The rise of the doctrine of secular humanism during the last 70-80 years has played a major role in the positioning and rooting in of all of our false gods. Succinctly put, it is a doctrine that puts man at the center of all things, not God. In fact, it clearly denies God’s existence.

I was tired and decided to take an early afternoon nap. I was asleep for about an hour. Toward the end of that time I was what most would probably call being “half asleep.” It was then that I began to experience something I would refer to as a hybrid between a dream and a vision.

I saw a rock-strewn dirt road along a steep cliff. Some of the rocks were the size of a toaster and the largest seemed to be about the size of a small car. The majority of them were of various sizes in between. The place I saw was very dry, as if there had been no rainfall for quite some time.

As I watched, something very peculiar began to occur. My sense was that the insides of my eyelids were merging to become one large movie screen, like in today’s theaters. I began to see a lot of movement, and at the same time the picture was becoming clearer.

I saw a number of people come into my field of vision and begin moving the rocks from the road, depositing them on the side opposite the cliff. Many of the rocks could be handled by individuals, although they were of a very dense type of stone and therefore pretty heavy! Some of the larger ones were being moved with great effort by small groups of people. I became aware that the road was actually on its way to being cleared!  More people kept coming to help and the area became one of greatly increasing activity.

This dream/vision then became so clear and active that it actually startled me. That’s when I became suddenly fully awake.

What I saw made a strong impression. The following is what I think the message is, at least the part I am aware of at present.

The dryness of the area I saw is a picture of all places where false gods rule (by man’s permission) and obstruct the advancement of God’s Kingdom. “Dryness” represents resistance to the level of life He desires to bring into all areas of life.

The rocks represent the false gods themselves: “churchianity”, money, power, position, status, pleasure, science, modern medicine, certain high profile people, the occult, and so on.  They have been allowed to occupy high places on all seven of the “mountains of culture” (government, the economy, education, religion, the media, arts and entertainment, and the family).

The rise of the doctrine of secular humanism during the last 70-80 years has played a major role in the positioning and rooting in of all of our false gods. Succinctly put, it is a doctrine that puts man at the center of all things, not God. In fact, it clearly denies God’s existence.

Secular humanism sees no meaning in us, the world, or the universe taken as a whole, except any that we might arbitrarily assign. Neither is there any such thing as objective truth – just “your truth” and “my truth” (truth as merely a perception or feeling). There is more, but not enough time to go further into the subject.

So, the rocks being our false gods, the larger the rock, the stronger its resistance to the Kingdom. The blocked road represents the path by which the people of God can and will powerfully carry the Kingdom into the seven mountains mentioned above.

The people clearing the road represent those who have truly received the Spirit and know the times and seasons, thereby understanding what they are called to do in this new era we have entered. At the tail end of my dream/vision I became aware that the number of people showing up to assist in removing the rocks was rapidly increasing. I believe this speaks of the reality of the soon to arrive Third Great Awakening.

I asked God how the people I saw working in groups, were able to even budge some of the very heaviest of the large rocks. He said that they had been to the “spiritual gym to lift”, having become strong in so doing. I knew what He meant. He wasn’t talking about working out with weights. Rather, they had been LIFTING HIM in praise and worship.  In so doing, they had gained spiritual strength, authority, and unity as the basis by which to remove false gods from the road by which the Kingdom would come into the seven mountains.

It would be a vital step for the beginning of a new kingdom seeking age of the transformation of mankind and the world. The false gods would be exposed in all facets of life, their destructive influence clearly seen, and large-scale rejection of them would grow. A new sense of purpose in their removal, and increased unity in taking that on, would create more and more opportunities for the Kingdom of God to be expressed in our midst.

Thank you, Lord!

Bob Kloppel


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