Brian Wills

I give him 10 hours to live.

That’s what the doctor said after diagnosing 22-year-old Brian Wills with one of the deadliest and fastest-growing cancers.

Thus began Brian’s life-threatening battle—both physical and spiritual. As Brian stood on the promises in God’s Word, the Holy Spirit gave him step-by-step instructions to receive healing.

Through Brian’s book—10 Hours to Live—3-CD audio series and Scripture card, he will teach you how to receive your supernatural breakthrough.

Brian has a passion to help those who are suffering—from headaches to terminal conditions—and he has seen thousands healed.

Brian’s dramatic healing testimony is the best, most documented and faith building resource I know for getting your healingWatch my extended interview with Brian and read his article from our newsletter.

Also, be sure to order his Ten Hours to Live set. I so believe in these God-given resources. I wish everyone would get them for themselves and their loved ones!

Shalom and Love,

Sid Israel Roth

Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, P.O. Box 39222, Charlotte, NC 28278
Messianic Vision Canada, P.O. Box 345, Barrie, Ontario L4M 4T5

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