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We would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas as we celebrate Jesus coming to this world to save us!
We know that because of the Covid-19 Pandemic this has been an extremely difficult year for many people.  As a ministry, it was also a very challenging year for us since we had to cancel all of our events.  But what the enemy means for evil, God always turns it around for good. (Genesis 50:20) This has been a season when we were able to spend more time together as a family which was so special to us.  Amazingly, this year we were also able to reach more people with the gospel than ever before!  Millions of lives heard and received the message of Jesus through social media and youtube.  And we also rejoice to have been able to finish the project of translating the book, websites and TV series to Hebrew. We are praying for the Lord to use this translation to reach the Jewish people with the love and gospel of Jesus Christ!

Because of the love and support of our partners we were able to invest over $10,000 in this project, and we will be able to give the book “My Beloved Holy Spirit” as a free gift to everyone who desires to read it in Hebrew.    When you sign up to partner with the ministry, not only you receive a copy of the book as a thank you gift, but you also make it possible for the Jewish people to receive a free copy of the book.

If you would like to see the first episode of “The Promise” in Hebrew, you may simply click here:

We are now working on the translation to Italian and Arabic.  We hope to be able to share the videos and book in different languages, so when these countries open up to hold evangelistic events again, the impact of the crusades will be greater.  We are also looking for people who would be willing to help us translate the book and videos to other languages.  If you speak another language and would like more information on how you may help us with this project please let us know by replying to this email.

Once again we want to thank all of our partners for making it possible for us to continue to share the gospel during this difficult season.  If you are not a partner, and would like more information on how you may support the ministry so that we may continue to share the love and message of Jesus around the world, you may simply click here:

We believe that 2021 will be the greatest year for evangelism ever.  Our calling and passion will continue to be for the glory of Jesus and the salvation of souls.  We will continue to preach the gospel, until everyone has an opportunity to experience the unconditional love of God, the healing power of the Holy Spirit and the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

We love you and pray for Jesus to continue to be revealed in you and through you.  Please keep us in your prayers also.

In the service of the King,

Andres, Giannina, Elijah, Anabella and James Bisonni

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