This morning September 6, 2012, I was awakened to the voice of God: “Release the Glory of the King of Glory into the world. I am releasing My Glory upon the earth through the gates of My people. There has never been and never more shall be a time such as this time of releasing My glory changing the world and that which is in the world forever.”
Upon awakening further among my first thoughts was that this evening is Rosh Hashanah the beginning of the Jewish new year. It is celebrated as the head of the year, a day of new beginnings.
There is a strong sense of awe within as I begin to grasp the magnitude of the words that I am hearing and what they might mean to the world.
I see again on TV pictures of areas of the gulf coast of storm damage from hurricane Ida that looked like a bomb blast had devastated the buildings. Ida then passed over the area of the mid part of the eastern USA where I live. We experienced only a day of dark clouds passing over with only occasional light rain and no wind. And then the next day more pictures of destruction in the north east part of the country from the same storm that also looked like bomb damage.
In my spirit mind I see volcanos, earthquakes, tidal waves, violent storms, massive fires and bomb blasts of war. At the same time, I see thousands gathering to worship and praise the Lord God Almighty. Multitudes coming as if running from the burning fires of the world into glorious gatherings of the glory filled presence of God in and with His people.
I feel the burning passion of the unconditional unwavering LOVE of God tenderly caring for all who come unto Him. Spirit victory upon Spirit victory, darkness dissolving from Planet Earth. Loving peace, goodness and glory filled freedom of a world become one with God and His heaven. Unwavering love and unending supply of life eternal and immortal in every new born child and growing children, youth, young adults and mature adults all living in the presence of the glory of God, in the peace and goodwill of God in and among His people filling the earth. Beauty arising from the ashes of the past world into the glorious world of peace on earth.
Are we the people of His presence who will open our gates for the fullness of the KING OF GLORY to fully manifest on Planet Earth?
Is this the season of the fullness of time in which darkened eyes and dulled ears will be made new to hear and see the reality of God All Mighty bringing the end of the rebellious failure of adamic man, and restoring the one new man after the linage of Christ Jesus, the last Adam, free from even the scent of evil, and saturated in the glory of God and His pure love forever.
Oceans of love and mountains of glory reflecting the everlasting immortality of Almighty God and His beautiful bride draped in the robe of His loving presence shining forth the glory of the Lord for an eternal witness of the one true God of all creation for all of eternity.
I believe heaven is opening, the trumpets are blowing, and the great crushing of the fruit of this world is beginning in the wine press of time, flowing the wine of eternity as mortality is putting on immortality, and this world is becoming as it is in heaven to the fullness of the glory of God.
“But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
nor have entered into the heart of man
the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’
10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.” 1 Corinthians 2:9-12.
The greatest joy in this life is found in the intimate oneness of the presence of God rejoicing in Him and He in us. Perfect peace in His presence becomes joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4.
Filled with the love of God in His manifest presence cleanses our hearts and lives of all that is not of God. God is love. When God’s manifest presence fills and surrounds us, we become one with God and one with love. Nothing of darkness or defilement can penetrate the love of God. No sadness or sorrow from the cares of this life can dampen the joy of perfect peace in His presence.
Glory is the fire of the love of God connecting us into the ultimate power and wisdom of divine life in our mortal bodies bringing heaven to earth in the righteousness, peace and joy of the Lord in the Holy Spirit.
From this place of the presence of God, it is without effort that we love unconditionally even our enemies in this world. Jesus, who suffered and died for even the worst of us, is now present to live His resurrected life in and with us as we abide in Him and He in us.
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Matthew 5:44.
The joy of the Lord is our strength to overcome all evil, all bitterness and all darkness, to love as Christ Jesus loved us and gave Himself for us. He endured the cross for the joy set before Him that was to come.
We are crucified with Him and now are raised with Him into one life as His body on earth, as the KING OF GLORY reigns on earth in the manifest presence of God in and with us. It is no longer we that live but Christ the King of Glory lives within His collective body on earth.
Our God reigns and of His kingdom there is no end.
Ron McGatlin

“Expect Double Glory in Hebrew Year 5782” Candice Smithyman
The month of Tishrei is the first month of the civil calendar year and the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. It is also called the Head of the Year or the “month of beginning.” It started on Monday, September 6th at sundown and began with a celebration called Rosh Hashanah or Feast of Trumpets. It signified the beginning of Hebrew New Year 5782, which means 5,782 years since the creation of Adam and Eve.

JUST LET GO AND LET GOD – Yolanda Ballard
o and Let God!” What would happen to the Church if we truly did? We would be The Triumphant Army that He called us to be! Having heard this phrase for so long but feeling I was unable to do it, brought me to the place of realization that I am not alone in this. This is a matter-of-fact place where we feel we have to be in total control over everything in our life.

“Awaken to the Fullness of His Glory” – Ella Onakoya
The Lord gave me a dream that I can only describe as phenomenal, especially in its outcome and ending. At the beginning of the dream, I saw a massive being of gigantic proportions lying on the ground, seemingly unable to rise. This giant was covered with what looked like lots of debris or dirt. Suddenly, I saw an awesome sight…the giant was slowly rising. As it rose, the debris began to fall off it.

Rosh Hashanah – Lou Engle
Let’s pray like never before! We begin the FAST! Here is a little background on our storyline in regards to our praying for the end of Roe V. Wade.

“We Are About to See Heaven Open Over America!” Joe Joe Dawson
A Dream of Eagles Flying Over America – I recently had an open vision of many eagles flying over America. In the vision, as the eagles soared through the air, they would take the roof off of the buildings they flew over. As these roofs were removed some buildings exploded with the fire of God and others were simply exposed. Some of the buildings were homes where individuals and families lived and others were churches, businesses or governmental buildings.

“Carriers of His Glory Will Shift Atmospheres” – Kathi Pelton
“For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord.” (Habakkuk 2:14) In my spirit, recently, I heard all of the noise coming from news reports and social media outlets of conflicts, fear and tyranny. I heard the noise of division, anger, blame, fear and rage – all resonating like “resounding gongs and clanging cymbals.” It was deafening….
Texas Fetal Heartbeat Law Takes Effect, Banning Nearly All Abortions in the State: ‘An Amazing Day’ Sep 5, 2021
“Every child with a detectable heartbeat is legally protected from being killed by abortion [in Texas]. Thinking of all the inestimably precious lives that will be spared today & their new lease on life…” -Lila Rose, founder and president of Live…
Dutch Sheets-Give Him 15: Updates on Afghanistan and Prayer (Aug 20, 2021) Sep 5, 2021
Dutch Sheets-Give Him 15: Updates on Afghanistan and Prayer Dutch Sheets (Aug 20, 2021) Our decree: The harvest will continue in Afghanistan! The zeal of the Lord of hosts will see to this! [GiveHim15.com]Tuesday, we discussed the turning over of Afghanistan to…
‘Our Own US Government Turned Them Away’: Underground Railroad Rescue Efforts Underway in Afghanistan Sep 3, 2021
“They had visas, they had a private plane waiting for them, the Taliban actually let them through, and then our own US government turned them away, after sitting there for a day, back to the Taliban.” -Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) Caitlin Burke : Sep 3,…