

When the work that God has given you to do is going really well, it is not hard to live in the love and joy of the Lord. When the ministry or business is flourishing and people are in one accord the love of God seems very near.

Could it be possible that our joy can shift from the pure holy love for God and His people to the good results of our labor? Could we maybe in some way have begun to assume some personal gratification from the fruit of the good things God is doing?

Maybe just a little of the glory and grace of God that is doing the work lifts us to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think. Perhaps just a bit of personal pride slips in mixed with our thankfulness to the Lord for what he is doing.

As a result, do you think that maybe our hedge of heavenly protection and favor might just be weakened and eventually breached by the enemy’s assault against us?


But what happens when the people choose to do something else and do not show up for the gathering or when they leave the group to go somewhere else?

Or what happens when your employees decide to quit their job and leave, or worse when they start their own business out of their garage in competition with your company while still working for you? Or how about when someone that was once your good friend files an unjust lawsuit against you?

…..“My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.” Hebrews 12:5-6.


What do we have that God has not provided? One might say, “I have worked hard for this wealth that I have. I have made the right decisions as to what and when to buy and sell. I have earned these things.”

But where did you get the strong body and sound mind to do this work and make these decisions? Where did the empowerment to prosper in business or ministry come from?

God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5) (James 4:6).


As our pride is broken and our hearts are humbled individually or corporately as a group or nation.

The pure holy love of God can fill our broken hearts, taking us to a whole new place IN LOVE WITH GOD.

Falling in love with God is far beyond knowing that God loves us and that we should do the best that we can to love Him back. In love with God, there is no longer striving in our hearts to know and love Jesus more. We are saturated, filled and consumed in His love.

When the liquid fire of God’s pure holy love is poured into our brokenness we are effortlessly swept into an ocean of love for God and His people around us. Our hearts and lives are consumed in His love.

This is the time of maturity, of no longer living and thinking as a child but growing up into Spirit Sons of God and truly becoming the real Bride of Christ through the marriage of total love with God.

No longer just offering a token of love for God. No longer entering into love in His presence at special times in gatherings or in our quite time and then shifting back into our natural minds. We remain in full measure filled with His love continuously.


We are becoming aware that we are Spirit Beings that live now in a natural body and have a soul (mind, will, and emotions). We have the full capacity to relate to Spirit God and to the natural world. We can literally live, walk, hear and see in the Spirit realm and in natural life at the same time.

God has designed us to bring forth the love of God into the natural world. Love brings perfect order from heaven into the world. All things in the world are designed to flow and work together in the order of God.

The currently out of order world is, in many areas, failing and in desperate need of the order of God’s love.

In this special season of the history of God and mankind true believers are becoming aware of the love of God being poured into us to fill the earth with His love and to bring His perfect order of love back on earth.

We are beginning to come together in the all-consuming love of God, beginning in our private secret place and then corporately in love gatherings of worship and praise. Supernatural love and presence of Christ Jesus and holy angels are coming together and being assembled as the bride and the army of God to change the world.


Natural romantic love between a godly man and woman is given to us from God to give us understanding of Spirit to Spirit IN LOVE WITH GOD RELATIONSHIP.

In the Bible the Book of Song of Solomon is a description of being in love with God in Jesus, written as a parabolic natural love story.

A quick read of two short chapters, Chapter 2 and Chapter 5, can give the reader a lot of insight into the reality of falling in love with God and the churches’ struggle to truly come into an intimate love relationship with God.


God is now moving in the hearts and lives of His chosen people. Heaven is open and love is flowing consuming the hearts and lives of maturing Sons becoming the true Body and Bride of Christ.

Myriads of holy angels are gathering on earth in the roaring fire of heaven come to earth. The consuming fire of love is here to destroy the works of evil darkness of antichrist spirit driven sons of the devil.

Finally, the pure holy love of God in His purified Bride will impact multitudes on earth that will be transformed into mature Sons of God.

All who will turn to the love of God will become warriors for God on earth. All who will not turn will be removed from this life and all that darkness has built will be dissolved by the fire of God.

This move is the work of Spirit King Jesus reigning on earth in His chosen Body and Bride returning the earth to the Kingdom of God.

Love never fails and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin


“Your Divine Appointment – the Set Time Has Come!” Faith Marie Baczko

“Your Divine Appointment – the Set Time Has Come!” Faith Marie Baczko

God has been preparing His people, for this notable hour of history, to be the containers and dispensers of His life and His goodness. He has been pouring in the treasures of His Word and soaking us in the anointing of His life in preparation for our appointment in the presence of the King. Everyone has an appointment with the King. Everything we have been through, thus far, has been preparation for this divine appointment.

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