This is a deeply frustrating moment for me. The Reason? It is because I see two forces in the process of colliding. One is wonderful beyond words, and the other is inexplicably tragic.
The American church is being handed the opportunity of a lifetime, but she has not seized it. Right now, a great number of Americans want to be born again. I have never seen so many—not even during the Jesus Movement.
March 4, 2021 by mariomurilloministries
I know what the media wants you to believe about Americans. They want you to believe that the message of the Gospel is grossly unpopular—but that is a lie! And the paradox is that the only way to prove that it is a lie, is by shaking the church out of the very tragedy I am trying to explain.
What is holding us back? It seems we are drained from taking out the trash. What in the world do I mean by that?
Nehemiah 4:10, “Then Judah said, ‘The strength of the laborers is failing, and there is so much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall.’”
Think of that! One of the most glorious and urgent projects in history was held up for the strangest of reasons. Nehemiah’s workers faced ridicule from their enemies. They faced terrorism from surrounding tribes. But it was taking out the garbage and removing all the rubble from the past that sapped their will to build.
Do you realize what Democrat leaders have done? They have made Americans utterly miserable. Even Biden’s avid fans (if there are any) are in agony because of his leadership. Democrat Governors like Newsom and Cuomo are being assailed for destroying lives. Millions are groping in darkness, in a despair that has been created by the Democrat Party, which is why they are ripe for the Gospel.
That is why our tent overflows with unchurched people who are yearning for the preaching of the Word of God. They want to know Jesus.

Here is what I mean by the American church taking out the trash. You have been sidetracked into taking out the garbage if you are attacking prophets who predicted a Trump victory, and cannot let it go to win souls. You are taking out the garbage if you are attacking those who attack the prophets, if it has caused you to have stopped winning souls. You are taking out the trash if you attack Trump supporters continually, so that you cannot win souls. You are taking out the trash if you are speculating about conspiracy theories, and have nothing left over for lost souls. You are taking out the garbage if you are a prophet and are over-apologizing, instead of winning the lost.
God wants the American church to rebuild our message to America about Christ. What is slowing us down is all of the trash we keep carrying out.
Let me make some things very clear. I believe that the Democrat Party agenda is anti-Christian and destructive to America. I will keep writing and exposing that. I believe that the election was stolen and I am prepared to fight, in blogs and in pulpits, for that to be exposed. I believe in, and stand with Donald Trump’s destiny in our nation. I still expect a Trump miracle.
But I believe God is calling for us to counterbalance the fixation to use social media to analyze, divide, constantly speculate, debate, and attack, by being the miracles we are, in God’s hand. And yes, we should speak loudly against political evil, when God orders it, but not at the expense of winning the lost.

Anything that would keep us from seizing the greatest harvest in our lifetime is of Satan, no matter how compelling it seems.
To the everyday believer I say, relive and rewrite your testimony, because friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances are open to your witness. Believe me, the misery Democrats have created transcends politics. Even those who may disagree with you about Trump will be open to prayer and to your witness.
To pastors I say, reopen your church now! Prepare Gospel sermons. Give altar calls. You will find that outsiders are returning to church. A vast blanket of conviction has settled on our weary nation.

To all I say this: Mario Murillo Ministries is about to launch the largest and deepest soul winning campaigns we have ever done—and I believe they will also be the greatest California has seen in decades.
Yes, there will always be trash that should be taken out. I will blog against false doctrine. I will blog against the lie that the church should stay out of politics. I will continue to tell the truth as God gives me strength. But something has come that I cannot neglect . Millions are ready to surrender to Jesus.
Matthew 9:36-38, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.””