A New Breed of Pioneer
A new breed of pioneers is waking up to the fact they can take back graces given to the Church. Pockets of believers are waking up to this scriptural truth: “He who is in me is greater than he that is in the world.” Jesus has chosen us to be the deliverers, the healers, and the ones who can change the directions of nations.
This New Breed is different because they pray beyond directions of the past where the focus was on the issues of individuals. Instead, they are taking down spiritually dark places that have shadowed the communities we love. Now is a new day for a different breed of Christian. This breed, like Josiah, wants to tear down the high places that hold us and our communities hostage.
Today is a day for hearing His voice, moving in Holy Spirit power, and taking the Kingdom by force. The New Breed will not depend on the traditions of men to move forward but on Jesus and the freedom that he lays before us. You were born to be bold and fiercely in love with Jesus.
There will be training for Healing Rooms and a new class on targeted intercession in May. We are called to live out Ephesians 6 equipped for battle and move on the offensive in prayer. We are a New Breed.
Steven and Maryann