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Once upon a time, in a place not so very far away, there was a mighty king who had achieved a great victory with the people of his kingdom.
Therefore, the king wanted to greatly bless the people of the kingdom. He decided to declare a great feast and invited all the notables of the kingdom to a special banquet. He had his best cooks under the direction of his only son to prepare the finest meal with all the favorite foods of the people.
At the banquet table the king noticed less excitement about the wonderful banquet with all their favorite foods than he had expected. As he moved among the people, he was shocked to hear the people talking excitedly about another banquet that was believed to be scheduled for an undetermined future date. The people were barely eating and not really enjoying the great banquet set before them at that time while they excitedly talked about how great the future feast would be whenever it came to pass.
Many of the invited notable guests did not even show up for the great banquet because they were too busy seeking to provide provisions for themselves while waiting for the great future banquet to come to pass.
To fill the banquet hall with more appreciative guests the king sent his faithful servants out to invite non notables from among the ordinary people to fill the seats and partake of the greatest banquet ever in his kingdom.
Today, in the real world, most Christian believers have been missing the awesome provisions of God for His people and for the world today, while excitedly looking forward to another event either someday in this life or at the end of this life in an afterlife in heaven.
Meanwhile they strive in hardships to make it through to the time of the great future provisions of God that they believe are coming someday. They struggle in hope to be ready to receive the great blessing of life from the King when it comes someday. They always have hope that the day could be very soon.
Literally the whole world has waited for God’s people to fully partake of the provisions of life and works of King Jesus and bring them forth to the world. (Romans 8:19-22).
In the recent past, darkness has advanced with glee usurping and taking over all the spheres of life left open by the failure of God’s people to partake of the all-loving, all-powerful and all-wise provisions of Father God in Christ Jesus our Lord and King.
However, now in this time, an awakened people are arising with open hearts and open arms to receive God’s kingdom provisions and then to release the full reality of the awesome provisions of God into the world.
Shock and awe will be upon the faces of the people of the world as the powerful loving works of God are released on earth by the pure hearted people of God.
Even those who have sat in darkness are now, or soon will be, seeing the pure holy light of the endless life of the love, power and wisdom of Almighty God in His glory. (Isaiah 60:1-2) (Matthew 4:16).
The joy of the Lord in stunning victories will awaken sleeping believers and spiritually dead unbelievers to the light and life of the bountiful provisions of God prepared for those who love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10) (Romans 8:37) (Philippians 4:13).
People of the world are falling in love with God and will never be the same again.
The Spirit King of the world will firmly rest upon the Body of Christ, carrying out the full reality of His plan and purpose for this world to be as it is in heaven.
All of the kingdoms of this world will be delivered back to Father God, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Freedom is not the lack of governance or responsibilities.
Freedom is perfect alignment with the will and plan of Father God. Freedom is the state of being completely in love with God and thereby having our entire life in this world surrendered to His will and way.
In perfect alignment with God, the provisions of pure holy LOVE, POWER, and WISDOM of God lives and moves through our human spirit, soul and body in perfect peace and joy to fulfill the perfect will of God.
Righteousness is simply being in perfect alignment with God in Christ by the Holy Spirit. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy by the LOVE of God in the HOLY SPIRIT. (Romans 14:17).
We can actually walk in the fullness of the awesome provisions of God when we truly believe the word of God. Our thoughts, our words and our actions will adjust to what we believe.
Our belief will adjust to what we hear and see in the Spirit and in the natural. We can change what we believe by what words, thoughts, images and visions that we choose to receive. (Philippians 4:8-9) (Colossians 3:1-2).
True discernment is increased by focusing our attention on the Spirit rather than on natural understandings without God.
All lack of real discernment stems from lack of intimate connection with Spirit God. Training by education and experience from any source that is not of God, negatively impacts our discernment, our conscious, and subsequently our lives.
Our decisions and actions in life always follow what we believe. We cannot change our actions which become ingrained in us until we change our thoughts. We must first change what we see and hear, what we allow to be planted in us through our eyes and ears and all of our senses. (Philippians 4:8-9) (Proverbs 23:7).
All of us may need to change our focus of what we see and hear to that which is truly from God by the Holy Spirit. Especially children growing up need to experience God and His truth in what they hear and see to grow up with true discernment to live a godly life.
As earthly human beings it is very natural for us to think of life in our earthly bodies and all the physical things of natural life in this world as the true reality of life, as the most significant and important existence.
Our tendency is to see anything non visible to our natural limited sensory ability to be of some lesser significance or importance than our natural reality.
Plainly said it seems to us that unseen spirit things are less real than that which we sense in the natural.
For this reason, good Christian people have had difficulty grasping the word of God. Even the most educated theologians have missed major realities of Spirit truth through applying natural interpretation to the written word of Spirit truth.
Now in this season there is a coming forth of Spirit-to-Spirit communication between the Spirit of Christ in mankind by the Holy Spirit into our understanding. Truly, we can now have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16).
The cover or lid is being lifted to Spirit truth and reality that was once only seen from a natural or physical interpretation.
One of the now coming realizations is that unseen Spirit is vastly more significant, more powerful and more existent than anything that can be seen by natural eyes. (Hebrews 11:3).
Some may say, “we have known that for some time.” Yet, they do not honestly believe it in practical reality.
We may have a head knowledge of the reality that Spirit God with the Spirit Son of God created all that can be seen. We may understand that in our intellectual reasoning. However, in the past we have not really understood or believed that Spirit Jesus (Son of God) was and is far greater than natural incarnate Jesus was when He was in His earthly body on earth. The Son of God limited himself to come to earth in a human body.
We may wrestle with really believing that Spirit Jesus the Son of God is far more than the Jesus in a human body that limited himself to come to earth as a man to redeem mankind and the world.
Again, the Spirit God and the Spirit Son of God are immeasurably many times more powerful, more wise, more knowing, more glorious, and more loving than any created natural thing in all of creation. The creator is always greater than the created.
The great now coming is in reality the coming of the awakening in mankind that Spirit Christ Jesus is now in far greater power than when He was on earth in His natural body. The great “coming” is the manifestation of Spirit Son and Spirit Father in the Holy Spirit now available to fully manifest in every person who truly believes.
All the works of God are now available and will be fully seen as the people of God awaken and stop looking for God to bodily come back to earth someday, and believe that He is alive and fully available to change this world to “as it is in heaven,” IN HIS BODY NOW ON EARTH.
Spirit Father God, in Spirit Son of God, as Holy Spirit God, now fully abiding in the Body and Bride of Christ sons and daughters on earth is the now coming of God with and within the manifest sons of God knit together as one with God and with one another. (1 Corinthians 12) (John 17:20-23) (John 14:20) (Hebrews 11).
God’s people who truly believe are now receiving the truth and throwing away all the past confusion to truly be the “temple of God” on earth, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ is the coming forth generation on earth. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:19-20).
The feast is ready and banquet is set for those who receive the invitation come into the first fruits realm of the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
The coming now is the beginning of the Great Harvest which is the people of God beginning to be fruitful and multiply taking dominion on earth with the love, power and wisdom of Christ in us, the reality of the glory of God.
This is the great outpouring of the supernatural demonstration of the reality of God that fills the world with shock and awe that no one can deny. The release of the love and power of God through a people without any hindrances of the past life, which no longer exist in the new world order of on earth as in heaven.
Ron McGatlin

