If you are a Christian, you have without doubt experienced the enemy’s attempts to derail you and or your ministry for the Lord. Those attempts come in various forms. They can come when you experience a deep disappointment from someone. They can come when your character and integrity are attacked. They can come when you suffer a deep loss or when you head towards ministry burnout. They can come when a family member dishonors you and betrays your love for them. For us they came when we suffered deep wounds as other ministry leaders came against Places in The Father’s Heart or when we were thrown into the pit by family members who thought we had no business being in ministry because of our past lifestyle before Christ. Fact is…they come! Question is…what do you do when they come? It’s taken me years…many years… to mature enough in Father and His love for me so that I can overcome the enemy’s attempts instead of letting them overcome me!
In my devotion this morning the writer talked about Shadrach, Meshack and Abendigo and the fourth man in the fire. Yes, they were in the fire like we have been in the fire, but Jesus was there with them as the fourth man seen in the fire just like He has been with us. The writer also talked about Joseph, the man of God who went from the pit to the palace all the time walking with the Lord by his side. Many years back, a brother in the Lord told Roger that he was a type and shadow of Joseph. That word can be a bit unnerving when we realize what Joseph went through to get the palace! Yet we have experienced some of the same things that Joseph experienced. Each experience has been a part of our maturing journey with Father.
Learning to walk in forgiveness and overcome all temptations to become bitter when these attempts from the enemy come is a key to walking free from the woundedness, hurt and pain of these attempts. We can become bitter or better. It is our choice. This morning Father shared the following with me:
“The Father says today, the joys derived by the adversary over your difficulties is short-lived. Any devious expectations are cut off and their violent dealings will be upon their own head. They put you in a pit to kill, steal and destroy your hopes and dreams, but I was there with you. I was also the fourth man in the fire when they threw you into the furnace of fire. Look and see as I turn everything on its head and give you an uncommon settlement, says God. I will establish you in the land as a principality and a watchman on its walls. You will be a conduit through whom heaven’s resources are channeled to the inhabitants of the land and the nearby regions. Beloved, these adversaries will not go scott free.
I will hold them accountable for all their actions against you. I will hold them in derision because I saw all they did and laughed out loud, says God. They denied you the same mercy that I have shown them, even though they are undeserving by their actions. Pray for them, says God, and relinquish all justice and vengeance to me. Let me be the judge and serve justice in the ways that I deem fit. The real joys will be experienced by you when finally, you’re settled in the land and see the manifestations of all your hopes and dreams, says the Father.”
Someone needs to hear this message that Father will hold those who have hurt you and betrayed you accountable for all their actions against you. You will need to pray for them and relinquish all justice and vengeance to Him, for it is then that you will see the manifestations of all your hopes and dreams…beyond what you can ask, think or even imagine! This Beloved, is Father’s uncommon settlement to you!