The Lord showed me through three dreams in the last week that from now till the end of 2021 He was dealing with the trauma people had been carrying from 2020 and the post-pandemic world.

I saw His heart for those who have been through the valley of the shadow of death and while they are alive physically they were spiritually and emotionally in survival mode ever since.

I felt His vindication over the events that have caused people to fall into collapse and absolute breakdown and now are feeling the after-effects they can’t seem to shake or move on from.


I saw these people stuck in a memory of a moment of time that was on repeat and they were chained to and a slave to. These were livelihood-destroying, life-devastating moments.

I saw a threshold in the spirit and the church were almost in the crossover but trauma had caused them to lay down in defeat and this was the enemy’s plan all along – to disable them before a critical moment of breakthrough.


But right now and throughout the rest of the year, God is picking the church up from the battlefield floor and showing her how to live and thrive in a world in crisis and show us how to be effective in it.

He is bringing out his healing salve on those who have been beyond crushed and have felt beyond hope. He is restoring those who even walked away from Him due to the trauma, and He is visiting those who have felt lost and abandoned in a year of chaos and change.

God is bringing people into wholeness who have experienced this high-level trauma, severing ties and shutting doors and trigger points, reversing its effects, and giving you a fresh wind.


In the first dream, I saw a woman that looked disfigured and aged even though underneath I could tell she was young. Her posture and countenance was sickly and unhealthy and her eyes were filled with deep grief, despair, and hopelessness. She was tormented and not in her right mind, then I saw it. It was a demonic being that was latched onto the back of her head and back and constantly whispering into her ear.. it was like a 24/7 newscast of lies and reminding her of past wounds and hurts and speaking to her about who was against her. In the dream I walked over to the woman and asked “Who is this creature on you?” and she replied “The trauma of 2020 and the noise of the pandemic” Then without thinking I walked up to her and said “This is not who you are” and picked up this creature and threw it away. The woman instantly started to change in her appearance and slowly began to look younger, happier, and healthy again.

When I asked the Lord what this was He said this was the effects of “spiritual trauma” that had come through the religious, political, and Jezebel spirits in 2020. This woman represented many that had been caught up in the showdown of the battle of the second heavens and been a casualty of war. I’m not saying it was wrong to fight.. more should speak up and stand up but this were those who had been blindsided by the times and caught up in the storm, the division, the battling flesh and blood, and it had caused a deep UNREST, deep trauma, and caused a tormenting spirit to enter in and take them out.

God is dealing with this spiritual trauma in two ways like I did in the dream – TRUTH, and DELIVERANCE. It’s reinstating truth where there have been lies and confusion spread by media, demonic social justice initiatives, and ideals contrary to the heart of God. And secondly straight up just removing the demonic assignment. How do you do that? You rebuke it and command it to leave. You give it not room or access to muddy your spiritual gateway and confuse your flow. Also, get filled up again.. dryness leads many to empty which made it easy for spiritual trauma to take place. Be freed and delivered NOW in Jesus’ name!

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s” Psalm 103:2-5


In the second dream, I was in a church service where people were bringing random items they were carrying and placed them on the stage. Then I invited people to come up if they wanted prayer and as I praying for people crazy healing started taking place especially of emotions and wounds. It felt like the balm of gilead and the oil of gladness were working to bring people to health in their minds and emotions. PTSD was being healed.

Anxiety was being healed.

Depression was being healed

Emotional lethargy and tiredness was being healed

Bipolar was being healed.

Confusion and mind clarity was being healed.

Anger and sadness was leaving.

Sleep disruption and disorders broke off.

Nightmares and torment leaving.

Deep seated trauma went in a moment.

Then JOY hit the altar and people were laughing and screaming in happiness and relief, then I woke up and I felt it!

This spoke to me that we are in a time of exchanging what we have been carrying, baggage, bondages, painful memories, loss, and the trauma that has caused these. As we take them to the altar God is going to exchange them for joy and beauty for ashes!

