Questions also surround 16-year-old Nika Shahkarami’s death. Her mother claims she died in the police crackdown on September 20 protests in Tehran. Meanwhile, state officials denied any connection between Shahkarami’s death and the demonstrations.
At least 150 people have been killed so far in clashes between protestors and the police, human rights groups say. See a timeline of the antigovernment movement here.
“Many people are being killed viciously; shot point blank. They are being detained; young people are going missing,” Heart4Iran’s Mike Ansari says.
“It is no secret that the Iranian regime does not tolerate any kind of uprising.”
Reuters reports that despite the most significant civil unrest since 2019, analysts don’t expect Iran’s leaders to lose power soon. Last week, United States President Joe Biden announced new sanctions on Iran in response to the regime’s reported crackdown.
“Iran is quelling protests [and] arresting journalists, athletes, celebrities — any voice they find to be in opposition to Islamic institution,” Ansari says.
“We are asking international advocacy groups to keep Iran accountable for the lives of every single individual that is arrested.”
This includes advocacy for believers, many of whom were arrested for their faith.
Persecution watchdogs voice concern about an uptick in Christian arrests. Police arrested nearly 60 believers in the first six months of 2022. The whole of 2021 saw 72 arrests. Sentencings also rose; 15 last year compared to 25 this year.
Police arrested and detained 64-year-old Homayoun Zhaveh “because he converted from Islam to Christianity. That gentleman has Parkinson’s, and Iranian prison authorities are refusing to give him medication,” Ansari reports.
“This injustice we’re encountering for people converting from Islam to Christianity, or other religions, goes hand-in-hand with the injustice every citizen in Iran is experiencing.”
Use the buttons at the bottom of this page to share this report and help spread the word. Most importantly, pray. “We beseech you, please lift up Iran in your prayers; for God to shine His light across this land that is in pain and agony,” Ansari says.
“We are asking people to adopt Iran as a country they could pray for across your churches, communities, and home groups.”
Header image depicts protests in Melbourne, Australia on September 29, 2022. Iranian protests have gained international support in recent weeks. (Matt Hrkac/Wikimedia Commons)
Muslim background believers face unique challenges

When Muslims in the Middle East become Christians, they have a lot to learn. And most materials written in the West do not understand the Muslim context they are coming out of.
Hormoz Shariat with the ministry Iran Alive Ministries says, “Yes, we need new material, probably returned by Muslim background believer pastors and leaders like myself or others who know the Islamic root. But teaching is not enough. It’s a practice. So what I’m doing is I’m starting with leaders around me. We pray, and we continue to minister. I’ve seen changes.”
Ministry in Iran
Since before the COVID-19 pandemic, people in Iran have started becoming Christians in huge numbers. The number of people contacting Iran Alive has grown exponentially.
However, Shariat says, “Discipleship is lacking greatly. Even the basic discipleship of how you study your Bible is missing right now. How do you pray? How do you walk with the Spirit? And how do you share your faith with others?”
“So pray, get involved with discipleship, and support the churches that disciple.”
Of course, this problem isn’t unique to Islam. Believers coming into the Western church bring cultural beliefs and practices with them that may contradict the teachings of Jesus.
Shariat gives an example that may apply to both Muslim culture and the West. “In Persian culture, you have to be kind to people, you have to be loving on the outside. But on the inside, you could be totally different towards that person. In the church, that can cause very superficial relationships.”
God loves the people of Iran. Ask Him to strengthen the Church there.
Header photo courtesy of Iran Alive Ministries.