There are some scary people in California. It is 7:30 a.m. Preachers are waiting outside of Christian Worship Center in Manteca, as if they were going to a rock concert. They know lunch isn’t until noon, but here they are, so excited to get one of the 1,200 seats inside that they showed up, four and a half hours early. The doors were scheduled to open at 11 a.m. Yet, we have no choice but to open them a full hour early.
Inside, megachurch pastors sit beside pastors of smaller churches. Love levels the field. Tears flow. They are singing their hearts out. Why is there so much intensity and joy? It is because of the lockdown.
For most, this is the first time in a year they have been able to be in a packed church with on-fire believers. It is not until now that they have come to realize how much they have missed having church.
This blog is about them, not me. It is about a mighty core of Christians with untapped power.
What is it like to preach to an audience like this? They are so open and hungry that my words are absorbed as fast as I can say them.
Here’s the thing. My message is not that great. I am not the draw. They are reaching up to God with unending passion. Their zeal is the primary thing. I can add very little to what God was already doing in them.
It is now 12:30 p.m. We break to go eat outside. I tell them we will pray for them after lunch, when they come back inside. Experts say that it is very likely that many will fail to come back in after they eat. It is the perfect break for them to just eat and then head home. After all they are very busy leaders.
The experts are dead wrong. Everyone came back. And, of course, miracles broke out on the remnant of God. They all reached out to the Holy Spirit and were overwhelmed with more than they expected. There is not a square inch of this sanctuary that is not radiating with the glory of God. It feels like something is being born.

I remember how Donald Trump drew vast crowds in parts of America that were far from population centers. Why did tens of thousands from the outskirts gather in record numbers in the middle of nowhere?
The answer is that these were Americans who felt forgotten. They believed that their leaders had forsaken them, but God had sent a man who gave them a voice.
That same thing happened in Manteca, to pastors, businessmen and businesswomen, even State Senators—people who believe they have been forgotten. They believe their churches have forgotten them. These are the people who left Christian events that were nothing but compromise and human entertainment. They walked out, sick at heart, saying to one another, “There must be more than this!”
There are millions more like these in towns and cities across America. The remnant are comparing notes. They have made up their minds. It will be an Awakening, or it will be nothing. Watch out! These are pastors who are done with the smoke and mirrors of glitzy marketing.

With them are regular folks who love Jesus with every ounce of their being, who are also famished for a true act of God in California. And, God is not going to deny them!
To the hypocritical leader, I say, be afraid—be very afraid. The remnant will not play church any longer. The demon-driven politicians should quake in their boots. The remnant will only obey the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. They will no longer surrender to wicked policies.
California was visited today. Now we will move on to a tent crusade, and the glory and the fire will only intensify!
Be warned. The real remnant of God is here, and they will soon rise onto the national stage!
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:1-3).