Stay Focused

Recently, I had a dream which came as a series of scenes. First (in my dream), I saw myself at what looked like the White House, but it was not the White House. I was passing a woman in the sky, as she was in a helicopter with two secret service men. (I think I must have just been in the air.) I was thinking to myself, She can’t wave to me, as she is extremely focused on where she is going. But I knew she saw me as we passed each other in the sky.

I heard the Lord say in this scene, “Know the lane that you are in. Know the place where I have positioned you. Stay focused on what I am showing you to do, and I have others staying focused on what I am showing them. Guard your hearts in this place against offense. Do not allow offense to enter in, as we are focusing now on a great moment in history, as the Church overcomes this battle.

The scene then changed.

Adventure Into the Unknown

I was inside a ship. Everyone on this ship was out to discover new land. There was a great unspoken (and totally understood) unity between all of us. The ship stopped and we had to get out and start walking to our next destination.

The terrain was actually beautiful as we walked! We were told by a broadcast message that we could only take what we could carry. I thought to myself, I didn’t really need that stuff anyway. I knew what I could carry.

I heard the Lord say in this scene, “I am calling you into deeper places in My Spirit, where you have never been before. I am extending an invitation. Think it not strange, for I have forged you in the fire and prepared you in trials and tribulations. And a depth, width and height of My anointing and glory has been formed inside of you, all the while you journeyed through the times of disappointment, betrayal and loss. (Photo via Pxhere)

You carry an authority that the enemy must bow down to, and you carry greater authority than you know.

“You ran to Me and made more room for Me, and there is a fire burning inside of you. I will take what the enemy meant for evil and I will vindicate you with MY power and pull you into Me – into those deeper places, and you will use that authority to gain great territory and new land.”

Again, the scene changed.

A Beautiful Fleet of Ships and a City in a Cloud

Then I looked to my right, over all the beautiful scenery, and saw the most beautiful fleet of ships with the most beautiful sails. They were coming to discover new land. There was such excitement and wonder in everyone’s hearts as the ships came closer to land.

As we were walking, I saw, far ahead into the distance, a city coming out of a cloud. I saw a quarter of the city and I saw the road to the city. It was the most beautiful place we were headed to.

I hear the Lord say, “Focus on your destination in this time and in this hour. Keep your eyes focused on what you see, in revelation and in My Word and through My Spirit. There is much land still to discover and to take, and you shall surely overcome. You will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. You will battle with the tools I have given you to win, and you shall surely take that land.”

The scene changed once more.

The Song of the Overcomer and the Pioneers of His Heart

We were in a castle (sort of like a ruin), and here we were resting. Many of us were together singing the most beautiful songs. We all knew the words; they were songs of our land and of rejoicing. It was as if they had been passed down from generation tow or generation.

I remember looking out the castle window and noticing a group of people who were getting ready to go on (to keep going on) to discover new lands. There seemed to be a timing on this group that was now going out. It was like people were going out in waves, and it was this group’s turn to head out – to go even farther than any had gone before.

The feeling was euphoric. It was as if they were true pioneers. However, it seemed to be a stealth operation with very great significance and importance. They all knew their place and what they were doing and when to go without speaking. It was ‘heart to heart’ and ‘spirit to spirit.’

“Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, ‘We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will surely overcome it.'” (Numbers 13:30)

The Invitation

Together, we are accepting this invitation and, as in my dream, it is a beautiful journey. It is a journey that comes from being in that intimate, secret place with Him and allowing Him to woo us into new places as we are ready. (Photo via Unsplash)

We have responded to the call of intercession, having been equipped by the Lord and utilizing every tool He has taught us to use. We sing the song of the overcomer and have become totally focused on what God has asked us to do, no longer allowing the spirit of distraction any room.

I heard the Lord say, “Seek Me for what I have written on your scroll before the foundations of the world. Do not be distracted with all the rest – the mirage of lies and greed and self-seeking agendas. I am the Author of your life. You were born for such a time as this. Draw in and draw close and inquire of Me.”

“Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were appointed for me, when as yet there was not one of them [even taking shape].” (Psalm 139:16)

A Prayer for the Journey Ahead

Father, I pray for every person reading this today, as they journey on the road You have for them, that they will know they are discovering new places in You, and that as they overcome every obstacle, they will know the authority they carry and are gaining.

Father, we praise You that, for such a time as this, we are traveling together into deeper places of intercession, where Heaven is invading Earth and the glory of the Lord is covering the earth.

Lord, I thank You that we are in a safe place with You, and in You, we live and move and have our being, in Jesus’ name!

Nellie O’Hara
Christian Services Association with Patricia King Ministries


Nellie O’Hara works as an itinerant minister and is presently in full-time ministry with Christian Services Association with Patricia King Ministries in Canada, and co-labors with Jane Watrich. Nellie lives a prophetic lifestyle and has the heart of an equipper and mentor. She desires to see the Church come into her fullness and to be relevant and authentic to all generations, according to the Word of God. Nellie has a love for this generation, to see it raised up, equipped and walking in the gifts. She teaches how to overcome by understanding the process, walking in unity and sharing personal, powerful testimonies on the path of restoration, and keys to fulfilling your destiny. Nellie has written two books: “The Lord’s Prayer as a Decree” and “Simple, Powerful, Life Changing Decrees.” She has also co-written “Firstfruits” with Jane Watrich and “Awakened” with Jane Watrich, Celia Klaver and Ramona Fernandes.

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