Father’s plans for His chosen mature sons and daughters is at least a thousand times bigger than our natural mind can think.

Only by stepping out of our natural minds and into the Spirit can we begin to grasp the magnitude of the workings of God. By the Spirit we can begin to discern the written word as we read of the huge works of God throughout the Bible, especially in the Book of Revelation.

In the Spirit, as one with God we begin to grasp things far to big for our natural minds to assimilate into language of human understanding. (1 Corinthians 2:9-14).

Love, too pure and holy for human words to describe and things beyond our human capacity to grasp are revealed and implanted by Spirit God into our redeemed Spirit.

Deep calls unto deep and in the depth of our Spirit we can know things that we have never heard or seen.

Huge revelation of scripture regarding the world past, present and future can be known to us in our Spirit by the Spirit of God.

Deep workings of God and the world are made known to us. Mysteries for which we could not have even thought to seek are opened to us in the Spirit. (1 John 2:20) (Matthew 13:11).

In Christ, heavenly things of the highest order can be available to us. We have access to the things of heaven because we are IN Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:17) (Ephesians 1:3, 2:6).

We can bring the things of heaven to this world because Christ Jesus is IN us. (Colossians 1:26-27).


Many believers have wondered why God has not obliterated the horrible works of darkness that is now taking over the systems of life and governance of our nation. Evil darkness is destroying many families and the hearts and lives of the people.

What is going on?

For two millennium God has been working to develop on earth a generation of mature Sons to be the receivers and restorers of His kingdom from heaven on earth.

Only in recent decades has there been a growing army of people who have been prepared and are receiving the revelation of heaven coming to earth in His people.

People that are filled with Christ by the Holy Spirit are falling in love with God and receiving the revelation of the reality of the kingdom of God on earth. Their lives have been given in worshiping and praising God in His manifest presence within and among them.

The true kingdom of God’s sons and daughters are now growing into place to bring forth the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth.

Satan sees what is happening and has gone wild to kill, steal and destroy everything of God on Planet Earth. He knows the end of his false rule is at hand as soon as the people of God awaken to Christ in them establishing His rightful kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

All that can be deceived will be deceived in this time. Unless the time is cut short even the elect are being deceived. The all-out worldwide campaign of the devil is working in the minds and hearts of multitudes who are inflamed with madness of the darkest of evil to kill, steal and destroy.


Religious systems that have denied the reality of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit bringing forth the kingdom of heaven on earth must be changed or fade away.

They are being converted into those who are in love with God, those who will give their lives to seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness now on earth. These are the mature kingdom sons and daughters of God, in the pure holy love of God by the Holy Spirit that carry the kingdom from heaven into this world.

As this army of kingdom people led by our KING Christ Jesus grows in stature and in numbers, the cleansing judgments of the evil of this world is poured out.

The most catastrophic events ever seen in the history of man on earth will dissolve all that lifts itself against God and His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. (Isaiah 2:10-21).

There will be a great harvest of those fleeing the burning spiritual Babylon of this world. (Revelation 18:1-5).

In addition to religious people of mixture, many who have never been involved in religion will see the light and flee the rolling fire of cleansing judgments. Many who have sought to live by the flesh and the power of their own intellect will run toward the love and forgiveness of the light and love of the kingdom. (Isaiah 60:1-3) (Matthew 4:16-17).

These can become some of the most active carriers of the rapidly growing kingdom of heaven on earth.


The great reset of God began at the cross, resurrection, ascension and return of Christ in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost over two millennia ago. God as the Holy Spirit has been working preparing a place for Christ Jesus to fully dwell and rule in the hearts and lives of His Body and Bride on earth for over two thousand years.

Mankind joined by the fallen angels of evil darkness under Satan have strongly resisted the work of God in Holy Spirit forming Christ in the hearts and lives of His people.

Mankind has gone through great devastation in his attempt to rule and reign on earth without the one true God of love. Mankind has had to see the end of his effort in order to finally know that his best can produce only death and devastation of hell on earth.

The current outpouring of pure holy love in the hearts and lives of God’s people is forming an army of mature Sons of God that live only for Christ to live in them. The people of God are a witness to the world of the love, power and wisdom of God changing this world.


In fact, they are the connection of God to the world to bring real life on earth. They bring the life of God to all the world systems of life including every facet of life on earth.

Mature Sons carry the real love, wisdom and power of God into family, business, education, government and every aspect of life on earth.

They will be the best at doing all the different works of life. They will produce more with less loss and difficulty. All the natural systems of life on earth prosper and flourish under their loving care in the perfect order of God.

Families will change, education will change, all business will change, ministry will change, governments will change, all areas of life will change to the order of God that aligns and works with all of the natural existence on Planet Earth.

Freedom for all is produced only by the pure holy love of God in the Holy Spirit of God bringing mankind into perfect alignment with the way of God. This is the righteousness of God in the kingdom of God that Jesus told us to seek. It is the righteous way of being and doing in perfect alignment with God in His kingdom.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.

This is not an impossibility for God working in and with us in perfect communion of LOVE!

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32.

Ron McGatlin




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