Geane Prado was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. After a bone marrow transplant and a round of chemotherapy, doctors discovered Covid-19. Her condition deteriorated; she wrote goodbye letters to her family, and fully surrendered her life to God. While intubated, she endured pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrest, renal failure, and bacterial pneumonia. Doctors said she had 48 hours to live. Her children mobilized a massive prayer chain through WhatsApp, social media and praying at the hospital door. Across Brazil people joined in intercession. God answered them. Within a short time her fever vanished and her condition improved. Doctors called it ‘a miracle’ because it had nothing to do with medicine. After forty days Geane left the hospital not only healed from Covid, but also from cancer.
Praise: God for supernatural healing. (James 5:16)
More: www.godreports.com/2021/10/cancer-and-covid-survivor-learned-to-trust-god/ |
Daniel had successes in Gangsta Rap and sold crack and heroin to gangs until 2014. Now he is a missionary pouring out teas and coffees to the marginalised in London. An excited, joyful guest shows Daniel pictures of his new flat. There’s no mistaking his relief at getting a safe stable place to stay after sleeping in tunnels. ‘That’s beautiful bro!’ bursts, Daniel. ‘I’m so happy for you! Bless you!’ Then Daniel points upwards with both hands. ‘And you know what? We give thanks to Jesus!’ This life-changing turnaround for the guest is an insight into how Daniel’s life has changed. Many of those Daniel now ministers to used to be his customers for crack and heroin. To read his story, click the ‘More’ button.
Praise: for God’s anointing on Daniel and all who work with and minister to the marginalised, homeless and hidden communities in our cities. (Matthew 5:16)
More: www.keepthefaith.co.uk/2021/08/16/daniel-douglas-celebrates-his-new-calling/ |
On 22 October the House of Lords will debate and possibly vote on the Assisted Dying Bill. It aims to legalise assisted suicide for terminally ill adults with six months or less to live. The media report that Boris Johnson opposes the legislation after carefully reviewing the arguments for and against a law change. Health secretary Sajid Javid is understood to have made clear he does not intend to vote to relax the law. This news will be welcomed by opponents of assisted suicide who feared a move towards cabinet support for changing the law. In the last year former health secretary Matt Hancock and former justice secretary David Gauke both endorsed assisted suicide. Parliament has debated this issue on several occasions, but there has been no change. Pray for the bill to continue to remain unchanged. See also
Pray: for good quality palliative care to prevent assisted dying from entering the statute books. (Ecclesiastes 7:17)
More: care.org.uk/news/2021/10/prime-minister-to-oppose-assisted-suicide-bill |
During COP26 Glasgow streets will see hundreds of people gather there to make their concerns known to world leaders through protests and petitions. God knows each and every one of them as immensely valuable, and He wants them to know that. During the conference YWAM volunteers will be based in one of the churches close to the main conference venue. Each day teams will be on Glasgow streets bringing the Good News of Jesus to those they meet. Pray for God’s anointing on each person as they engage with those to whom God leads them. Each of them also has a deep concern for the direction the world is going, and knows that God wants to see His creation flourish. Pray for God to build many bridges between His youth with a mission and those who have come for COP26. Pray also for peace on the streets if emotions run high.
Pray: for hearts and minds to be open to hearing and experiencing God. (Romans 10:17)
More: ywamcop26.org/ |
A report compiled by two committees, containing MPs from all parties, revealed that the early response to stop Covid spreading was a complete failure. Attempting herd immunity led to a delay in introducing the first lockdown and cost over 150,000 lives. The report covers a variety of successes and failures in 150 pages. MPs Jeremy Hunt and Greg Clark, chairing the committees, said the nature of the pandemic meant it was ‘impossible to get everything right’. ‘The UK has combined some big achievements with some big mistakes. It is vital to learn from both’, they said. Stephen Barclay said scientific advice had been followed and difficult judgments had been made to protect the NHS. A full public inquiry is expected in 2022, and the Government will not shy away from any lessons to be learned. Pray for the inquiry to have bereaved families at its heart.
