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These first few lines are written looking back from the near future. (Revelation 18).
Babylon has fallen. The great harlot system with all of its magnificent trappings of mankind’s greatest and richest extravagant works of glory, built by the hands of man without God, is destroyed. That which made many very rich and built the most elaborate cities of wealth and magnificence is smoking rubble, and all within it is gone.
The shaking has been beyond human understanding. The multitude of demon spirits in each new layer was more evil than the one before it as death and hell became at home in the great ruling city of Babylon.
Those who ignored the faithful call of God to “flee Babylon lest you suffer with her” have perished in the rubble.
“After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, ‘Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!
For true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her.’
Again they said, ‘Alleluia! Her smoke rises up forever and ever!’ And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sat on the throne, saying, “Amen! Alleluia!” Then a voice came from the throne, saying, ‘Praise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, both small and great!’ And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thundering’s, saying, ‘Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.’ And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.” Revelation 19:1-8.
Babylon the ruling city of the excellence and greatness of man without God is in dire opposition and conflict with New Jerusalem the ruling city of the love and glory of God with man.
Babylon is the great counterfeit, the whore of Satan that sells her purity to satisfy her lust to replace God with her glamor and wealth of lustful countenance of pleasure seeking and dominance of control by deceit and tyranny, without and against God. The city is characterized by unlove and the underlying darkness of death.
New Jerusalem is the faithful and true purified holy city of the Bride of Christ, the Lamb of God, that is now coming down from heaven and being fully established on earth in the called-out people, the “Ekklesia” of God. The city is characterized by the all-consuming pure holy love and light of the glory of God. Love brings power and wisdom in righteousness, peace and joy of God with mankind.
The Spirit City Bride is the rule of God in the hearts of mankind that rule in the world through the dominion authority given to mankind through Adam in the original creation of man.
“Then he said to me, ‘Write: Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ And he said to me, ‘These are the true sayings of God.’” Revelation 19:9.
Today our ears are being opened to hear what we could not hear. Our hearts, our inner Spirit ears, are being quickened, made alive to receive the deep Spirit things of God that are now being made manifest.
How simply it is written “blessed are those called to the marriage supper.” Yet, the resulting blessing is so beyond words to describe. It is the most profound thing of our entire life time.
WE ARE THE BRIDE! AND THIS IS THE TIME! This is beyond the time of our birth of being born again and the Spirit encounter of being filled and saturated in the Holy Spirit. Yes, all that God has done for us and in us before is part of this final reality of experiencing the love of God being poured into and over us without measure or restraint.
Our struggles and growing pains of our past life are over. Even our desperate search at times for intimate union with God are over. All of our desires are drowned in the liquid fire of the love of God filling our entire body, soul and spirit. We are consumed and forever connected in the outpouring of the love fire of God pouring into us at all times. Our love for Him and for everyone around us is limitless in the day of our marriage forever. We cannot and will not live one moment apart from His endless love strengthening and sustaining us in His perfect light. There is no darkness and no need, for the light of His presence fills our world.
To come to this wedding supper and sit down with God in Christ Jesus requires that we first receive this invitation and then sell or leave all else that occupies space or time in our lives that is not of His desire and design for us.
If we listen to our old religious or self-life, the devil will trick us into missing this, the greatest part of our lives on earth.
Our past religious self will try to tell us that we got it all when we were born again or filled with the Spirit and that this marriage thing with our greatest love relationship with God is just what we experienced in the past or that it is only for the future sometime, but not for you and me now.
The natural person without Spirit God within sees none of the things of the Spirit and truly believes it is all foolishness that should be eliminated by secular godless teachings and understandings.
Thinking and believing mentally as natural human beings rather than thinking spiritually, has led to being open to a lot of false beliefs. A lot of false beliefs are now being cleared up for many as we fall into deep real Spirit love with God.
When people with their natural minds, mentally or intellectually discern the written word of God they devise many differing interpretations of what the Bible is actually saying. Those interpretations are then written in books and retaught through the generations leading to a failing confused world of many divisions.
For example, I was taught by a substantial theological system, something like this as a new believer. “We cannot have the real life of victory with Jesus until after we die and go to heaven, or when Jesus bodily comes back to meet us in the air and get us out of this world, while He makes everything right by dissolving this planet and making us a new one. I was also taught that the miracle works that Jesus and the first century disciples experienced were just for that time of Christ being announced into the world and were not for today since we now have the completed Bible.
Especially over the recent centuries and decades God has been patiently working to restore the hearts of mankind to the reality of the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus proclaimed and demonstrated over 2000 years ago.
Layer by layer truth has been and is being restored bringing the real life of the Spirit of God in and with His people on earth. There has been and still is a lot of push back from religious church systems of the past that have not moved with the freshly restored works and ways of Spirit God and His Kingdom.
Also, deadly persecution has been greatly increased and intensified by unbelievers and false religions. While at the same time the love of God moves upon the people of God and the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus proclaimed and demonstrated is coming forth in God’s people across the world.
The revelation and restoration of layers of Spirit reality has brought us to this time. The time of the heavenly downpouring of the liquid fire of the love of God. As groups small and large gather to PRAISE GOD with music singing, dancing, speaking and shouting, the love of God flows down consuming our hearts and lives.
An outpouring of the pure love of God flows from each one out to everyone around. This may last for indefinite periods of time after the praise gathering. The love begins changing everything. Many problematic issues are easily solved and some just disappear.
As the world moves more and more into praising God the world will be changed. Religious groups will join together for praise, divisions will lessen, more healings and miracles will occur and general health issues will improve.
Streams of love, righteousness, peace and joy will flow reducing crime, wars, divorces and every evil of society will improve. Prosperity for many will improve. Eventually, even the natural seasonal storms will begin to decrease.
Love, God’s love, in us and with us can change that which all the efforts of man in religion, education and punishment could not change.
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13.
Ron McGatlin

