In This Issue
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The greatest awakening is the waking up within to who we really are in God and who He is in us.
We are awakening to the light of heaven, the creative fire of God in our hearts, lifting us into new realms of inner joy and washing away the darkness.
The ache of desire within is fulfilled in the river of the liquid fire of the love of God filling our hearts. The joy of His presence lifts us into unbridled expressions of worship.
Abandoned of natural awareness we are transported into the heavenly holy realm of the Spirit to sup with Him in us in the bliss of His heavenly life.
In worship we are poured out into the atmosphere of this world dispelling and replacing the darkness with the glory of the light of the river of the joy of love. The world begins to be transformed into “as it is in heaven.”
No darkness can prevail in the substance of His presence in the heavenly atmosphere of true unrestrained worship.
Cleansed hearts and lives are immersed and saturated in the pure holy love of God to flow out to cleanse the world around us and drive the darkness into the sea of forgetfulness.
In His presence worldly troubles and all strife are no longer a factor in our hearts and lives.
Abiding in Christ in heavenly realms is peace and joy beyond description. Christ abiding in us protects and keeps us in the heavenly realm on earth as we return to our place of service on earth.
The presence of God is then between us and the tragedies of life on earth. Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we do not fear or strive.
Our worship is within continuously as God’s presence abides within us. Freely we can move back and forth between being with God in worship in heavenly places and God being with us in our life of service on earth bringing the things of heaven to earth.
Our life with God is His life in us on earth and at the same time our life with Him in heavenly places.
The first and predominant life is our life with Him in Spirit-to-Spirit commune of fellowship and sharing of attributes through perfect love. We receive the strength, wisdom, and mind of Christ. He receives a living human corporate body and soul on earth as the place to “rest His head” or His “headship” on earth.
Christ Jesus, Son of God, Savior, Lord, and King is the one and only true head of His corporate body of believers on earth. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27.)
This is the millennium, the century, and the decades of the reality of Christ Jesus fully connecting as the HEAD of His BODY on earth. (Colossians 1:18, 2:18-19).
Perhaps the most significant one-thousand-year period or millennium is this third millennium since Christ. The third millennium began around the year 2000, give or take a little to compensate for man’s calendar errors. In the year 2000, history had completed two millenniums and began the third.
We are now living in the third millennium since Christ Jesus was on earth in His earthly human body as the Son of man. Jesus was born the son of Mary and of the seed of God in the Holy Spirit as Son of God. He had no earthly biological father therefore was not subject to the fallen nature of the first Adam. Jesus was the second and last Adam born without sin, just as the first Adam was before the fall.
We are also now living in the third decade. The third decade began the first day of 2020 and will conclude in the last day of 2029. We have now completed two decades in the first century of the third millennium. We are now experiencing the works of the third decade in this first century of the third millennium.
2020 began the extreme exposure of the darkness of man’s attempting to rule Planet Earth without God. The darkness of striving to live in and govern the world without God was and is yet being exposed for what it really is instead of what the enemy has tricked much of the world into believing it is. Exposure to the people is the first step in cleansing or removing that which is not of God on earth.
Before the evil darkness could be fully exposed the reality of the goodness and greatness of God’s love had to be seen by His people on earth in the beauty of His holiness.
In the last century of the second millennium since Christ, the love and power of the fullness of the Holy Spirit had to be restored to the people. Apostles and prophets had to be restored on earth to begin to bring forth the true gospel of the kingdom of God on earth by Christ Jesus in His people by the Holy Spirit.
The intimate living love relationship of God’s people had to begin to come forth. All of this and more has been and is being restored to the people of God, so that the darkness in our world can be seen. The people of the darkness cannot see the darkness but perceive the darkness as light and the light of God as darkness.
It is vital that God’s people see the false god behind godless governance of tyranny and world dominance seeking to continue to rule this world through systems such as humanism, socialism, communism, materialism, intellectualism, capitalism and a multitude of other “isms” along with the many other personal gods such as pleasure seeking, love of money, sexual deviance, self-centeredness, spectator sports, drugs, alcohol, excessive eating, excessive working, sorcery, and whatever else is used to replace the one true God in their lives.
As the ruling evil darkness on earth is dissolved, the kingdom of God / kingdom of heaven can and will come forth on earth by the love, power, and wisdom of King Jesus ruling and reigning on earth in His corporate Body and Bride.
Again, the children of God will be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth with the beauties of holiness of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Beyond the decade of exposure and dissolution of the reigning darkness is the work of Christ Jesus in us by the Holy Spirit establishing the love rule of God on earth. The glory of God will cover the earth as the people of God fill the earth with His presence. Heaven will respond with mighty works in the heavens and peace on earth in the everlasting presence of God with us.
Worship is the practice of intimately connecting with God Spirit-to-Spirit that builds Christ in us through the impartation of Holy Spirit establishing the Spirit of Christ in us.
High praise is the strength of the love of God flooding through us up to heaven and out to the world.
God is pleased to give us the love and power through worship to become His mature sons and daughters worthy to carry the power of God in every word and work that proceeds from us into the people of the world.
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32.
The increasing light of God is the glory of the kingdom of heaven coming to earth causing the exposing of the darkness hidden in the religions of the world. The cocktail of pseudo light and deadly darkness became a favorite drink of religions in the deceived world.
There is no mixture in the pure love light of heaven now coming to earth in the hearts and lives of those in whom Christ Jesus fully lives.
The love of God is the dissolution of the darkness on earth. Power and wisdom flow through the love of a broken heart of man replaced by the heart of God. The living Spirit of the resurrected Christ Jesus fully abiding in the people of God is the kingdom of God ruling and reigning on earth.
The Lord of Glory is now coming into the world through the chosen gates of the new generation of kings and priests who lift up their heads toward heaven. This is the time of the “gate generation.”
Lift up your heads, O you gates!
And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
The Lord mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, O you gates!
Lift up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.
10 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord of hosts,
He is the King of glory. Selah
Psalm 24:7-10.
Love and Blessing,
Ron McGatlin