Pray: for answers to – why there were even more care home deaths in the second wave? Why did 111 advise families to keep their loved ones at home even in their dying moments? (Exodus 23:1a)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58876089 |
Church weddings have fallen to a historic low, with fewer than one in four choosing a religious ceremony. Reverend Sue Davies-Fletcher said a church is a beautiful and special place in which to make really big marriage promises, celebrate love, and be blessed. Many couples who come to church to marry find themselves becoming part of a church community that can support them through their married life. The county’s 600+ Anglican churches are often Grade I listed in stunning locations. The Archdeacon of Exeter said couples who had married in the midst of Covid might now like to consider a church blessing to celebrate their wedding with family and friends who could not previously attend their special day. Such a blessing might also take place on a special anniversary. Pray that getting married in a church will be much more than just tradition, and that God will speak clearly to the many couples who don’t yet know Him.
Pray: for getting married in a church to replace just living together, and for couples to understand the significance of the sacrificial relationship between God and His church. (Hebrews 13:4a)
More: premierchristian.news/en/news/article/diocese-of-exeter-launches-project-to-encourage-more-church-weddings |
The murder of Sarah Everard by a police officer caused a national outcry over gender-based crimes, and a new question: should misogyny be considered a hate crime? Activists, criminal justice experts, and opposition lawmakers say the definition of a hate crime should be expanded to ensure greater punishment for crimes of harassment, domestic abuse and stalking. But the government has so far ruled that out. Boris Johnson said the legislation currently in place was ‘abundant’ but not properly enforced. Widening the scope would increase the burden on police. Ruth Davison, CEO of the charity Refuge, said, ‘When did we ever take the scale of a problem as a reason not to act on it?’ Government statistics reveal that one in four women have experienced sexual assault, one in three women will face domestic abuse in their lifetime, and a woman is killed by a man every three days, with many cases involving domestic violence.
Pray: for appropriate legislation to be properly enforced. (Romans 3:20)
More: www.femicidecensus.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Femicide-Census-10-year-report.pdf |
The UK wants to change the Brexit process to allow goods to circulate more freely between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as current rules impose too many barriers to the sale of products. The EU have set out proposals that involve reduced checks on goods and medicines. The January post-Brexit arrangement, the Northern Ireland Protocol, was introduced to help prevent border checks between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Both sides agree in differing degrees that the protocol poses many difficulties. EU and UK talks to reach a better arrangement are likely to go on for several weeks.
Pray: for a unique workable deal that sharply reduces checks on agriculture, horticulture, food and drink processing products moving between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (Proverbs 16:11)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-58871221 |
Gareth Stace, the director general of UK Steel, said that now was ‘not the time’ for Mr Johnson to go on holiday in Spain. He told him to ‘bang ministerial heads together’ after a row broke out between different departments as to how to resolve the energy crisis and stop factories having to cease production. The business secretary was accused of making misleading claims about offering energy bailouts to factories struggling with soaring costs. Mr Stace said the Government should ‘shield’ the steel industry from soaring energy costs in the short-term, or risk ‘a bigger bill for the taxpayer’. He said that the industry was not seeking subsidies, but an end to ‘policy costs’ to cover the transition towards renewables which have been ‘piled on – making them uncompetitive’. See also
Pray: for the Treasury to bring forward an energy cost solution to support industries who are currently struggling with costs. (Psalm 33:5a)
More: www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/10/11/boris-johnson-news-energy-gas-prices-crisis-brexit-eu/ |
Lava from the Cumbre Vieja volcano, which has been erupting for four weeks, has destroyed even more homes and buildings. The two new vents that opened last week have partially collapsed, causing lava to flow in multiple directions. The local airport was closed again for two days and 800 more homes were evacuated as rapid flows of molten lava moved towards them, bursting homes into flames. There were 64 more seismic movements recorded, the strongest measuring 4.1. There are no signs of eruptions and earthquakes stopping soon. Over 1,100 buildings and 600 hectares of land had been destroyed by 13 October, and the next day the lava flows expanded again with even more evacuations ordered in three more areas.