“A Great Revealing of Truth Will Bring an Exposure of Lies” Alane Haynes
I woke up and sought the Lord immediately, and I began to hear, “Truth bombs are falling, and the false will be blown away. There are special forces – ‘Word Warriors’ – rising. Prophets with an unction from the Holy Spirit, emboldened for the hour at hand, will be proclaiming truth across this land. No longer will confusion and error rule this nation; truth bombs will bring forth a holy oblation.”
Pakistan votes in new Prime Minister
(Ron’s Commentary: America accused of funding Muslim take over of Pakistani government. Pakistani Christians are very afraid now because of past extreme persecution when Muslim government ruled.) . Meanwhile, protests have erupted across the country. Khan claimed his removal was an American-funded conspiracy. They are chanting against the Americans. They are chanting against the Pakistan military establishment.”

WOW! I don’t know as I have ever written anything by beginning with the word ‘WOW’, but it seemed to fit Monday evening, April 4! Things looked bad for the University of Kansas at the halftime of their championship game against the University of North Carolina in the 2022 NCAA Basketball Tournament. In what was nearly definable as a meltdown, favored Kansas trailed 40 to 25 to a solid and inspired UNC team. The score at intermission seemed to be a negative word about the Jayhawks’ chances of winning, as in “questionable”. Kansas, it seemed, had run into a near “perfect storm” of UNC…..

Melody and rhythm in singing words of love can unite a large crowd of individuals into a common circle of love. Spirit Love transfers well by music. Spirit God’s love can be transferred to masses of people by singing God’s love songs together bringing pure love and oneness into the crowds of people. Love seeks closeness and smaller groups within a large crowd will experience love between one another and yet still remain in the love flow of the crowd. Spirit God is love and will fill the inner circle and the larger gatherings as all participate in the songs deep and sincere melody, rhythm and words of Spirit God.
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Pakistan votes in new Prime Minister Apr 12, 2022
(Ron’s Commentary: America accused of funding Muslim take over of Pakistani government. Pakistani Christians are very afraid now because of past extreme persecution when Muslim government ruled.) By Kevin ZellerApril 12, 2022 Pakistan (MNN) — Yesterday, Shehbaz…