“He stooped down and gave him first aid, pouring olive oil on his wounds(trauma), disinfecting them with wine, and bandaging them to stop the bleeding. Lifting him up, he placed him on his own donkey and brought him to an inn. Then he took him from his donkey and carried him to a room for the night” Luke 10:34


In the third dream, I was worshipping with three friends who are amazing psalmists. We weren’t in a church building but a lobby of a hotel or building and just worshiping and ministering to people as they walked by. We were prophesying and praying into family restoration and the breaking of trauma off families, marriages, and children. We are prophesying that there was a wave of recompense coming to families that have been through generational trauma for years but then 2020 hit and it disassembled what was already shaky. I prophesied, “Trauma is going to turn into legacy!”

As I said that an elderly lady walked over to us and asked us to pray for her. My friend asked what was wrong and she went through a long list of physical issues that she had been dealing with for a long time and couldn’t seem to be healed off. As we prayed for her the power of God hit her and she started yelling out that she could feel her body being healed.. tears streaming down her face. Then we began to prophesy that God was going to heal every area of her life.. not just the physical ones. Then as we said that her phone called and it was her husband who had left her and was crying on the iPhone asking for forgiveness.

When I woke up this dream hit me the hardest because yes God was healing trauma but it was so much more. It was generational trauma God was speaking into being broken and the beginning of legacy for those who had been in the land of woundedness for a long time. It was the breaking off of physical trauma and health issues and also the connected areas of loss and emotional trauma. It was the recompense and heart of God to bring wholeness – not just heal the obvious and go dig deep and fully restore what ALL that has been lost.


Since the last dream, I had 3 days ago I have praying into this because I knew this was something God is doing right now globally right now so I asked what we can do be healed of trauma and He said these simple words “Hang your trauma on the tree and walk away”

So this is to those that these dreams have spoken to – hang it on the tree. Take every wound and hurt, betrayal, and bitterness that has boiled down to trauma and take it to the cross. The cross where the spotless lamb was crucified for you so we didn’t have to live this lesser existence and be in bondage our whole lives. I believe 2020 although was a year of change, storms, and like walking through a minefield was actually a line in the sand year where God calling the church up higher above all these things that the enemy has normalized within the church for centuries.

It’s time to leave that old shipwreck behind and believe that trauma is NOT a part of your future but life abundantly and to the full. So today;

  • Take your wounds and trauma and leave it at the cross.
  • Forgive who you need to forgive
  • Let go of the questions you have
  • Let go of what you can’t understand.
  • Let Jesus redeem what you can’t.
  • Give him your 2020 year and your future.

He canceled out every legal violation we had on our record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us. He erased it all—our sins, our stained[j] soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! Everything we once were in Adam[k] has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation. Colossians 2:14


As I have been writing this word out I heard two things. I heard the sound of a train that was changing its tracks and the sound of wind blowing.

Trauma tried to ground you and make you heart sick so you wouldn’t go anywhere or take you off course. But right now God is changing your track and putting your trajectory back on course.

If you have even feeling lost of confused of which way to go you will have clarity and see true north again. This is the church’s course correction from the enemy’s diversions and back into the main game.


You will suddenly feel the momentum and unction to move forward where you felt stuck and without options. You will suddenly see the x on the map you couldn’t see before.

Now it’s time to get your fresh wind. It’s time to feel the wind on your back again and the pleasure of the lord where you had lost the joy in your connection.

Over the next few months look for the encounters that remove the burdens from your shoulders and cause rivers of living water to flow out of you again.

Last but not least I want to speak to those who have been tormented by thoughts of suicide especially since last year. I felt strongly that I needed to share this because there were going to be a few people who after reading this word get delivered from this spirit of death that is trying to destroy them. Trauma leave them now in Jesus name! Spirit of death and suicide get off them now in Jesus’ name! You are going to see clearly and suddenly realise God has a future and a hope for you beyond the heartache you have experienced.

Let me pray for you – Trauma i curse you and command you to leave every person reading this. You are a violation and must go from every space and recess of their lives. Church trauma is not your future.. you are free in Jesus name!

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