CBN Partners Gave Them Something to Drink…

I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. … Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these … you did for me (Matthew 25:35, 40 NIV).

Three times a day, 8-year-old Yosseline climbed down the mountain just to carry back up two gallons of water. Each trip took 45 minutes. Her grandmother, Maria, used to go along but is now physically unable. There is no one else in their family. So, fetching water became this little girl’s daily responsibility

On top of this challenging task, what Yosseline brought back was dirty, as it came from a cistern of runoff water from a hillside. “Sometimes the water is very muddy,” this young girl said, “and has dirt in it. … It always has worms.” And yes, she became ill from drinking it. So, caring CBN partners helped dig and install pipes that now bring fresh water to all the houses in this Honduran community! And not only was a new water source found, but together, through CBN’s Operation Blessing, you helped replace a damaged 15,000-gallon holding tank and added chlorination to purify the water.

“When I saw the water, I was very excited. I thanked God for such a wonderful day,” Yosseline said. “I was really happy because I knew that now I was going to drink clean water.”

Maria added, “Water is so precious. I thank the engineers from Operation Blessing, also the donors. God bless you!”

Every day CBN partners provide crucial help through food relief, clean water, and medical help to others like Yosseline and her grandmother. Because of the love of CBN partners, millions come to know Jesus who would otherwise face a lifetime of hopelessness.

Only with your help can we continue to reach dear people like these with the Good News of Jesus. Will you join us today as a CBN partner? Because so many people need hope and help that can only be found in Christ.

When you join, you will receive God Is For Us! Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory—selected verses from the book of Romans read by Pat Robertson. As you meditate on God’s Word and encourage your spirit, you’ll experience new levels of faith to see God work in your life too.




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