As I closed my eyes and asked God what He wanted me to write today, I suddenly felt my inner self moving rapidly upward through space into a realm of the Spirit closer to God far above the things of the natural realm. I became aware that this is what Spirit God is doing with His people today.
God is taking His people on a journey of elevation soaring above the land into higher realms of Spirit, love and glory. Drawing us nearer to the source of the light of His love and glory beyond the filtered view from the ground level of life on earth.
Heavenly life is more than revelation, it is the fulfillment of the experience of the light of the love of God in and above all things.
As the wind beneath his wings carries the eagle effortlessly to great heights above the filter of the dust of the earth so it is that the wind of the Spirit is now carrying us to greater heights above all that hinders our view, providing a crystal-clear vision of the true light of the love of God.
As the light of the sun is the source of the natural energy that sustains natural life in this world, so it is that the pure holy light of God is the source of Spirit life.
All life, natural and Spirit emanates from God.
Without the light of the sun there would be no wind, no light of day, no rain, no plant life. The earth would be a dead planet. Without the light of God’s love there is no Spirit life in the world or in heaven. God’s love produces righteousness, peace and joy on earth as it is in heaven.
Fighting against evil and darkness is futile. Striving to get evil and darkness out of our lives and out of the world is a never-ending battle that we cannot win. Condemning sin and cursing evil darkness does not bring life.
Only the light of God’s love brings true life into the world that dissolves darkness.
The darkness of evil cannot remain in the presence of the light of the love of God. The light of the love of God destroys the darkness of evil.
We must draw near to God and become the light of the love of God and then simply resist the devil and all darkness of evil will flee from us. (James 4:7-10).
Christ Jesus is the light of the world. Christ in us by the Holy Spirit is the love light that destroys darkness of evil from us. (John 8:12).
The greatest change in this world in all history is the love of God returning to fill the world with the light of His love, the glory of God on earth as it is in heaven.
The Day of the Lord is now. The kingdom of God is now in the hands of His chosen Bride of full-grown sons coming forth on earth bearing the light of the love of God.
Collectively but individually a chosen Body of believers lifting from across the world are ascending in the Spirit as one group into union with the light of the love of God in Christ Jesus becoming as one with God in His pure holy love.
No longer as a child hearing as a child, thinking as a child and speaking as a child, but now perfected in union with God’s love as one with God in love.
Love has put aside childish things and opened the treasures of heaven to mature His chosen sons into the fullness of love. (1 Corinthians 13).
In the maturity of perfected love of God, it is no longer just here a little and there a little, nor seeing dimly, but it is knowing as we are known. It is this mortality putting on immortality in perfect union with the light of God’s love transforming us into the love and life of Christ in us and us in Him. It is the earnest expectation of the glory of God manifesting on earth as in heaven.
Christ fully formed in God’s holy mature sons as saints of God descend from the heavenly high places bringing the light and love of God with them to dispel and dissolve the darkness of evil upon the land, purifying the earth to become again as the Edenic kingdom of God on earth.
Babylon will dissolve in the fire of God’s glorious light of LOVE as the devil is bound and all that evil has done and built in this world is dissolved in the glorious light of love.
Not even one life of the sons of God will be lost. Their old lives have already been lost to them when they became the true sons of God. It is the life of Christ in them by the Holy Spirit that remains on earth to establish the kingdom.
They are living in the world but not of the world. They were crucified with Christ and now the resurrected Christ lives in them. The mature sons are in Christ now and when they leave this body for a new body there is no death in that experience.
There is no death now or later in the Spirit realm of the life of God in the people of His LOVE.
“He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 10:39.
“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25.
Jesus said that losing our life was necessary to find our life.
Natural Adamic life is separated from being one with God. Fallen Adamic life cannot become one with God.
Christ Jesus the second and last Adam is the life and the way to union with Spirit God. He is the only way, the truth, and the life.
There is no way for any human being to become one with God except through the redemptive work of Jesus in His death on the cross and resurrection. Jesus is the way to become one with Father God in Spirit reality as son of God.
No human can become reunited with Father God unless his old life is crucified with Christ and resurrected a new creation, a new fresh life free from the sin curse of Adam and filled with the new life of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit of God.
In Christ and Christ in us there can be no more death. There is only everlasting life in God and God in us.
Yet, we do continue in this mortal body having put on the immortality for a MOST IMPORTANT SEASON.
As fully redeemed Sons of God, one with God with full access to all assets of God in Christ available to us, we are to establish the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven on earth.
The pure holy LOVE of God must be fully expressed into the world through the Sons of God to bring all of the design of God for all systems of life on earth back to the original plan and purposes of God.
The glory of God’s love must again fill all the earth shining forth heaven’s glory to all creation.
Our season to be and do our part in this is ONLY NOW while we are yet on earth in these mortal bodies that have put on the immortality of Christ.
Heaven’s cloud of witnesses are excited beyond measure and cheering us on as we do our parts as maturing Sons of God on earth now to release the mighty power of the angel armies of heaven to restore the kingdom of heaven on earth. All power and all wisdom of LOVE is available to us in this season. Only Believe! (Mark 9:23).
Only the love of God in His Bride of mature sons will dissolve the evil darkness with the pure holy light of love establishing the glory of God.
GO FOR IT FULL OUT NOW! Do not hold back.
Ascend now into the Spirit with God and submit your life to Him for His use. Let LOVE of God and for God explode in and upon you to flow out in true worship, praise and full obedience to the heart and desires of God!
Hear Father God speaking to you now!
Ron McGatlin
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