Pray: for God to comfort the fearful, provide for the homeless, and help those who have lost their livelihoods in destroyed communities and industrial areas. (Psalm 23:4)
More: www.euronews.com/2021/10/12/la-palma-volcano-fresh-evacuations-as-fire-engulfs-cement-factory |
UEFA are investigating Union Berlin after shocking acts of anti-Semitism took place during a match with Israel’s Maccabi Haifa football team in a Nazi-built stadium. Before the game Maccabi players laid a wreath at Berlin’s Holocaust memorial. During the game a Jewish group of fans were subjected to anti-Semitic abuse and assaulted in the mixed area of the stands where fans from both teams sit together. They were threatened, pelted with beer, insulted, and one fan tried to set fire to an Israeli flag. UEFA said that an ‘Ethics and Disciplinary Inspector’ has been appointed to conduct a disciplinary investigation regarding discriminatory incidents. Police are also investigating the antisemitic abuse, which included other incidents around the stadium. Club president Dirk Zingler said, ‘This latest display of anti-Semitism, in a place so iconic for the Nazis, shows there is still work to be done to stamp it out in German society.’
Pray: for UEFA and police to put a stop to anti-Semitism in every shape and form, and for all the offenders to be caught and charged. (Isaiah 61:8)
More: www.cufi.org.uk/news/israeli-team-suffers-anti-semitism-during-berlin-match-in-nazi-built-stadium/ |
At the time of writing there are 16 days to the start of COP26 in Glasgow when leaders from 197 nations will assemble and decide what to do about climate change. This will be the largest gathering of world leaders ever to take place in the UK. We can pray according to 1 Timothy 2:1-2 that God will inspire all in authority with understanding, wisdom and discernment. May they be as the men of Issachar and understand the times and know what to do. Pray for God to give His church clear directions for prayer in accordance with His will in the days leading up to the conference and during the event, and for His Kingdom before and during the conference so that ‘as the ‘kings of the earth take counsel together’ they will know that ‘they are but men’ (Psalm 9:19-20) and that God’s sovereign purposes will prevail (Proverbs 19:21; Isaiah 66:18).
Pray: for the nations to care for God’s earth. (Genesis 2:15)
More: hopeforthecountryside.uk/seedsofprayer/ |
Abdo Saade is one of the most powerful men in Lebanon. He owns 4,000 electricity generators across Lebanon, which keep the lights on in the absence of a reliable power supply. He turned Lebanon’s tattered electricity grid and inept state utility into a lucrative business, nicknamed ‘Generator Mafia’. Millions of Lebanese pay enormous sums from their meagre salaries each month on two separate bills: one to the state electricity company, the other to their local ‘generator man’. Without Mr Saade’s syndicate the country’s economy would grind to a halt. A fuel shortage has further disrupted daily life, and two main power plants closed for 24 hours on 9 October. This week businesses have shut, hospitals anticipate mass deaths from power cuts to ventilators, water supplies to four million are threatened, and there have been fistfights and shootings at petrol stations.
Pray: for Lebanon’s leaders to provide the finance to successfully explore and establish new grid installations and modern maintenance to the generators. (Psalm 106:3)
More: www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-13/lebanons-generator-mafia-keep-the-lights-on/100495178 |
Last week 560 men, women, and children who were on paid flights and ready to evacuate were blocked at the last minute and had to return home. However, over 200 of these persecuted Christians cannot go home. They have nothing but the clothes on their backs and are in imminent danger. Just when things seemed hopeless, God provided a new temporary housing option. Please pray for God to clear the way for these flights to take off and provide safe places of refuge outside Afghanistan. Pray for encouragement for those who were sent home; may the Holy Spirit move in their hearts and remind them they are seen by our Lord. Pray for protection for those who will remain inside Afghanistan, continued provision for their daily needs, and a clear plan for long-term ministry and support.
