Week. (Job 12:12b)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-52336388 |
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) stated recently, ‘Some of the most active centres of Covid-19 infection, such as China and Iran, are countries where the media have been unable to fulfil their role of informing the public. There is an urgent need to render an exhaustive and honest account of the obstacles to press freedom and the attempts to manipulate information during this unprecedented epidemic. And we must offer solutions that enable journalists now and tomorrow to provide reliable information and combat rumours.’ With this in mind, RSF has launched Tracker-19 to monitor and evaluate the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on journalism, and to offer recommendations on how to defend the right to information. The tool will monitor not only coronavirus but any unprecedented global crisis. It will document state censorship and deliberate disinformation, and their impact on the right to reliable news and information. It will also make recommendations on how to defend journalism.
Pray: for Tracker-19 to end disinformation and erroneous rumours. (Proverbs 16:13)
More: rsf.org/en/news/rsf-launches-tracker-19-track-covid-19s-impact-press-freedom |
The Australian government wants G20 countries to take action on wildlife wet markets, calling them a ‘biosecurity and human health risk’. It is not calling for a ban, but believes they may need to be ‘phased out’. Although wet markets sell fresh meat and fish, some also sell wildlife. It is believed that coronavirus began in a Chinese wet market selling foxes, wolf cubs, civets, turtles, pangolins, and snakes. Australia’s agriculture minister said, ‘A market like the Sydney fish market is perfectly safe. But when you add live exotic wildlife, it opens up human risks to the extent we have seen.. China itself reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health that a wet wildlife market was the cause of Covid-19. WHO said, ‘When these markets are allowed to reopen, it should only be on the condition that they conform to stringent food safety and hygiene standards’.
Pray: for higher hygiene standards, and for markets of unclean meat to be phased out. (Leviticus 11:11)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-52391783 |
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