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A holy people of God are being prepared for the great fulfillment of the kingdom of God on earth. Sons of righteousness with pure hearts in whom there is no guile are being prepared to minister with the army from heaven with supernatural wisdom and power.
Their clean hearts and lives will offer no hindrance or resistance to the love and power of God flowing from Father in heaven by the Holy Spirit. The maturing sons of God will not be daunted by the apocalyptic, cataclysmic events of a world being cleansed by the fire of God.
Who are these people demonstrating the full faith and power of a clean life?
They are a new breed of grown-up children of God that have emptied themselves and made room for God to rule in their lives.
They are humble people of God who have allowed the fire of God to burn away every tendency of sin and the bondage of doubt and unbelief in their souls.
They are those whose spirits are made alive and are fully redeemed to the fullness of the love and life of Christ Jesus.
They are those who have no regard for the lies of the fallen world and its foolishness.
They are those who have thrown off the past shroud of religious unbelief and ungodly madness of the fallen ways of a people sickened by lust and greed.
They are those who are as if they had no past but live fully in the embrace of the life of Christ in the presence of God.
They are people like you and me breaking through into a glorious life in the Spirit of God on the shores of a new land filled with glory.
We are soon entering the most powerful and glorious time on earth. Before us is the time of fulfillment of that which the saints throughout history have sought. They gave their lives knowing it was for a future time.
There is rejoicing in heaven when one is TRULY born anew as this new breed of redeemed spiritual creature into a new life of unhindered faith and the power of God.
Not all will enter this new creation army of maturing sons living holy clean lives.
Many Christians believe that we are waiting for God to do something further to cause us to walk in supernatural victory. The general belief seems to be that the promises of Jesus to His people are true but not for us now.
For example, the promise that we would do the works that Jesus did and even greater works than the mighty miracles He did is seen as true but they will not come to pass until some future day when God does something more or some other event occurs from heaven.
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” John 14:12.
This common belief, I should say unbelief, is largely based on the natural reality that we do not see men around us doing these works. We need to keep in mind that our natural vision only sees what is closely around us and does not see all that is happening worldwide.
Also, we may fail to see clearly the events that happen around us. Even if supernatural events happen around us, we may attribute them to natural causes.
In part these and other erroneous beliefs are caused by the negative faith implanted in people through religious or secular training over the past centuries. Our experience has trained us that faith and power are limited and simply do not work today as they did in the first century.
People are locked in bondage of doubt and unbelief regarding the word and works of God.
Some people reason that since supernatural works are done by God and not man, we must wait for God to do something to make things happen. It is true that faith and power are gifts from God through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit and not of our human effort or doing. However, there is no lack with the availability of the grace gifts of God. They are fully available now.
God is still all-powerful and His word is still valid and cannot be changed. These provisions have been fully purchased by Christ Jesus at the cross and the delivery system has been fully established in the Holy Spirit since Pentecost.
For a season after Pentecost, the gifts were operative and flowing. Faith and power were supernaturally changing the world. Powerful miracles and works of God impacted masses of people and the kingdom of God was beginning to come forth on earth as it is in heaven. The supernatural power gifts that came way back then are available now.
Why should the people of God today have the faith and power of a beggar? Waiting beside the road of life begging God for a morsel of faith to get by for today. Why should we be begging for a hand-out of enough power to endure our bad situations one more day?
“But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?” Galatians 4:9.
What is going on people? We are the world changers! We can have the faith and power of the first century! We can have the wisdom of God that will lead us into the kingdom of God!
Everything has been done so why should we be lacking in faith and power and continue waiting for God to send something more?
The problem is not with the quality of the gifts prepared in heaven for us. The problem is not with the delivery system.
There is no proper place in the hearts of men to receive the gifts and ways of God prepared for His kingdom people. The receiving dock and the storage rooms are filled with other things that are blocking the way. The data banks in the hearts of men are filled up and the faith and power cannot be downloaded until space is cleared and existing data deleted.
A decision must be made by man to make the deletions in order to clear space for downloading great faith and power that will bring forth the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Experiencing the fullness of Christ in us is not waiting for God to do something further. Rather, God is waiting on a people that will make room to receive the love, faith, and power of the kingdom.
God is waiting for clean hearts upon which to write His all-wise and all-powerful laws of heavenly wisdom and kingdom reality. The hearts of the people of the world including most Christians are filled with other writings. The space for God to write is already filled and there is no place for Him to scribe the all-powerful wisdom and ways of heaven.
“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” Hebrews 8:10.
“Clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.” 2 Corinthians 3:3.
A far greater standard of holy kingdom living is being lifted. A pure holy people of righteousness are to be prepared to walk in the supernatural kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
For the most part, mankind is not currently operating with God’s standard but has developed other standards. According to man’s standards, many things are seen as good and worthy of retaining that are NOT from God and are not heavenly wisdom and truth.
All that is not of God that is stored in the hearts of man and serves as standards for man is unclean to God. Even man’s best righteousness is as filthy rags in the sight of God. (Isaiah 64:6).
All natural men and many who are called Christians are filled with knowledge but lacking in truth and wisdom.
The false standards written in our hearts blind us to the powerful supernatural ways of God and prevent the reality of God from being written upon our hearts. The ways of God are much higher and far more powerful than most Christians have even imagined.
Can you feel God pulling on your heart to turn to Him with your whole heart and leave the past to be made a witness of the things which Jesus will reveal to you?
Can you hear the call to be used in opening the eyes of the religionist and the secularist to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God?
God is calling a people in this day as He called Paul who was one of the most religious men of His day. He was involved in the death and imprisonment of the followers of Christ. Yet, he surrendered his heart to be completely cleansed from the past and gave His all to change the course of history. He made room for God to write His ways upon his heart.
“But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.” Acts 26:16-18.
Keep on pursuing love.
It never fails.
Ron McGatlin

