From about November of 2019, until February of 2020, many were prophesying what 2020 would be like. 90% of the predictions tagged 2020 as a year of amazing prosperity, breakthrough, and revival.
You may remember how—based on a decades-old ‘prophetic word’—national revival was supposed to come on the heels of the Kansas City Chiefs winning the Super Bowl. Instead of revival, we got a pandemic. Instead of prosperity, we got massive unemployment and the fastest destruction of an economy in history. Instead of a breakthrough, we got a lockdown. Instead of churches thriving, they were totally empty. Instead of righteousness flowing like a river, the worst demonstrations since the 1960s tore our nation apart, after a heinous murder ignited rage, fear, and deep division.
Here is an excerpt from a blog I wrote on November 9th, 2019, entitled THE OUTWARDLY SUCCESSFUL CHURCH ISN’T STOPPING OUR IMPENDING NATIONAL DISASTER: “Why does the American Church think she is successful? Her outward success hasn’t even tapped the brakes of our impending national disaster. I wish I could say we had stopped the flood of filth and addiction. I’d even be happy if I could say we had slowed the flood. But no, as the flood rises, we take pride in how well we can keep people safe and dry in artificial arks of glass and stainless steel. We celebrate things that are utterly irrelevant in the disaster that is even now at the door.”
The first cases of coronavirus began only weeks after the Holy Spirit ordered me to predict national disaster. But those who rebuked the church, including myself, were rejected for not joining the chorus with those who were singing the praises of 2020.
Don’t you wish you had heard something from your pulpit that could have warned and prepared you for what we are facing right now? Those voices were drowned out by a spirit in the Body of Christ that—even after all we have been through for 6 months now—still wants to hear a giddy message of false hope.
Jeremiah called out the false prophets who refused to believe Babylon would invade Judah. They were prophesying that Babylon, not Judah, would fall, and in less than two years, but Jeremiah declared that Judah would fall and enter a 70 year-long captivity. That captivity came, and some of those false prophets were taken to Babylon. And you know what? Fantastically, even in chains, they insisted on saying that it would soon be over. They continued to lie, even in the face of the absolute proof they were liars.
Even now, preachers in America are saying the exact same thing as last year—as if none of this has happened, and no real danger lies ahead. Once again, you are being set up for another crushing disappointment, because you are listening to men who are hopelessly addicted to a false message.
Read Jeremiah 38 and you will see something chilling. There was one clear difference between the true prophet and the false ones: The false prophets never called for repentance. That is how you can tell the real from the false preachers right now—if they are not proclaiming national repentance, run the other way!
I said all that, because once again, I must make a prediction and issue a warning. Some will be offended by what I am going to say next: The worst part of the storm is almost upon us. In the next few weeks, you will see a tidal wave of rioting, persecution, censorship, and crime. The evil that is going to be spoken and done against Christians, President Trump, the forces of law and order, and any patriot who dares to take a stand for America, will be unlike anything you have seen so far. Hell itself will be unleashed, in order to crush freedom in our nation.
You will hear virulent things said against our President that will horrify and sicken you. You will hear politicians call for legislation that sounds like it came out of North Korea. You will hear loud voices even begin to worship abortions and perversion. You will see an election vandalized, with massive censorship of any pro-Trump ad. You will see leftist news personalities calling for his imprisonment and even his death. All pretense of decency will be cast aside.
The next few weeks will embody 2 Timothy 3:1-5, “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”
The church should have been called to massive prayer meetings, seeking mercy and repentance. Instead, we are seeing pastors calling for ‘cute’ ways for churches to handle the shutdown. Christian leaders will continue to remain neutral and passive, when they should be rallying the Body of Christ.
Here is my warning from the Lord: The church must be the first to turn from her wicked ways. The church must preach repentance, the Cross, the Blood and passionately seek a fresh out-pouring of the Holy Spirit. Preachers must cast off all pretense of trying to save their jobs. They must preach with such force that they pierce hearts and drive home the gravity of the situation, and clearly proclaim what the true stakes of this moment are.
Someone asked me if the Lord had shown me that Trump would win a second term. I told them, “No, He has not.” I told them what I am telling you now, that the single greatest threat to Trump’s reelection is the hesitancy of preachers to rally their people to vote. It boggles my mind that this is still possible! But it is symptomatic of the deep deception that characterizes this hour.
