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Love, the pure holy love of God, in and through His people is moving mankind from religions of worshiping the shadow of the reality to becoming one with God.
Truly being in love with God opens the way to the fullness of the life of Christ in us making us one with God. God’s purpose as one with us is to transform life on earth to as it is in heaven in the everlasting kingdom of God. This is the work of God and not the work of man alone that any should boast.
Mankind’s efforts to achieve the word of God on his own produce many religions filled with works and ways that focus on doing rituals or keeping days or feasts to honor the pictures of the past biblical events and ways that were a SHADOW or picture of things to come in the reality of the kingdom of God.
So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. Colossians 2:16-17.
The New Covenant is about the Kingdom of Heaven on earth by King Jesus becoming one with man through pure holy love. Love produces faith and belief that releases the power and wisdom of God to transform His people and His world into the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Faith or belief within man opens the way for the powerful works of Almighty God to radically transform the world.
Faith works through love. Abiding in love with God causes believing or faith to be powerfully effective. In other words, this world is being changed by faith working through love. (Matthew 6:10) (Galatians 5:6).
The old covenant laws and ways of repetitively saying words, saying the right prayers, making sacrifices, paying the tithe, attending temple or church services, keeping the sabbath, keeping the feasts or special days, keeping the many rituals and laws, and looking to a priest or pastor to go to God and get His word to bring to you were good in their day but are only a shadow or picture of the New Covenant kingdom of God reality.
Doing the religious works of carrying on the traditions and rituals of the past was usually done without experiencing the real love and manifest presence of God.
The old covenant ways that have been erroneously carried forward into the new covenant church systems are now passing away in the consuming fire of being in love with God. (Hebrews 12:28-29).
However, this has not been all bad in the season of immaturity or of being spiritual infants or babes on milk. (Hebrews 5:13).
Playing like a grown-up is how a natural child begins to prepare for and understand that there is a real life of maturity ahead.
God loves all of His people of all development ages and abilities. Yet, God and even creation longs to see the grownup mature sons and daughters of God fulfilling the full manifestation of the natural and supernatural spiritual reality of the life and works of Christ into this world. (Romans 8:18-21).
Church systems that continue to worship only the shadow of that which God is bringing forth are passing away. As people of God seek and find the real love and life of God, they will no longer endure the immaturity of experiencing only the shadow.
When we experience the reality of His manifest presence filling our hearts and lives, we grow up and move into the real all-consuming love and power of God in the real life of the supernatural Spirit kingdom of heaven.
God loves you, and all of mankind. Heaven in the afterlife is real and fully ready for all who come to Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord. There is nothing to fear in Christ and Christ in us.
The great transition and transformation are about heaven coming to earth now in this world. The world and those that remain on earth are being transformed into “as it is in heaven.”
Many will be amazed as the supernatural works of God in Christ begin to be seen in the natural world. The same type of great miraculous works as those already done and recorded in the Bible are now manifesting on earth.
Revelation beyond anything that has been thought of by man will be released from the Bible by the Spirit into the hearts and lives of the mature sons and daughters of God. (1 Corinthians 2:6-16)
Mighty works of transformation, transfiguration, and supernatural works of being translated instantly from one place to another and much more will be experienced as the world is cleansed of all that is not of God.
Massive dissolution of that which cannot remain and creative miracles of that which is to remain will change the world. (Matthew 24).
Miracles of deliverance and provision on a personal level and on a much larger scale involving many people will take place. (Matthew 6:24-25)
The glory of God is manifest in all that is happening and especially in the final results of the new earth as it is in heaven. (Revelation 21).
This mortality is putting on immortality. Losing our old lives in the old fallen world is part of gaining the immortal life of Christ in the new world of “as it is in heaven.” (1 Corinthians 15:54).
The planet earth is not being destroyed by the roaring fires of God’s love and glory. Everything that is not of God is being dissolved to cleanse the planet so that King Jesus in the true Sons and Daughters of God can then establish His kingdom of heaven on earth. (Revelation 11:15-18).
Being in love with God brings perfect peace to the people and the world. Things will work together in order as God intended.
For generations the Lord has been preparing a people to bring deliverance to the captives and healing to the brokenhearted people of the world. This has been the mission of the anointed ministers from God in the recent century.
In this generation today there is a strong awakening to the manifest presence of God bringing His all-consuming love filling the hearts and lives of the new generation of kingdom minded sons and daughters of God.
During and beyond the great cleansing dissolution of evil on earth the supernatural love will draw all things to function together in the harmony of peace with His chosen people. All of the beautiful creational order of God will grow back into place. (Isaiah 11:6-9) (Isaiah 65:17-25).
Isaiah 61:1-3:
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn,
3 To console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
All of this began with a young virgin girl receiving the seed of the son from Father God by the Holy Spirit. (Luke 1:34-35).
Jesus was born a natural human being child except He had no earthly father and thereby did not inherit the sin curse of Adam. Jesus had a clean pure spirit, soul and body without sin in the image and likeness of God. Just like Adam was originally made in the image and likeness of God.
Jesus as a human being did not have the attributes or abilities of His previous existence as Son of God in heaven. He left His glorious place as God and the ultimate power of creation in heaven to become a new Adam as a natural human being on earth. Jesus was one with God as Adam was before the fall.
As a human being, he lived a sinless life. He had a perfect human mind as did the first Adam before the fall. As a child he did no mighty supernatural works but demonstrated the natural ability of a sin free child and young man with God.
At His baptism the Holy Spirit came, and the Holy Spirit remained on him or with Him. The Holy Spirit had come upon men in the past for a specific task but never remained permanently on them or with them. (Matthew 3:16-17) (John 1:32).
After His baptism with the Holy Spirit, Jesus began His supernatural ministry as a natural sinless human being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus had left His throne and divine powers in heaven to become a man to restore mankind and the world to the kingdom of God. You and I should be a lot like Jesus when we are fully redeemed, cleansed from all our sinful heritage and baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire.
Jesus working with us can do all the supernatural works that have been done in the Bible and more.
The miraculous works of Jesus were done by the Holy Spirit and FIRE of the pure holy LOVE of God within Him.
Christ Jesus, the anointed One, became the baptizer of the Holy Spirit and FIRE available to all redeemed mankind to do the same works that He did and even greater works. (Matthew 3:11).
Beyond the redemption of human beings by the blood sacrifice of Christ Jesus, there is the resurrection life of the Spirit Christ in our lives by the Holy Spirit literally filling our lives with the FIRE of God’s LOVE.
The life of the resurrected Christ in us by the Holy Spirit now empowers us with the power and wisdom of Almighty God to bring forth the transformation of this world to the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, it is needful that every mature son or daughter of God that remains on earth for the purpose of bringing forth transformation in this world, to be baptized (filled and saturated) in the Holy Spirit and Fire of God’s LOVE, beyond receiving Christ as Savior.
Receiving Christ as Savior will get you to heaven when you die. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire will empower Jesus in you to bring heaven to earth in this life.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.
Ron McGatlin

“The Josephs Are Stepping Into Their ‘Suddenly’” Anita Alexander
The promises that go forth from HIS mouth, HE performs SUDDENLY. The word of the Lord that came to Joseph in a dream as a young man SUDDENLY came to pass many years later. In one day, everything changed. The sufferings Joseph went through were, in fact, on account of the word. The word tried and tested him. Your prophetic words can sometimes send you into a season of testing and trial; in fact, it may even seem like you are going in the opposite direction of the promise.

“This Is a Season of My Transfer” Andrew Towe
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