It may have been the end of this revival, but it was clearly not the end of God’s revival. The night was colder than the previous three nights, but it did not prevent an incredible crowd from showing up.
The parking lot was full and cars lined the street as far as I could see in either direction. The Tent was as full as all three of the previous nights.

Mario invited a woman up to share her testimony of God’s miraculous healing. She had been suffering with Multiple Sclerosis for many years, but when she had gone to one of the previous Tent meetings, God had miraculously healed her. She brought with her a doctor’s note, where he had written that she had experienced “significant improvement of her condition” and that she no longer needed to take her medication. That is a doctor’s cautious way of saying, “You are healed”

Mario then shared from Acts chapter 8, where a city was overtaken by a sorcerer, but when Philip went down and began to preach the Gospel, the demons screamed, the lame began to walk, and the sick were made whole.
Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed; and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed (Acts 8:5 – 7).
Then in verse 8 it says: “And there was great joy in the city.” Then Mario asked the question, “What will it take?”
The world is in a desperate place. It is clear we are in the last days described in the Bible. Mario said it is easy to understand why as a nation we are still groaning—it is because so many Americans have been deceived, and have begun to believe and live in a certain way. But, “Revival will break that curse!”
Mario said we no longer feel pain because we’ve been numbed and desensitized. The day you don’t feel anything is the most dangerous of days. We do everything to avoid pain. But pain is actually a good thing, because it is a precursor to restoration.
The question Mario posed repeatedly through the night is, “What will it take?” The answer came when Jesus approached Matthew and said, “Follow Me”
He then talked about how other religions promise benefits to life if you learn “how to” live a certain way. But the “how to” that produces the greatest fulfillment in life was described by Apostle Paul:
Finally, then, brethren, we urge and exhort in the Lord Jesus that you should abound more and more, just as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God (1 Thessalonians 4:1).
Mario asked the question, “How will you live in order to please God?”
After this great message Mario made an appeal for salvation. And as happened in every meeting this week hundreds flooded to the front, surrendering their life.

I am overwhelmed by the response we have seen each night. As the Holy Spirit worked in the hearts of the people, they responded in great numbers. As happened in the previous nights, there were multiple hundreds of people who responded.
The remaining time for the night we saw the Holy Spirit touch so many physical needs. It was another night of incredible miracles, as God touched people and healed them of all their diseases.
Necks, spines, legs all healed. Illnesses of the stomach were healed. Tumors were burned out by the fire of God.
At one point Mario pointed to one side of the Tent and said that a man over there was suffering from heart disease. As that man responded, Mario indicated there was another, and then another. Three men across the Tent stood and had their hearts healed and restored.
Throughout this time, Mario kept returning to the idea of pleasing God, making this statement, “If you are grateful for this, God will do much more.”
This was not an appeal for anyone to work up their miracle, or to try to coerce God. Instead, this was a call for hearts to turn from pleasing themselves and instead, seeking to please the One Who saves, heals and restores. He told them, “God wants to make you whole.”
It was an incredible night. One that makes you long for it to continue. I look forward to hearing the stories that will inevitably come, telling of all God did, both in the people we were made aware of, but also those who were healed and saved who we never knew about.

If you weren’t able to come, don’t despair. God is moving all across this nation and around this world. Just call out to Him and He will touch you right where you are.