Just as dark and impossible as it may seem, just as vile as this moment appears, there is still a miracle waiting in the wings. Our God—our awesome God—our God Who comes out of nowhere, is sending a clear and undeniable signal to a remnant. They have already been tried in the fire, and now they will come forth like gold. Look for nobodies to get battlefield promotions and raise up armies of righteousness.
At this moment Satan is trembling with fear at the thought of their appearing. At this hour the devil shivers before the inevitable return of new lions—warriors with tongues of fire, healing in their hands and irresistible words of Life. They are coming. Oh, yes, they are!
As Nehemiah recalled: “Therefore You delivered them into the hand of their oppressors who oppressed them, but when they cried to You in the time of their distress, You heard from heaven, and according to Your great compassion You gave them deliverers who delivered them from the hand of their oppressors.” (Nehemiah 9:27)
Let the lukewarm believer collapse before God in conviction. Let the hidden warrior take heart that God is about to force the situation in your favor. The difference between true vessels of God and hirelings is about to become extremely clear and undeniable.
I beseech you, before God: heed this warning and believe the promises!
P.S. A Special message to all of our friends from Mario Murillo Ministries
Why do we offer you books? It is certainly not to blunt the impact of the message you just read. In fact, these books reinforce the message we are trying to spread. More on that in a moment. So, why do we offer them to you?
When the pandemic closed our tent crusades, church meetings and rallies, the Holy Spirit commanded Mario to keep our staff on at full salary, and trust Him. He obeyed and God has provided. But another thing the Holy Spirit grants are wise ideas. And we needed one. That is when the War Chest Collection was born.
If you look at the page you will see no advertising. And there never will be. And if you get our newsletter you will see that we have stopped raising money for projects we can’t do right now. But even that was not good enough for us.
In this pandemic we needed something that was truly a win-win situation. We prayed for something that would help the people, and us, that was not a garish fund raiser.
Then, we remembered how John Wesley taught his young preachers to always bring books with them that would help the people. Why not then, at a time when people have time to read, offer them something that will empower them and at the same time keep us strong and ready to go as soon as the door reopens?
We are amazed at the impact of Vessels of Fire and Glory. That book is not just blessing people—it has started a movement! Critical Mass remains required reading in many Christian schools and has never stopped influencing people who pray for revival. Edgewise offers wisdom for living in the last days. Together they provide you with solid, hard-hitting and encouraging truth. Not a bad thing just now.
The War Chest Collection has handed the enemy a double defeat by empowering God’s people and keeping us strong and ready.
Thank you for listening and get your War Chest Collection today. Turn your summer read into equipping, encouragement, and fire! We are all going to come out of this mightier than ever! -Mario Murillo Ministries
The War Chest Collection: three powerful books by Mario Murillo for only $27. This amazing offer includes free shipping and a signed copy of Vessels of Fire and Glory. The war chest is an army’s first order for victory. The doors will soon open for tent crusades and we must replenish our war chest. This is a true win-win situation. Not only will you get three excellent books for only $27 but your money will go toward winning souls.
Use this link to order right now
Vessels of Fire and Glory
Vessels of Fire and Glory is Mario’s newest book. It reached number one on Amazon among all Spirit-filled books. John Kilpatrick who led the Pensacola Revival said this after he read Vessels of Fire and Glory: “As I read the manuscript for Mario Murillo’s new book, Vessels of Fire and Glory, I said to myself, “Finally!” Mario has measured the church and the nation in this season and did not hold anything back. His honesty is like the sun rising inside a dark cave. This release is a paradox—it is sobering and refreshing; it is symptoms and the cure. I believe this revivalist has penned a treatise that should be in the hands of all who lead the work of God.”
Here is a book about the end times with a totally different approach. It does not focus on how the world will end but on how to live as the curtain comes down on humanity. Powerful, practical, and encouraging.
Critical Mass
Critical Mass is the best-selling book Mario Murillo has ever written. It has been acclaimed as a classic on how to pray for, surrender to, and sustain revival. It is required reading in many colleges and training centers.
Use the link below to order yours right now!