Pray: for spiritual eyes to be opened to Jesus as Saviour among the Afghans and relief workers who still have not accepted Christ. (Ephesians 1:18)
More: htp.org/opportunities-to-help-afghanistan |
Fulani herdsmen attacked a worship service at an evangelical church in Kachia county, killing one and wounding many others. Then they destroyed dozens of homes in two villages, wounding more Christians and killing thirty. ‘Our hearts are filled with pain, fears, bitterness and disappointments,’ said a survivor. ‘The trauma, the macabre series of murders, the daily kidnappings, attacks on farmers and destruction of crops, the burning of houses, churches and humans alive, the mass burials. All we’ve got left is God and hope.’ A few days earlier an agitated mob hacked Rev Yohanna Shuaibu to death and burned down his home, church and school over the killing of a woman by a man they believed had converted to Christianity. Pastor Shuaibu had built a school for indigenous Christian children denied an education because of their faith. May God comfort all the bereaved, heal the physically and emotionally injured, and provide for all the homeless.
Pray: for an end to the violence against Christians in northern Nigeria, and for them to trust and hope in God and continue witnessing for Christ. (3 John 2)
More: releaseinternational.org/nigeria-what-weve-got-left-is-god-and-hope/ |
On ‘National Coming Out Day’, America’s LGBT awareness day, DC Comics announced that their latest Superman, Clark Kent’s son Jon, will be bisexual. In previous issues Jon was friendly with Jay Nakamura – a bespectacled, pink-haired reporter. In the next issue their relationship will become romantic. The storyline follows Jon as he takes on the mantle of Superman from his father. He fights wildfires caused by climate change, scuppers a high school shooting, and protests against deporting refugees. DC Comics said the pair become romantically involved after Jon ‘mentally and physically burns out from trying to save everyone that he can’. Even though this issue has not yet been released, DC Comics say that reaction to the storyline has been ‘overwhelmingly positive’. They hope people who see this Superman will say, ‘He is like me, he fights for things that concern me’.
Pray: for children to be protected from inappropriate LGBT agendas or issues in comic books. (Romans 12:1-2)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-58879161 |
The federal government declared relief initiatives of food grains ration cards last March to mitigate the effects of Covid. The cards were insufficient. 50% of rural households had to reduce their number of meals and 68% reduced the number of items in their meals. The Dalit community are at the bottom of the complex cast hierarchy, are marginalised and experiencing the worst effects of pandemic. Over 60% of women are anemic. Livelihoods have collapsed and hunger is now an epidemic. Workers Action Network reported increased workloads for women but decreased pay. Within homes women are the last to eat and have the least to eat. This is particularly severe for pregnant and lactating women. Today’s situation will have long-term effects on public health and nutrition. Dalit and Adivasi women die younger than dominant-caste women, and nutrition and health have always been a struggle for them.
Pray: for the government to safeguard the marginalised lower castes so that they can access adequate nutrition, housing and healthcare. (Zechariah 7:9)
More: www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/13/india-dalit-tribal-women-malnutrition-hunger-crists-pandemic |
Just days after 150 Chinese military jets conducted drills close to Taiwan, escalating tensions between the two sides, President Xi Jinping spoke at an event to commemorate 110 years since the revolution that overthrew China’s last imperial dynasty. He said, ‘Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should stand on the right side of history and join hands to achieve China’s complete unification. The historic mission of achieving the complete unification of our country must be, and can be, realised.’ However, Taiwan’s defence minister said that military tensions with Beijing were at their worst point in more than four decades. China claims that Taiwan is part of its sovereign territory, in the same way as Hong Kong, and threatens to take control by force. Taiwan has its own elected government and constitution, maintaining that it will defend its democracy and independence.
Pray: for Taiwan’s presidential office to maintain peaceful relations with China while underscoring its sovereignty apart from China. (Acts 17:26)
More: www.chinaaid.org/2021/10/wp-taiwan-article.html |
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