Kingdom Synergy – Lisa Great Enebei
Religion loves to compartmentalize because it is a way to control what is going on. The age of religion is over, the fruit of religion is rotten and the days of compartmentalizing God are done. The kingdom of God age is here, call it an era, an epoch, an age, but it is here in our midst and we can no longer live a compartmentalized life. The kingdom is synergistic. There is no state line in the kingdom, no city limits, nor are there any territories. Someone in Kansas can receive a dream, share it with someone in Tennessee and it activates a prophetic adventure that is going to change the financial trajectory of a nation. This is what synergy looks like. It is not about the one who had the dream or the one that goes to the destination location that gets the glory, but the Lord who has activated them both to operate synergistically for the liberation of a nation.
![[PROPHETIC WARNING] HUGE PIVOT COMING! | Shawn Bolz](https://openheaven-com.scdn1.secure.raxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Shaw-video.webp)
Shawn Bolz gives a prophetic warning! We know a recession is coming, but God is going to use it to cause His people to transition. He has new opportunities for many, new relationships and new places to live for some. We will see a huge transfer of people moving from one city to another, from one church to another. My warning is you have to obey God’s inner promptings in this season because it will affect the way that you are blessed in the next. God is requiring a surrender of what many of you thought your life would look like, would be like, but it is a divine set up. If you don’t listen, if He speaks to you and you don’t pivot you can find yourself outside of the blessing of God, outside the sphere of favor he has for you, outside the river of His presence on your gifts, talents, relationships, your very heart. Although his presence never leaves us it does pool in places of abundance that we are called to.

Fire and Glory Tour Ended With A Roar – Mario Murillo
Fire and Glory Tour Ended With A Roar by Larry Rutledge | Dec 6, 2022 | Fire and Glory Tour, Mario Murillo Ministries The second and final night of Fire & Glory in Fort Meyers was an amazing time in the presence of God. Great worship, a great word from Mario…

In the “intensity,” the Lord is increasing the rate of VELOCITY in His people. There is a “speeding up” of change happening. An acceleration of the “changing of position” for the people of God. The key through the intensity is to NOT give up, to continue to stand (Ephesians 6:13). Make an active choice, an active resolve to NOT GIVE UP. If all you can do is stand, STAND. Things are rapidly changing.

It’s a New Season in The Kingdom and a New Anointing 23/24 – Dr Theresa Phillips
In 2023-24 We will see change. Yes, the Kingdom will be advanced as roles inside begin to change. Places of worship will begin to fill as people HUNGER for something greater than the world has to offer, says the Lord. I have had hidden ones who will emerge with directives of important as the church begins to rise. The leaders will have supernatural grace to wear the crown of leadership.
Fire and Glory Tour Ended With A Roar – Mario Murillo Dec 12, 2022
Fire and Glory Tour Ended With A Roar by Larry Rutledge | Dec 6, 2022 | Fire and Glory Tour, Mario Murillo Ministries The second and final night of Fire & Glory in Fort Meyers was an amazing time in the presence of God. Great worship, a great word from Mario…
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