Casting social distancing to the wind, protesters march across America. Suddenly the virus is not dangerous. The very same media that screamed bloody murder when a handful of people worshiped in church, are rooting for thousands to stand shoulder to shoulder, as they riot in every major city.

Why? Because they are the resistance! They are the voices of reason and truth. They alone know what justice for George Floyd should look like. They are the newly anointed keepers of the flame. The virus can’t kill the vanguards of truth. They hold the key to America’s emergence from the dark ages.

Sadly, their movement is already falling apart. Not because the crime that catalyzed it wasn’t evil enough. The killing of George Floyd should horrify and outrage all of us. No, the problem is not their idealism, it’s the irresistible pull of human nature on the resistance—it’s the core absence of the one element that brings justice.

That is why sincere protesters will be drowned out by violent thugs who are spoiling for a fight. You will not hear the call for change above the din of smashed cars and burning buildings. The speakers will be upstaged by the looters as they pass by carrying stolen televisions.

Like so many times before, a noble venture has degenerated into mob mentality. They will scream the screams we have heard so many times before. Their bullhorns will cry out the same tired slogans. And like so many times before, their anger will not turn back the tide of wickedness in America. Their voices, like so many times before, will flicker and die.

Meanwhile, the true resistance—with the exception of a prophetic core— is asleep at the wheel. The army that holds the only answer to racial injustice—for the most part—doesn’t know who they are. They took the gold out of their message and replaced it with powerless sermons made of tin.

Had there been more of the fire of God in the church, there would be less fires in the streets. If there was more of hell preached in the pulpit, there would be less hell being lived out in the inner city. The people with the solution and something relevant to say, are apologizing instead of evangelizing. The people with the bankrupt human remedy who have nothing to say, are declaring it with conviction.

No movement that lacks authority over Satan will ever break the vicious cycle of history. The Who had it right when they sang, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” There will be no peace. There will be no justice, until the power of Satan is broken. The devil merely allows one regime to replace another. And soon, the new regime practices the same abuses as the old one, and so, on it goes.


That is, until reformation arrives through a revived church! It all begins with this realization: WE ARE THE RESISTANCE! Why? Because the Word of God says: “Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

We carry the cure. We own the real power to bring about the end of evil. We are the resistance! On this Sunday, two thousand years ago, 120 people who didn’t know what they were destined to be, waited in an upper room. They had no inkling of the role God had saved for them. They had no seat at the table of human progress. They were not the voice proclaiming the solutions to the wicked misery of mankind.

Then something happened to change all of that! The sound of a might rushing wind. Divided tongues of fire rested on each of them. A dam burst. Languages roared out. They left the safe zone of the upper room to introduce the world to the resistance!

The outpouring of many tongues stripped the thousands who heard them of their protection against God. At the crescendo, when the crowd had been convicted to the heart, Peter stood to make the bravest declaration in history:


Today is the day for us to submit to God and resist the devil. Resist what Satan told the government to do to your church. Resist the cowardly Christians who assail you for doing church today. Resist your own fears and the need for “community acceptance.”

There is a greater victory to be won. There is a glorious and mighty God ready to arm His church with words, gifts of power, miracles, and authority over the devil and all of his byproducts of suicide, addiction, fear, hatred, and prejudice. Shout it from the highest mountain…we are the resistance and our mighty God is proclaiming liberty throughout the land! Preach it, vessel of God! Preach it!

“And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
And also, on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth:
Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.
For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem,

There shall be deliverance as the Lord has said,
Among the remnant whom the Lord calls” (Joel 2:28-32).

But, what did it mean for Joel’s words to be fulfilled? It meant that injustice, tyranny, and perversion would be challenged by the Cross. The defeat of Satan was now being enforced by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The teachings of a gentle Carpenter would soon topple the Roman Empire. A movement had arrived that would not be silent, but would resist the devil, until our Lord returns!





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Vessels of Fire and Glory

Vessels of Fire and Glory is Mario’s newest book. It reached number one on Amazon among all Spirit-filled books. John Kilpatrick who led the Pensacola Revival said this after he read Vessels of Fire and Glory: “As I read the manuscript for Mario Murillo’s new book, Vessels of Fire and Glory, I said to myself, “Finally!” Mario has measured the church and the nation in this season and did not hold anything back. His honesty is like the sun rising inside a dark cave. This release is a paradox—it is sobering and refreshing; it is symptoms and the cure. I believe this revivalist has penned a treatise that should be in the hands of all who lead the work of God.”


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Critical Mass

Critical Mass is the best-selling book Mario Murillo has ever written. It has been acclaimed as a classic on how to pray for, surrender to, and sustain revival. It is required reading in many colleges and training centers.

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