“The Unstoppable Kingdom Family” Mandy Woodhouse
My heart wants to explode with joy when I think of Kingdom family. The Father has been speaking to me about the importance of FAMILY and its influence in these next few years. I believe that it will be an unstoppable force upon the earth that brings with it freedom, resurrection power, and a wrecking-ball breaker anointing!

So it was, with very limited promotion, that tonight happened. And what happened was supernatural. Local leaders could not explain it. We drove up to the venue and saw three parking lots were filled. People were walking along the Boulevard from many blocks away. The crowd overflowed to the point that the fire marshal told us we were way beyond the limit. Still, we persevered. The worship electrified. The Glory of God dropped on the people. I can count on one hand the number of times that a sermon set a crowd on fire like it did tonight. The fire marshal was concerned about the wrong kind of fire! This crowd was famished for the Bible and the moving of the Holy Spirit….
read more.

During worship yesterday at church the call for healing went forth and the Lord spoke to me and said, “Words have become familiar to my people so they do not say or hear them as though they have power.” An exhortation about healing was given, communion was taken, the song I Speak Jesus by Here Be Lions was sung, but the words of God were piercing my soul. As we sung I Speak Jesus, the Lord said, “The name of Jesus has power!” I listened, knowing this was not a dialogue but a correction and the Lord said again, “Every word I speak has power and My name has power!” It was a strong correction that He wanted deep in my soul. I thought about it all night and woke up praying about it this morning.

Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022 In Ottawa, Canada
https://youtu.be/iuYkfPOlEAY . Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022 In Ottawa, Canada FREEDOM REVIVAL!!! WATCH THIS VIDEO AND TURN UP SOUND VOLUME Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022 In Ottawa, Canada FREEDOM REVIVAL!!!

“Don’t Be Intimidated by the New” Anita Alexander
Embrace the new. Don’t be intimidated by it. God is unlocking the mysteries of Heaven in this hour so that we, in this generation, are able to rise to a new place of governance in our spheres of influence, and in heavenly mandates and assignments.
Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin | RLPB 632 | Wed 09 Feb 2022 RLPB is published weekly to facilitate strategic intercessory prayer. View archives at Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin (RLPB) blog. The RLPB is sponsored by Christian Faith and Freedom Inc. PAKISTAN:…‘God-Given Rights’: Truck Drivers Plan Big California-to-DC Convoy to Protest COVID Mandates
Feb 8, 2022 (Jason Franson/The Canadian Press via AP) Truck drivers across the world have been inspired by Canada’s “Freedom Convoy,” and now thousands more are taking a stand against vaccine mandates and other COVID demands that they are being forced to comply…
GoFundMe Seizes $10 Million of Trucker Protest Fundraising, Will Give to Charities Instead Feb 5, 2022 GoFundMe Seizes $10 Million of Trucker Protest Fundraising, Will Give to Charities Instead . Demonstrators take part in the Freedom Convoy protests against COVID-19 mandates and restrictions in Ottawa on Jan. 31, 2022. (Jonathan Ren/The Epoch Times) Canada By Omid…Keys for Kids makes inroads amid sabre rattling Feb 4, 2022
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GoFundMe Makes Controversial Move as Fundraising Campaign for Truckers Reaches Nearly US$8 Million Feb 4, 2022
Trucks sit parked on Wellington Street near the Parliament Buildings as truckers and their supporters take part in a convoy to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates for cross-border truck drivers in Ottawa, Canada, on Jan. 29, 2022. (Patrick Doyle/Reuters) Canada By…