In This Issue
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The most significant works of God, since the cross and the resurrection of Christ, are now upon us.
In the first century love moved to a new apex in creation as God of all eternity came to earth, born of a young woman, to redeem mankind and the world.
The work of God in Christ Jesus that began in the first century is NOW coming to the fullness of its purpose. All that God in Christ Jesus planted into this world is now coming into the fruition of the full plan of God on earth.
This is the coming of the finishing work of Christ Jesus now in HIS heavenly empowered BODY on earth. Almost everything about life on earth as we have known it is changing. (1 Corinthians 12:27) (Ephesians 4:12).
Religion has little or nothing to do with what Father God is doing in our world today through Christ Jesus. This move is about God and mankind’s life on earth and in heaven. It is about Spirit God’s life of heaven’s reality being replicated into natural creation of this world.
Most of the world has lost its sound mind. The majority of the people now on earth have no capacity to function with what God is doing. Most of the people of the world at this time have had their minds crafted from the “tree of good and evil knowledge.” Their minds have been programed by ungodly deceived people in high places.
The high places are the mountains of influence that shape the minds of the people. The tree of good and evil is knowledge from another spirit source and not from the one true Spirit God.
The “good” from the tree of knowledge is from the false god of humanism and is focused on human works without God. Humanism is man as his own god trusting in the spirit of man and his natural intellectual strengths without God. The “evil” from the tree of knowledge is the reality of the spirits of darkness influencing the spirit man and subversively crafting the minds of mankind to evil against the one true God.
Without the influence of the one true God guiding the minds of mankind there is no discernment in man to know truth and guard against lies of Satan and influence of evil spirits. The human mind trained from youth by ungodly darkness will see the darkness as light and will determine that the true light of God is evil darkness.
The tree of life is the tree of Spirit God influencing the mind of man with the pure love of God that opens the mind to the true light of the wisdom and power of the one true God.
This leads to alignment with the flow of the plan and purposes of God, which is THE KINGDOM OF GOD, the kingdom of heaven, coming forth with its LOVE that produces righteousness, peace and joy on earth by the Holy Spirit of God.
The mind filled with the Spirit of God is filled with love, light, goodness and the power to reproduce the ways of God on earth.
The power and wisdom of love overcomes all evil darkness with the true love light of God.
Praise and worship fill the land with goodness to the fullness of the GLORY of God. Thus, filling the earth with the light and life of righteousness, peace and joy. In the light of His glory, there is no room or place left for evil and darkness on earth.
Massive darkness is covering the earth, filling hearts and minds with the death and darkness of godlessness. (Isaiah 60:2).
Through cunning worldwide deception Satan and evil darkness have captured the mountains of influence in the current world. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).
This is now coming to an abrupt end! The power of the presence of God is come to earth to expose and destroy the darkness of evil.
The high places that are built from the worship of other gods must be taken down. The powerful high mountains of godless education, mass media, entertainment, religion, family, business, and government must be taken down and replaced with God’s perfect plan based upon the love of God.
Knowing God is to fall in love with Him. Being in love with God opens access to the wisdom and powers of heaven to conquer the evil high places and establish the high places of God and His kingdom.
If the ungodly high places are not taken down and replaced by God’s truth and order, no amount of revival and reformation will last.
This is being done by the people of God arising with the character and nature of God, moving in the power and wisdom of God’s love to retake the high places. These are sons and daughters of God empowered by God and with powerful holy angels working with them. (Romans 8:19-22).
The most powerful work and move of God ever on earth is now coming about to stop the massive erosion of life in this world and to establish the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 24:21-22). (Revelation 21).
The great light of God is breaking through the darkness into the hearts and minds of a people becoming worthy through love to become the “Army of God’s Love.”
Nation shall rise against nation and evil nations will destroy one another. The darkest time of all history will reduce all that is not of God to powder of ashes. (Matthew 24:7).
All of the people that will turn unto God with their whole hearts will be saved and become the true sons of God arising in the power and wisdom of love to rebuild the old ruins into His glorious pure holy love. (Isaiah 61:4).
The brightness of the glory of the God of all creation abiding in and with His people enlightens the whole world.
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1-2).
Truly all things are possible to those who believe. The supernatural of God is becoming the natural of our life fully connected to our Head Christ Jesus, Savior, Lord and King of Heaven on Earth. (Matthew 19:26) (Mark 9:23) (Mark 11:22-26).
Enduring the apocalyptic cataclysmic events of the cleansing of the land for the kingdom of God is only possible under His wings in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91).
Peace that surpasses all understanding will keep your mind and body whole and at rest even in the midst of being a part of the process. (Philippians 4:6-7).
Power to execute the task at hand is all of God and never lacking to accomplish worldwide projects beyond our human imagination. (Philippians 4:13) (Colossians 1:11).
Love will never fail. There is no end to the liquid fire of God’s love. (Matthew 13).
The liquid fire of love is to our Spirit being what blood is to our natural bodies. Selah. Life is in the blood.
Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin. Without the pouring out of the liquid fire of love there is no works of righteousness, peace and joy, the kingdom of God on earth. (Hebrews 9:22).
Step into the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of PEACE. (Ephesians 6:15).
Just now quite your heart and still your mind. Look up with your Spirit eyes unto the Lord God of peace and receive the peace of His love softly pouring down filling your heart with perfect peace.
In the name of Jesus, I speak the peace of God filling your heart with the peace of God as the warm oil of His love brings the stillness of perfect peace in the pure godly rest of fully trusting in God for all things now and for all times. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – Jesus.
Ron McGatlin

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“God Is Strategically Positioning You to Be a Deliverer” Madeline James
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