The really good news is that the fullness of the glory of God is now very near to His chosen people. The really bad news for all evil darkness is that the glory of God is now very near to His chosen people.

For all middle of the road secular and lukewarm Christian people yet sitting among darkness, the brightness of the light of the glory of God is calling to arise and walk or run out of the darkness into the fullness of the brilliant light of the glory of God. (Isaiah 60:1-3).

In this season, Christ Jesus the King of Glory is within us and among us in a greater manifest presence of God by the Holy Spirit. As we are assembled in His name Christ Jesus Himself is within us and among us. (Matthew 18:20).


Holy angels, ministering spirits, are among us to assist in our coming through into the fullness of the glory of God. (Matthew 25:31) (Mark 8:38).

Gathered and assembled in the name of Jesus as we worship and praise God He manifests within and among us. Spirit God inhabits the praises of His people.

Worshiping and praising God with our entire life is our way of life. It is the expression of the love of God within us that brings forth the glory of God, filling our lives and the world around us with righteousness, peace and the joy of the Lord. It is His strength becoming our strength that is bringing forth the reality of the kingdom of God from heaven on earth within us now in this generation.

This is the smooth road part of the journey. It is the calm sea with the peaceful wind of Spirit God filling our sails with the motivation and power to move into the fullness of the glory of the kingdom of God on earth.


The long journey over the past millennia of history could be described in many ways, but easy would probably not be one of those ways. At least as far as recorded history shows there has been a huge amount of serious turbulence and much difficulty in the journey of mankind.

From the failure of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden there has been much hardship and difficulty for mankind on Planet Earth.

Even in the past two millennia since Christ Jesus came to bring peace on earth and goodwill to man there has been much challenge to the journey toward the reality of the glory of God filling the earth.

The journey out of evil darkness into the light of the glory of the kingdom of God is NOW nearing its fulfillment. The darkness is arising and being exposed to be annihilated by the manifesting light of the glory of God.

The glory of God destroying evil darkness is the same for an individual person, family, tribe, nations and the entire world. It begins in the hearts of individuals. The hearts and minds of the individual must be renewed from the order of evil darkness into the light of the way and order of God. Alignment with God through an infilling of Spirit God in an intimate love relationship with Him transforms the individual that can transform families, tribes, nations and the world.

There is one pivotal point in the transformation of an individual and all aspects of the world from all evil darkness into the fullness of the glory light of God.

The one pivotal point of regeneration is Christ Jesus.

Simply stated man alone without the presence of Christ Jesus in and with him by the Holy Spirit cannot be translated into the place of the fullness of the glory of God.

By His life, His cross, His resurrection, His ascension, and His presence as King of glory in His Body of many believers, Jesus has provided and is providing all that is needed to finish the journey into the fullness of the glory of the kingdom of God.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.

Ron McGatlin

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