Glorifying Jesus and reaching the lost during the pandemic – Andres Bisonni
Watch This Amazing Video – We know that because of the Covid-19 Pandemic this has been an extremely difficult year for many people. As a ministry, it was also a very challenging year for us since we had to cancel our events. But what the enemy means for evil, God always turns it around for good. Amazingly, this year we were also able to reach more people with the gospel than ever before! Millions of lives heard and received the message of Jesus through social media and youtube.

Has Jerusalem Surrender Begun? – By Siman Tov Allalouf
It seems that so much is happening that is rooted in evil and it is not limited to just the virus that has pretty much destroyed the worlds economy. But could this virus be a smoke screen to implement so much more than ever conceived possible?

A City, A Song, and a Proclamation
A news reporter said today “New York City is like a ghost town” as the camera panned the nearly empty streets and sidewalks of downtown Manhattan. Never in my lifetime would I have thought this to be reality at this time of year – never. But God has a plan at the close of this year of “unprecedenteds” into the coming new year for not only New York City, but all cities, all towns and every nook and cranny of this, His beloved country to the ends of the earth. This year will end with His beginning.

The Ride Of Our Life – by lisagreat
People struggle with uncertainty and have a hard time with mystery because we can’t control it. Like being strapped in a roller coaster on Space Mountain at Disneyland we are hearing the click click click of the track, but we are in the dark, so we grab as hard as we can the handle in front of us. But if you’ve been on the ride before, you know how fun it is and your smiling the whole way, knowing you are on track for the ride of your life.

Lifestyle Christianity, the unexpected became the UNPRECEDENTED – Todd White
We will always look back and remember the year that God pruned us like never before, birthed Lifestyle Christianity Church on the Day of Atonement, and set the stage for what we believe will be the greatest move of God we’ve ever known in the years to come! Join us in celebrating all Jesus has done in 2020 as we say “YES!” to His mandate to MULTIPLY in 2021!
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