Isn’t it amazing when the Lord opens doors you thought would be impossible to open!  

Last night, Let Us Worship had the opportunity to worship in one of the most controversial and tense areas in our nation, Minneapolis — more specifically the Brooklyn Center community.

The division, disunity, and chaos that the enemy has sown into politics and race was no match for the Holy Spirit.

Brooklyn Center community.

WATCH >>> The division, disunity, and chaos that the enemy has sown into politics and race was no match for the Holy Spirit.

There were POWERFUL testimonies that emerged from last night!!

I’m talking about life-changing, eternity-altering testimonies, where broken people were healed, addicted people were freed and LOST SOULS WERE RECLAIMED FOR THE KINGDOM.

We put together a video highlighting the movement of the Lord, and it’s worth watching and sharing!

Right now, we are headed south, for more revivals!

We will be in Ozark, Missouri tonight, Little Rock, Arkansas tomorrow the 24th, and Kansas City, on Sunday the 25th.

Come join us!



P.S. download the NEW ORLEANS HERE and make sure to leave a 5⭐️ review

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