“The evidence is actually there in the NEJM study, but completely misrepresented in the way the data was presented in general.” -Dr Carmen Wheatley shared with LifeSiteNews.
Dorothy Cummings McLean : Jun 30, 2021 LifeSiteNews.com
(Waltham, MA) — [LifeSiteNews.com] A medical journal discovered that 82% of women who took an mRNA vaccine in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy had a miscarriage—and then it then buried the data. (Image: Pixabay)
In mid-June the New England Journal of Medicine published a study called “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons” by Tom T. Shimabukuro and others from the Center of Disease Control’s “v-safe COVID-10 Pregnancy Registry Team.” The team wrote that there were “no obvious safety signals among pregnant [women] who received Covid-19 vaccines” even though it published a table which showed that 82% of women in the study who were injected with either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine during early pregnancy lost their babies. More prominent in their study was a claim that only 13.9% of all “completed pregnancies” had ended in miscarriage—but this figure included the women who were not vaccinated until they were in the second half of their pregnancies.
The significance of the buried information was not lost on British oncologist Dr. Carmen Wheatley, who shared her information with LifeSiteNews. Having, at first, found the conclusions of the study’s abstract “reassuring,” Wheatley went on to discover “Table 4” and the fine print under it.
“The researchers inexplicably subsumed the first trimester spontaneous abortions—before, and including, 20 weeks—into the completed pregnancy/losses as a whole—104 [miscarriages] out of 827 pregnancies,” she wrote to two leading British doctors, Dr. Peter Rabey, the medical director of the UK’s Channel Island of Guernsey, and Dr. Nicola Brink, Guernsey’s director of Public Health.
Wheatley pointed out that the “real rate” of spontaneous miscarriages among women vaccinated in the first 20 weeks of their pregnancy was not 12.6% but 82% because 104 of these 127 pregnancies were lost. She highlighted the “small print” in the study that stated that a “total of 700 participants (84.6) received their first eligible dose in the third trimester” and that a “total of 96 of 104 spontaneous abortions (92.3%) occurred before 13 weeks of gestation”…
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