Iraq (MNN) — Christians in Iraq remain shaken by the twin suicide bombing in Baghdad. It was the first mass-casualty attack since 2018, killing at least 32 people and wounding more than a hundred. The Islamic State quickly took credit, stirring fears of a resurgence. Samuel of Redemptive Stories says believers are shaken, but they’re pressing on to make Christ known.

“I had the privilege to talk to a pastor on the very night of the suicide attacks and he said, ‘Our spiritual condition as a church is well; our physical condition is well; but our emotional state, as a church, is sad,’” Samuel shares.

“The Church in Iraq had seen three years of almost peaceable activity. Now suddenly, out of nowhere, there are these significant attacks.”

The hope of Christ shines brightly amid such tumult. Pray this attack will not stop believers’ progress.

(Photo courtesy Open Doors)

“So many Christians have run away to the West. Those that remained [have] seen these beautiful signs of hope – maybe things are moving forward, perhaps we’re finally coming back to some sense of peace and cooperation,” Samuel says.

“Yet, when this happened, I think it shook that foundation they had been hoping for.”

Now that you know, how will you respond? Use the prompts listed alongside this article to guide your intercession for Iraq, or use this video resource from our sister ministry, Prayercast.

“I may sound like a broken record whenever this question comes up, but prayer is first and foremost,” Samuel explains.

“To pray, you have to be informed; you have to be aware of what is occurring. As you begin to understand, you can pray appropriately.”

Search our Iraq archives to learn more about this Christian community and the challenges they face. “When you pray about something, Jesus was very clear – where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” Samuel continues.

“We encourage people to give to opportunities that exist in this part of the world to help our brothers and sisters so that they might stay and grow and be stronger.”

Header image is a screenshot from Prayercast|Iraq 
